Principal, The Calcutta Homoeopathic Medical College and Hospital
Government of West Bengal
Dr Abha (ED): What Is Unique about Your College?
Dr Kajal Bhattacharyya (KB): The Calcutta Homoeopathic Medical College and Hospital is the oldest, surviving Homoeopathic Institution of the World. Founded in 1881 this college has a significant contribution in shaping the Status of Homoeopathy in India…It has been a witness and an evidence of What Homoeopathy was and is not only in Bengal but also in India.
ED: What does a typical day look like for you working as a principal?
KB: Being the Administrator as well as the Acting-Principal of The Calcutta Homoeopathic Medical College and Hospital a typical day is very hectic. Punctuality is the first word in my dictionary of discipline. Hence, I make it appoint to check myself that all my staffs Whether Teaching, Non-teaching, Contractual workers, house staffs, internees report to their duty in time. Any Negligence is handled very sternly. A visit to the O.P.D & IPD to check its smooth functioning follows next. Then I sit with the files and work according to the priority of each and ensure there are no untoward delays on my part. I take a special interest in maintaining cleanliness of the college campus and matters related to anti-ragging. Apart from being the Administrator and the acting Principal of the college I am also the H.O.D of the Department of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology and hence have to give some of my time for my Departmental duties as well. Above all I think I have been instrumental in imbibing the spirit of commitment and dedication in the mind of my staffs which is the first pre-requisite for progress.
ED: How is India’s current Medical Education Scenario?
KB: In my opinion the status of Medial Education in India is not so bright. The large number of Medial Colleges is producing a large number of new Homoeopaths every year but I am not sure about their quality and clinical orientation required to become a good Homoeopath. A serious student of Homoeopathy if nurtured in a well equipped Homoeopathic Hospital can only develop into a Good Homoeopath. A Good Homoeopath who remains focused has the potential to develop into a successful Homoeopathic Physician who is of immense value for the society and also for the progress of the Homoeopathic fraternity in the long run. I appreciate the recent moves taken by The Central Council of Homoeopathy and Department of AYUSH for this Quality control of Homoeopathic Medical Education.
ED: The environment for Homoeopathic Medical Research in India is very conducive. Do you agree?
KB: Yes, I agree to this because with a large number of patients sufferings from various ailments are now seeking Homoeopathic treatment for their complaints. In this situation, some Clinical Research can be envisaged for finding out what medicine, which potency, which scale of potentisation is the most effective for a particular Disease in Question. Questions of whether we are able to handle Epidemic of Fevers or other infective Disorders can also be explored.
ED: What are your views on Public trust in doctors and other challenges?
KB: People who seek medical help are patients and they come to us in the first place because they trust us, they trust Homoeopathy. It is upto us and our commitments whether we can keep their trust unabated. Not all diseases can be treated by us alone we may require intervention from others; the prognosis of the Disease and its outcome can be explained to the patient and if required patient party in order to avoid untoward incidents.
The Calcutta Homoeopathy runs a 24 hrs Emergency service with wounds from mere cut injuries to serious accidents, fractures and burns come to our OPD. It is a matter of pride for us that Wound Injuries requiring Stitches can be successfully treated through Homoeopathic Treatment alone. However, challenges do come at late hours of night sometimes drunkards and some undesirable elements visit the Emergency and sometimes create Chaos and Confusion. But this challenge, for example was effectively controlled by frequent Police Patrols in and around the College Campus at night.
ED: Why is Research orientation low in Homoeopathic Colleges of India?
KB: Well, the Research orientation in Homoeopathic Colleges is not low. You may say that the communication between the Teaching institute and the Research institutes are not upto the mark. How many times the Research Institutes have approached us with the question of what problems we the Homoeopaths are facing in our day to day practice, what are the grey areas of clinical Knowledge which we need to explore. Yes, even I agree that I have not approached the research institutes for organizing some Research Orientation Program for my Faculty members. Most of my Young faculty members are enthusiastic about research in Homoeopathy. We have a Drug Proving Unit of CCRH in our campus and a large number of students and junior doctors are a part of this unit. I, also welcome the ‘Studentship Program’ introduced by Central Council for Research in Homoeopathy for their endeavor for instilling research orientation in the students of Homoeopathy. I will look forward for the success of this programme.
ED: What is your take on funding Scenario for Homoeopathy Sector?
KB: Being a Government Homoeopathic Medical College funding scenario in the recent past is very encouraging. With Central Fund from National AYUSH Mission in addition to the State Fund the funding scenario is quite bright.
ED: Most of the students join Homoeopathy as a secondary option. How you make them aware of the challenges and opportunities?
KB: Well, the awareness of the AYUSH Courses has also increased significantly. Almost 20,000 students appeared in the JENPARH exam conducted by West Bengal Joint Entrance Board for admission to AYUSH Courses the number is much higher than the other Years. The top rankers of this entrance come to join my college. In my opinion, if the present generation of Homoeopaths Works hard with full dedication and Sincerity then Homoeopathy will have a face-lift among public. More and more Government Jobs and opening of AIIMS for AYUSH will follow and will be encouraging for the students. Eventually it will no longer be a second option.
ED: How do you uplift the morale of your students with regard to career?
KB: Well my Faculty members tell me that my interaction with the students on the very first day is very effective.
