Exploring the Role of Homeopathy in Addressing Infertility Amidst Rising Demand for Assisted Reproductive Technologies

Exploring the Role of Homeopathy in Addressing Infertility Amidst Rising Demand for Assisted Reproductive Technologies

The article in ‘VOGUE India’ shed light on Rising Infertility Rates which Drives the Increase in Assisted Reproductive Technologies. 1 in 6 couples face challenges conceiving. ART usage rises 5-10% yearly to meet demand, highlighting the growing need for reproductive assistance.

Isha Ambani Piramal:

 “I’m very quick to say that my twins were conceived 

via IVF because that’s how we’ll normalize it”

She and Her family needs little introduction.

VOGUE India (culture & Living)


28 June 2024


As per the World Health Organisation (WHO), infertility is a disease of the male or female reproductive system defined by the failure to achieve a pregnancy after 12 months or more of regular unprotected sexual intercourse.

Although the first in vitro fertilization (IVF) baby, Louise Brown, was born over 40 years ago, women continue to be the primary focus of infertility research and treatment. Surprisingly, despite half of infertility cases involving male factors, men have been largely overlooked in terms of research, diagnosis, and treatment.

This highlights the need for a more comprehensive approach to infertility treatment that addresses both male and female factors.

Further study of articles–

  • How IVF can help combat high male infertility in India

Male infertility rates are rising due to environmental and lifestyle factors. 

IVF offers a solution, but accessibility and affordability remain challenges in India.

India Today

Published By: Daphne Clarance

Published On: Jun 24, 2024 

Journal Article

  • Recent decline in sperm motility among donor candidates

 at a sperm bank in Denmark Emilie Lassen, Allan Pacey, 

Anne-Bine Skytte, Robert Montgomerie

Human Reproduction, deae115, https://doi.org/10.1093/humrep/deae115

Published: 04 June 2024

On the contrary……

A Research Study 

  • No evidence sperm counts are dropping, researchers find.

The widely held view that sperm counts in men are dropping around the world may be wrong, according to a new study by University of Manchester, Queen’s University in Kingston, Canada and Cryos International, Denmark.

“It is commonly believed that sperm counts in men are falling. This is to some degree the result of a meta-analysis published by Levine et al. (2023) which proposed that sperm concentrations worldwide had declined as much as 2.64% per year in unselected men since the year 2000. We did not see such a change and that suggests that in this population of sperm donor applicants, in these four Danish cities, sperm concentrations have not changed between 2017 and 2022”.

Professor Allan Pacey”.


5 June 2024

The global fertility crisis is a pressing issue that is affecting both men and women worldwide. Research studies have shown a significant decline in male fertility over the past few decades, with sperm counts and quality decreasing significantly. The factors such as environmental toxins, stress, poor diet, and sedentary and unhealthy lifestyle choices and genetic factors, playing a major role in this decline.

On the other hand, the female infertility crisis is also on the rise, with factors such as age, hormonal imbalances, and issues such as polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), endometriosis, and age-related decline in egg quality and genetic factors playing a significant role. Research has shown that these factors, along with others such as obesity and smoking, can contribute to female infertility.

In light of these alarming trends, the role of homeopathy in addressing fertility issues has come to the forefront. Research has shown that homeopathic remedies can help improve both male and female fertility by addressing underlying health issues, balancing hormones, improve sperm quality and supporting overall reproductive health. Homeopathy has emerged as a potential alternative treatment option for both male and female infertility. Additionally, homeopathy can also help alleviate stress and improve mental well-being, which are crucial factors in fertility.

Homeopathy, a holistic form of medicine, has shown promising results in improving fertility by addressing underlying health issues and restoring balance to the body.

Case 1

By — Dr. Preetu Upadhyay

Ms. X, a 33-year-old married office worker, presents with a chief complaint of infertility. She has no significant past medical history related to infertility, major illnesses, or surgeries. Her menstrual cycles are regular, though slightly painful and heavier than normal. There is no significant family history of infertility or gynecological issues. Ms. X leads a sedentary lifestyle with limited physical activity and predominantly non-vegetarian diet with irregular eating habits. She reports disturbed sleep due to stress and anxiety over infertility.

