Eucalyptus Globulus: From Traditional Remedies to Modern Homeopathic Applications – An acute case Analysis

Eucalyptus Globulus: From Traditional Remedies to Modern Homeopathic Applications – An acute case Analysis


In the ancient time Eucalyptus globulus was used for various purposes. It is a tall and an evergreen tree that can grow up to the height of 70m and its diameter is about 4 to7ft. which was first found on the island of Tasmania in 1792 which associate to the Myrtaceous family which is commonly called as Tasmanian Blue Gum, southern blue gum or blue gum are the different names of eucalyptus globulus grow in  the  various  parts  of  India.  The particular   species of Eucalyptus globulus have been   used   for   various   purposes.   It   had   been   found   that   eucalyptus   is   a   rich   source   of phytochemical constituent and also possesses medicinal use. 

Phytochemical analysis of this plant has revealed that Mother tincture extracted from the leaf contain 1,8-cineole, α-pinene, p-cymene, cryptone and spathulenol. Due to these chemical compounds, Eucalyptus glabrous is found to be a potential anti-microbial, anti-fungal, anti-viral, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, anti-nociceptive and anti-oxidant agent of nature. Some recent scientific investigations have also revealed that essential oil of Eucalyptus globusus also have anti-diabatic potentials that enhances its market value due to excessive usage in number of pharmaceutical products of traditional and advanced system of medicines.[1,2,3] The aim of this review paper is compiling all the information about Eucalyptus Globulus such as Decongestant, Anti-pyretic, Anti-inflammatory, Analgesic, Anti-nociceptive, Antimicrobial, Anti-fungal, Anti-viral and Anti-oxidant agent of the nature with Acute Case Records & So that which can be used effectively in Treatment of Patients of Acute Viral Conditions like URTI, Influenza, Covid-19, Common Cold etc.

Keywords: Eucalyptus globulus, Anti-inflammatory, Antipyretics, Decongestant, Review Article

Fig:1. Eucalyptus Globulus Plant Flowering White in Summer


Respiratory infections are classified according to their symptoms and diagnosis. Upper respiratory infections include the common cold, pharyngitis, and laryngotracheitis. These infections are usually benign, transient, and self-limiting, but in some cases, they can cause serious illness. The causative agents of these infections are viruses, bacteria, mycoplasmas, and fungi. Respiratory infections are more common in the fall and winter when school starts. 

Generally, symptoms include sore throat, runny nose, general malaise, and low-grade fever at onset, followed by nasal congestion and cough, and peak at around day 3 or 4 after the onset of symptoms. Recovery is typically complete after about 7 to 10 days. Viral pathogens like rhinoviruses, and also influenza viruses, are the major causes of URTI.

Since no universally accepted specific therapy for Its exists, treatment is mainly symptomatic. Antiviral drugs are only recommended in confirmed influenza cases in children under 2 years of age, immunocompromised and chronically ill children, and in cases with severe symptoms. In all other cases Antipyretics, Anti-inflammatory drugs, Antibiotics, Expectorants, Decongestants, and cough suppressants either alone or in combination can be used. In Subcontinent Regions, medicines are used to treat the common cold and URTI in about 14% of children (7% prescribed and 7% over-the-counter), and about 12% of the prescribed medicines are antibiotics. In general, antibiotics are widely prescribed. 

Since URTI are mainly caused by viruses, an antibiotic treatment is often inappropriate, and only indicated if there is a bacterial infection or to prevent superinfections. Overuse further spreads the problem of antibiotics resistance, which is of significant concern from a public health point of view.[6]

 Since there is no approved specific therapy for URTI and because conventional medicines sometimes lead to side-effects and inappropriate use of antibiotics, there is an interest in the identification and evaluation of alternative therapies.

Homeopathy is increasingly popular. For instance in Subcontinental regions, 60% of the population has been using homeopathy. The great majority of these users report positive experiences, and the common cold and flu is the most frequently mentioned indication. Homeopathy is the most commonly used complementary medicinal treatment in Both Children & Adults. 

Eucalyptus Globulus is one of the homoeopathic medicines used for acute viral upper respiratory tract infections. It has Anti-inflammatory, Antiviral, Anti-oxidant, Antipyretic, Expectorant & Decongestant activities and is used to treat the common cold, nasal congestion, bronchitis, irritation secretion. It also has diuretic, anti-sugar, and anti-tumor properties.

