Essentials Of Boger’s Principles & Practice Of Homoeopathy Book Review By Prof. Dr. R. Samaran - homeopathy360

Essentials Of Boger’s Principles & Practice Of Homoeopathy Book Review By Prof. Dr. R. Samaran

At present Homoeopathic Students and Practioners are exposed to various new concepts and doctrines in Homoeopathy and many literatures by old Masters are buried deep beneath the sands of time. Dr. Boger is one such master Homeopath, who had taken homoeopathy to next level, by offering a deep insight into all aspects of the science of Homoeopathy through his writings and discussions on Homoeopathic philosophy, Materia Medica, Repertory constructions and other original writings. Unfortunately, Bogers’s work is scattered throughout many books and journals in such a way that accessing the information is a difficult and tedious work.

Prof.Dr.Shashi Kant Tiwari had meticulously collected the scattered pearls of Boger writings and woven them into an excellent compilation titled “Essentials of Boger’s Principles & Practice of Homoeopathy” It offers a full and accurate description of Boger’s teachings on Homoeopathy.

This book contains 66 chapters which, covers all the most important contribution of Boger to Homoeopathic literature on -Principles & Philosophy, Monographs, Materia Medica, Repertory constructions, Discussions, Clinical cases, Therapeutics and other original writings published in The Recorder, The IHA Transactions and other homoeopathic publications. Each chapters covers the Homoeopathic essence in a brief and easily comprehensible language.

To mention few experts from the book-Boger states that, the homoeopathist should know his tools thoroughly , this means access to and ability to use sound Homoeopathic books , he has particularly mentioned Hahnemann’s Organon & Chronic Diseases, Boeninghausen’s Characteristics and Repertory, Jahr’s Forty Years ,Wheeler’s The case of Homoeopathy, Burnett’s Fifty Reasons, Nash Leaders, Farrington’s Lectures, Kent’s Lectures, Hahnemann’s and Allen’s Materia Medica and his Synoptic key , He said Homoeopathist guided by these books will inevitably lead him to getting better results.

He gives importance to the single dose -wait and watch method. Boger has cited that Hahnemann obtained his antipsoric symptoms only from doses of the primary sort almost exclusively, as primary symptoms stand in the front rank for curative purposes far out classing the secondary ones. He also states that symptoms collected can be systematized and categorized  for study under-Subjective, Objective, General, Special, Modalities, Periodicity, Pyrexia.  He also spoke on the disadvantages of Keynote prescription. Boger points out clearly that Hahnemann limits the characteristics to the individualizing symptoms of natural disease and not to those which the patient possesses as a constitutional Idiosyncrasy.

Boger describes Energy in a threefold form in Human body- Physical energy in the tissues, Dynamic energy in the brain and nervous system and the Spiritual in the mind. Boger gives preference to ascending scale of potency, he also describes if the patient has stopped progress and is doing nothing, the “do nothing’’ stage itself can be considered as symptom and remedies like Opium, Phosphoric acid, Thuja or Sulphur can be considered.

Boger also writes that in unilateral cases and Patients without characteristic symptoms, simillimum can be derived with family anamnesis- Comparison of patient’s current disease tendencies with disease tendencies of his blood relationships.

Boger states that after prescription the state of illness remains same or change. The later has three possibilities, the condition is ameliorated, aggravated or disease alters its symptom complex and accordingly what has to be done. He also states real cure occurs when symptoms recede from above downwards, within outward and in reverse order of their coming.

The Boger’s articles are mesmerizing and once we start reading, it motivates the reader, to dive further deep into this treasure trove of knowledge. It is an amalgamation of all related subjects of Homoeopathy and Medicine in general. There are many clinical cases, Therapeutics, many chapters in the end have an honest discussion of the concepts by different stalwarts of Homoeopathy.

This book is a must for all the serious students, teachers, practioners and enthusiasts of Homoeopathy.

 A special thanks to Prof. Dr.Shashi Kant Tiwari and  B.Jain Publishers(P) Ltd, for compiling and publishing the Boger’s Masterpiece.

I am grateful and feel honored to pen down my review of this wonderful book.

Thank you

Reviewer’s Biodata

Dr.R.Samaran  PhD(Hom).,

Professor & Head Department of Organon of Medicine & Homoeopathic Philosophy,

RVS Homoeopathy Medical College & Hospital, Coimbatore, Tamil Nādu.

Doctoral Committee Member for PhD scholars of Vinayaka Mission’s University, Salem.

President: Homoeopathy Awareness Association, Coimbatore

Published more than 100 articles in Regional, National , International peer reviewed journals.

Presented numerous papers in International and National conference.

Title: Essentials of Boger’s Principles & Practice of Homeopathy


ISBN:  9788131928219

Imprint: B. Jain Regular

Pages: 326

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