Female history reveals menarche at 13 years, regular menstrual cycles lasting 5-6 days with a 28-30 day interval, dysmenorrhea predominantly in the first two days, and scanty menstrual flow. There is no history of sexually transmitted diseases. Further evaluation and management are warranted to address the patient’s concerns and optimize fertility



2. MIND – INDIFFERENCE -loved ones,to





7. MOUTH-TASTE-salty





Based on the comprehensive case analysis, the patient’s secondary infertility is likely multifactorial and attributed to a combination of bulky uterus, cervicitis, and pelvic inflammatory disease. Psychological factors such as stress and anxiety related to infertility may also be exacerbating the condition. Further evaluation and treatment are recommended to address these issues effectively.


Patient: Female, 33 years old

Diagnosis: Cervicitis, bulky uterus, menstrual pain, anxiety

Treatment: Sepia 1M, single dose and placebo tds for month .


– Exercises and dietary regulation

– Sepia 1M after a month 

Follow-Up and Progress:

– 2 weeks: Mild improvement in menstrual pain and anxiety

– 1 month: Significant reduction in menstrual flow and pain

– 6 weeks: Improvement in cervicitis symptoms, reduction in uterus size

– 2 months: Resolution of cervicitis, normal uterus size, regular menstrual cycle


Sepia 1M has effectively treated cervicitis, bulky uterus, and menstrual issues with no adverse effects. Patient’s reproductive health was restored.


– For a deeper understanding of individualized homeopathic treatment, she referred to the books by Dr. James Tyler Kent and Dr. William Boericke.

Case 2

Both husband and wife were treated , 

Case by Dr Akansha Pagare

Date 05/03/2020

Name Mrs. Priyanka Meshram

Age 32

Sex Female

Address Sawariya Niwas, Rajgargh

Occupation Pharmacist (Distt. Hospital, Rajgarh)

Chief Complaints:


Infertility (Patient Reported)

Trying since 3 years

The female unable to conceive

History of Presenting Complaints:

No physical abnormalities detected

Cycle was proper (28-30 days cycle)

5 days Menstruation with slight dysmenorrhea (which was tolerable, she reported)

White Discharge was just prior to menstruation with no discomfort as per patient

Medical History:

Constipation (since 2-3 years)

Mental Complaints:

Irritable (as she said her husband doesn’t cooperate her)

She is Ambitious

Stress from Work

Analysis of case (Female pt):


                                    : Ambitious

                                    : Stress from work



                        :  Sensitivity to stimuli

                        : Tendency to over work

Rubrics (Dr. Kent):

MIND: Irritability

MIND: Ambitious

MIND: Stress; work from

STOMACH: Dyspepsia

RECTUM: Constipation

GENERALITIES: Stimuli; Sensitivity to (Noise, Light, Odors)

GENERALITIES: Overwork; Tendency to

SLEEP: Disturbed; Stress; Due to

List of Medicine (As Per Repertorization)


NUX VOMICA             8/5


PULSATILLA             8/3


     1. NUX VOMICA 200 ] ½ dram

           4-4 pills x B.D. x 3 Days

           ( It’s effective in treating stress-induced complaints, digestive issues, & overall support in 

             improving general health)

     2. NIHILINUM 30 ] 2 dram

            4-4 pills x B.D. x 1 Month


To track Ovulation Cycle. *

Do pelvic Floor Yogasanas.

Copulate during Ovulation period, at least 3 times a day, within 3 days around ovulation. *

Drink plenty of water

Avoid Stress

Meditation is Mandatory

Avoid Spicy food and take high fiber diet 

Miasmatic Relation:

Nux Vomica has a dual miasm covering this case that is “Psora as well as Sycosis”

Psora is covering Hypersensitivity, irritability, often triggered by stress & overwork,

            leading to diagnose disturbances & general health issues.

Sycosis covering the tendency towards excess, like overindulgence & habitual patterns,

            which can disrupt bodily functions.