This plant is a rich source of polyphenols and terpenoids, and its main leaf composition is eucalyptol or Seoul, the leaf extract of this plant has anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antioxidant, anti-hyperglycemic, anti-malarial, anti-fungal, and anti-viral properties. Eucalyptus has been used in traditional medicine to treat bronchitis, asthma, and other respiratory diseases. Drugs such as herbal incense, which are used to treat nasal congestion in the common cold and have anti-inflammatory effects, contain active ingredients like cineole and menthol, which are found in the essential oils of Eucalyptus and mint.

Cineol has positive effects on the shock frequency of respiratory cilia of the mucous membrane and is a bronchodilator. Researchers hypothesize that menthol has the exact mechanism as the ilium on the smooth muscle in bronchial smooth muscle and prevents calcium transport. On the other hand, in addition to its effect on smooth muscles, menthol affects the sensory nerves and thus has a two-way function.[2,5]

Although Homoeopathy is proven useful for URTI, Viral Fever, Common Cold & other Different Types Of Respiratory Ailment. 

This Review Article will be Demonstrating Clinico-Therapeutic Uses of Eucalyptus Globulus Mother Tincture in URTI, Viral fever, Common Cold With Few Acute Case Records.

Acute Case Records: –

CASE 1 – A 25 yrs Male Patient on Date 24/8/24 comes on Consultation with Complaints of Fever 102℉, Fever with Rigor, Chills, Malaise. Severe body ache, Sneezing with frontal Headache, Running Nose since 2 days. Started Suddenly Doesn’t know the Cause or How its Started. 

Modalities are AGG- from External Cold, exertion    AME – From lying Down, Warm Drinks.

GENERALITIES – App is reduced once in a day 1 chapatti. Thirst is Reduced 1-1.5 Lit/in last 24 hours. No Characteristics Mental General.

Only this Much Symptoms were Tell by the patient during Consultations as it is Acute Case Needs Quick Relief for Gaining the confidence of patient.

CASE 2 – A 27 yrs Female Patient on Date 15/9/24 via On Call Consulted Me having complaints of Fever with Malaise, Very Severe Body ache, Coryza With Watery Nasal Discharge Which is constant & continues even after checking with Handkerchief, Dull type of Headache since 4 days. Started abruptly without knowing exact causations. 

Modalities are AGG – From Cold water, Exertions,     AME – From Warm Water, After Sleep.

GENERALITIES – App is reduced. Thirst is Reduced 1-2 Lit/in last 24 hours. No any Characteristics Mental General.

CASE 3 – A 25 years old Male on Date 26/9/24 In Resident PG Quarters Informed me About his Conditions that he having Complaints of the, Severe Frontal Headache, Fever With Myalgia 101℉,with Shaking Chills & Rigor on Observations he was completely covered with blanket still shivering, Watery Coryza Coughing With expectorations of Thick Whitish Nature which is Continues even after checking. He said that after Drinking Cold drinks & sudden alterations of Temperature working in A.C then after he is suffering From this Complaints. 

Modalities are AGG – From Cold water, Exertions,    AME – From Massage, Warm Water, After Sleep.

GENERALITIES – App is reduced. Thirst is Reduced 1-2 Lit/in last 24 hours. No any Characteristics Mental General.

CASE 4 – A 35 Years old Female who was admitted in N.I.H IPD Diagnosis of Secondary Infertility with Adenomyosis bilateral Ovarian Cyst. Suffers from Acute Episode of High-grade Fever which is Rise everyday at evening hours only. Headache dull congestive type, Stiffness arthralgia along with Pain in Lower Abdominal Region after eating. Diarrhea watery types,

 Modalities are AGG – From Cold winds, Eating,    AME – From drinking warm water. Lying down

GENERALITIES – App is reduced. Thirst is Reduced 1-2 Lit/in last 24 hours. Sleep is disturbed not sound.

No any Characteristics Mental General. Here in this case Arsenic Alb, Rhus Tox in 30c Potency given but with no any relief since 4 days.

In All Above Cases Eucalyptus Globulus Mother Tincture were Prescribed to Patient 15 drops in Half Cup of Luke Warm Water Thrice A Day, instructed to stop medicine when improvement ensures/or Start.

Astonishingly within 24 hours after giving only 3-4 doses of Eucalyptus Globulus the Fever, Arthralgia, Headache, Watery nasal discharge Reduced up to 80%, with simultaneously improvement in Appetite, Thirst, Sleep of Patient.