Actually, I tell them in a humorous manner that ‘You have selected the most profitable Profession, earning the same salary and facilities as your M.B.B.S counterparts. The only one investment you need to make is Study Homoeopathy Seriously. If you give Homoeopathy some effective time it will give you the returns in Compound interest!!
ED: Is pursuing courses in Hospital administration and emergency Medical Service a road to employment?
KB: No Study Homoeopathy and only Homoeopathy seriously do your B.H.M.S pursue M.D (Hom) and hone your Clincal Skills. You need not find a Bye-pass to be successful. Yes, if some student want to become a Health administrator and has skills for the same then such courses are fruitful.
ED: What steps you have taken to ensure decent OPD inflow.
KB: The Calcutta Homoeopathy is surviving the test of time. It is surrounded by three Allopathic Teaching Hospitals in and around its radius but yet patients almost 350-400 patients per day come to us because they trust Homoeopathy, They trust our doctors and believe that this Institute is an abode of authentic Homoeopathy. Yes, time to time our visiting physician arranges awareness camps or Medical Camps for raising public awareness.
ED: Enumerate the infrastructure needed for your college for research activities?
KB: During my tenure an A.C Auditorium and B.K Bose memorial Lecture Theatre has been inaugurated in the College campus. Research Orientation Workshops can be conducted in theses halls. The Pathology Laboratory is under renovation presently, and we also envisage upgrading it further for carrying out clinical research. However, although X-Ray and E.C.G facilities are present U.S.G and C.T.Scan facilities is under process and active consideration. These facilities, when added to our infrastructure will facilitate research.
ED: In what areas your college wants to go forward with regard to research?
KB: Research work done for solving the questions and problems of a practicing Homoeopath or academicians in solving their cases. Inter-disciplinary co-ordination among Allopaths, Homoeopaths, Ayurveda, Yoga and other health professionals will be able to extent the horizon of knowledge.
ED: What are your goals and aspiration towards making your college a better hub of education?
KB: During my tenure I feel happy that we have been able to introduce e-library facilities in our Library, which is the first of its kind in any Medical Institute of West-Bengal. In this way our faculty members and students can reach out to a greater source of Knowledge spread across the World. At the same time we can preserve the priceless writings from the archives of The Calcutta Homoeopathic Medical College which is a true Treasure house of Homoeopathy.
ED: What extra effort you put in to stand out among list of around 195 Homoeopathic College in India?
KB: By respecting and instilling faith in Homoeopathy. Our Soil has been nurtured by the toil of genius like Dr B. K. Bose (Direct Disciple of Dr J. T. Kent), Dr P. C. Paul (Direct Disciple of Dr Margaret Tyler), Dr S. R. Chatterjee and it has produced genius like Padmashri Dr K. G. Saxena, Dr Bhlonath Chakroborty, Dr R. P. Patel, Dr S. K. Dubey, Dr Mahendra Singh, Dr D. P Rastogi, Dr Subrata Bannerjea (Internationally acclaimed homoeopathic academician and practitioner) and this list is endless. I feel if we love and respect Homoeopathy we need not put any other extra effort to stand out….
DR.KAJAL BHATTACHARYYA B.H.M.S. (Hons) (Calcutta University) passed in 1984 ‘SOMLOK’, EF-6, East Kolkata Township, Kolkata- 700107 9433121505 27th August , 1958 1. Administrator of The Calcutta Homoeopathic Medical College and Hospital since 19.11.2014. 2. Acting Principal of The Calcutta Homoeopathic Medical College and Hospital from 01.05.2013 to 27.05.2013 and from 28.05.2014 till date. 3. Head of the Department ( H.O.D.) of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology since 14.08.2004 and Chairperson of College Council of The Calcutta Homoeopathic Medical College and Hospital. 4. Member of Board of Studies of The West Bengal University of Health Sciences 5. Chairman of Drug Proving Committee under Central Council of Research in Homoeopathy (Govt. of India) at Drug Proving Unit of The Calcutta Homoeopathic Medical College and Hospital. 6. Additional Officer, Directorate of Homoeopathy, Dept. of Health & Family Welfare (AYUSH branch), Govt. of West Bengal, Swasthya Bhawan, Salt Lake. 7. Executive Chairperson, Rogi Kalyan Samiti, C.H.M.C.&H 8. Member, Academic Council, The West Bengal University of Health Sciences 9. Executive Member, Council of Acupuncture Therapy, West Bengal 1. 32 years of Clinical Experience 2. 24 years of Administrative Experience in Government Service 3. Visiting Physician in Government Homoeopathic Hospitals for more than twenty six years. 4. Joined as Homoeopathic Medical Officer (H.M.O.) under Govt. of West Bengal on 09.02.1988 through Public Service Commission (Rank-17) and also acted as In-charge of the PHC upto 03.01.2000. 5. Served as Residential Medical officer (R.M.O) at Mahesh Bhattacharyya Homoeopathic and Hospital and imparted Clinical Teaching from 04.01.2000 to 13.08.2004. 6. Acted as Lecturer cum H.O.D. of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology from 14.08.2004 to 13.08.2014 through Departmental Examination (1st Rank), promoted to Associate Professor since 14.08.2014. 7. Served as Examiner, Paper Setter, Moderator of different Universities viz. Calcutta University, The West Bengal University of Health Sciences, Kumaon University, Berhampur University, etc. |