Husband’s case

Date 05/03/2020

Name Mr. Samuchit Meshram

Age 34

Sex Male

Address -Choks Colony, Nagpur

Occupation Private Job (Nagpur)

Chief Complaints:


Infertility (Patient Reported)

Trying since 3 years

The female unable to conceive

Semen analysis Report: Low Sperm Count, Motility & Poor Sperm Quality

Medical History:

Constipation (since 9 years)

Hard Stool, must put pressure

2 times a day (urge)

Mental Complaints: patient seemed to be introvert 

Emotional Suppression may be (as he said, he wasn’t happy about his long distance job, but it bothers him  he couldn’t say to his wife)

Analysis of case (male pt):


                                    : Emotional Suppression

                                    : Grief

PHYSICAL GENERALS: Low Sperm Count & Motility

                                      : Poor quality sperm 

                                      : Constipation

PARTICULARS: Craving for salt

                        :  Sensitivity to sun


MIND: Reserved (Emotionally)

MIND: Emotional Suppression

MIND: Ailments; disappointment, from

RECTUM: Constipation

GENERALITIES: Sun; Sensitivity to 

GENERALITIES: Salt; Craving for

MALE GENITALIA: Sperm count; Low

MALE GENITALIA: Sperm; Quality, poor

List of Medicine (as per repertorization):

MEDICINE                       DEGREE


LYCOPODIUM             8/4

SEPIA.                         8/3

It is chosen for the female due to its profound effect on REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM & its common indications in treating emotional suppression which might affect sperm quality.


     1. NATRUM MURIATICUM 200 ] ½ dram

           4-4 pills x B.D. x 7 Days

     2. RUBRUM MET 30 ] 2 dram

            4-4 pills x B.D. x 1 Month


Jelqings is advised.

Copulate during Ovulation period, at least 3 times a day, within 3 days around ovulation. * Drink plenty of water

Meditation is Mandatory

Avoid excess salt and oily, spicy food. Asked to take fiber rich diet

Miasmatic Relation:

Nat Mur has predominantly Psoric Miasm.

Associated with conditions arising from suppressed emotions and a hypersensitivity to external influences.The constitutional weakness & chronic tendencies acquired or developed due to emotional repression.

Follow up (1 month):

Date: 10/04/2020

Both the patients reported improvement in constipation

Male reported feeling improvement in mood

Female reported slight reduced irritability & digestion is quiet better now


Continue with a balanced diet

Stress management by Meditation

Regular Exercise


      Repeat the same for 5 days for both

      Sac Lac x B.D. x 1 month

Give Follow Up After 1 Month & Advised Semen Analysis

2nd Month Follow up:

Date: 21/05/2020

Prescription:  Sac Lac x B.D. x 1 month

3rd Follow Up:

Date: 18/06/2020

Female patient reported : Positive Pregnancy

In conclusion, the fertility crisis is a complex issue that requires a holistic approach. By addressing the underlying causes of male and female infertility and exploring alternative treatment options such as homeopathy, we can work towards improving fertility rates and helping individuals achieve their dream of starting a family. Homeopathy, a holistic approach to healing, aims to address the root cause of infertility by balancing the body’s natural processes. Research has shown promising results in using homeopathic remedies to improve fertility in both men and women, making it a viable option for those struggling to conceive.

The use of assisted reproductive technologies such as in vitro fertilization (IVF) has become increasingly common in addressing infertility issues, with mixed success rates, but accessibility and affordability remain challenges in India.

Overall, the fertility crisis is a complex issue that requires further research and understanding. By exploring different treatment options.

About the Authors 

1.Dr. Babita Shrivastava, Prof. & H.O.D , Dept. Of Organon of Medicine, Govt. Homeopathic medical college & hospital. Bhopal 

2. Dr Akanksha Pagare, PG scholar, Batch 2021-22

3. Dr Preetu Upadhyay , PG scholar, Batch 2022-23

About the author

Dr. Babita Shrivastava

Dr. Babita Shrivastava - Professor & HOD, Department of Organon of Medicine and Homoeopathic Philosophy, Government Homoeopathic Medical College and Hospital, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India