This will Show the How Efficient Eucalyptus Globulus Q was in Combating Acute Viral Fever, Common Cold & URTI symptoms.

Criteria for Selections of Eucalyptus Globulus Q in this Cases :-

1) Cases where no specific causation,modalties or strong characteristic symptoms were found where we can’t throw our Polycrest Medicines when we have such good Lesser known medicine which will take care of Acute viral fever states.

2) Eucalyptus is a powerful antiseptic and destructive to low forms of life, a stimulating expectorant and an efficient diaphoretic. [8,9]

3) A remedy with marked effects on catarrhal processes, malaria, and intestinal disturbance. Influenza. Fevers of a relapsing character.[8]

4) Stuffed-up sensation; thin, watery coryza; nose does not stop running; tightness across bridge. Chronic catarrhal, purulent and fetid discharge. Ethmoid and frontal sinus involved.[8,9,10]

5) Elevation of temperature, Continued and typhoid fevers Discharges show a tendency to foulness, high temperature, accelerated but not strong pulse, Use the tincture.[8]

6) Produces remarkable bodily exhaustion, no desire for any motion, unable to do any real mental work, study. [8,9,10]


In the first case eucalyptus is selected on the basis of Point 1) discussed above, after taking 4 doses the patient is 80% Better in complaint.

In the second case Eucalyptus selected on Characteristics Continues Nasal Discharge, dull constant headache,3 dose of Eucalyptus Mother Tincture works & cured this problem.

In third Case selections is based on thickish white discharge, nasal discharges continue type & acute catarrhal state,4 dose is required in 24 hours patient is alright which boosted confidence on Homoeopathy works Rapidly in Acute cases Also as he about to Take Paracetamol but Eucalyptus Make useless to take Paracetamol.

In fourth Case Selections is On high grade fever with evening rise of temperature, along with pain in lower abdominal region, here patient is on constitutional medicines not to disturb actions of it Eucalyptus Mother Tincture Based on above indications were given, before the Eucalyptus Ars Alb, Rhus Tox were given without any relief.

This Above Few Cases Demonstrate How Effectively Eucalyptus Globulus Mother tincture Were Clinically Useful for Curing & Managing the Acute Viral Fever, common cold like conditions.

Although Homoeopathic Medicines Selections Is Solely Based on Totality Of symptoms of patient & individualizing characteristic feature of that Particular cases.[11]

Here Also This Principle is Followed which is already discussed in above part & on the basis of that Remarkable Symptoms in above mentioned Cases, Eucalyptus were given which give Rapid Gentle cure to patient.


Here above case study highlights the marked effectiveness of eucalyptus globusus mother tincture in treating acute viral fever, common cold,influenza due to presence of 1,8-cineole, α-pinene, p-cymene, cryptone and spathulenol which having decongestant, anti-pyretic, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, anti-nociceptive, antimicrobial, anti-fungal, anti-viral and anti-oxidant properties.[1,4,5]

As we know urti if not well managed timely may lead to pneumonia, bronchitis, & many other complications.

conventional medicines has very limited scope, also the antibiotics, NSAID, antipyretics were used in current days too inappropriately may lead to antibiotic resistance & further progression of diseases.[6]

 Nowadays 4th generation antibiotics are developed due to this, but homoeopathy medicines which are thoroughly proved in healthy human beings of both sex & various age groups way 200yrs ago still show the same efficacy without having any resistance which shows clinical effectiveness of homoeopathic medicines in patients with no side effects. [11,12]

One of the most important mechanisms for developing symptoms of upper respiratory tract infection is the pervasive inflammation in the host body. As we know, the Eucalyptus Mother Tincture has anti-inflammatory properties that have been proven in various laboratory studies. So, it can be effective in reducing symptoms in the affected person. At the same time, the synergistic effects with antibacterial properties can make the performance of the Eucalyptus Mother Tincture more prominent than before.
Based on these studies, we found that Eucalyptus incense in all diseases involving the upper respiratory tract can significantly improve patients’ symptoms. Therefore, it is recommended that this Mother Tincture be prescribed at the discretion of a specialist Homoeopathic physician according to the patient’s condition.


 The authors certify that they have obtained informed written consent for the publication of this report from the patient and anonymity of the patient was assured to the best extent possible.

Conflict of interest

Not available

Financial support 

Not available


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About the author

Dr.Chetan Singh Sengar

Dr. Chetan Singh Sengar - PGT At National Institute Of Homoeopathy