Dr.Suvarna patil , HOD & Prof. Dept Homoeopathic case taking And Repertory , Guru Mishri Homoeopathic medical college ad PG institute , Shelgaon , Tq. Badnapur , Jalna 431202
Dr.Supriya korde , (MD Hom part I) PG scholer , Dept.Homoepathic case taking and Repertory,Guru Mishri Homoeopathic Medical college & PG institute, Shlegaon ,Tq.badnapur , Jalna 431202
In the treatment with homoeopathic medicine requires skilful observation of the physician and the characteristics feature of case of disease, to get cure of a case in shortest period of time. While treating to acute as well as chronic cases, physician should focus on characteristic features of the case. Modalities are the one of the characteristic symptoms which helps to find prescribing totality in the case of disease. The time modalities giving an idea for specifying remedy. In this regards the homoeopathic text named ‘repertory of homoeopathic materia medica’ offers better and easy way to find the rubric of time modalities within shortest period of time that helps to examine specific cases appropriately. When rubric is covered by a single remedy, the remedy is very useful for selection of similimum. Here I Have tried to collect all the rubrics of mind related to time modality having single remedy from Kent’s repertory.
Keywords: Homeopathy, Repertory, time modality, mind, single Remedy, single rubric
A modality is the way or mode in which something exists or is done. You might often see it used with reference to diagnostic modality, which is the way in which a disease or illness is diagnosed by a physician. Modality shares its root with the word mode, meaning “the way in which something happens or is experienced.” A sensory modality is a way of sensing, like vision or hearing. Modality in someone’s voice gives a sense of the person’s mood. In logic, modality has to do with whether a proposition is necessary, possible, or impossible and similarly the time modality shows the patient’s better and worse conditions in a whole day from sunrise to sunset and vice versa. In general, a modality is a particular way in which something exists. In Homoeopathy medicine acts dynamically and administered in the required potency and doses to cure the case of diseases, within shortest period of time. While the treating the cases homoeopathically, modalities plays important role in finalizing similimum out of group of remedies arising after repertorisation. Depending on the symptoms of generalities as like patient’s aggravations and amelioration, desires and aversion, likes and dislikes etc. the medicine are specify in repertory by Dr. Kent. Modality offers great advantages to find out similimum, as they form the core of totality which Influence the choice of remedy. Present article summaries time modality in the mind chapter of repertory with single remedy rubrics that helps in the selecting similimum in case of disease. The alphabetical sequencing of these time modalities is depicted are as.
- Absent minded
11am- 4 pm: kalium iodatum
Noon: Moschus - Absorbed
Daytime: Elaps corallinus
Afternoon: Manganum - Abstraction
Morning: Guajacum officinale - Abusive
Forenoon: Ranunculus bulbosus
Evening: Ammonium carb - Anger
Forenoon: Carbo vegetabilis
11 am: Sulphur - Anxiety
5am to 5pm: psorinum
11am: Argentum nitricum
Till 3pm: Asterias rubens
3pm- 6pm: conium maculatam
To 5 pm: Thuja occidentalis
6pm: Carbo vegetabilis
5pm- 6pm: Ammonium carbonicum
Until 11pm: Nat - Anguish
5am- 5pm: psorinum
4am: Alumina - Anxiety, evening, bed in(agg) 6 pm: Digitalis
8 pm: Muriatic acid
11 pm: Ruta graveolens
1am- 3am: Hepar sulphuricum
2am: Natrum muriaticum
Untill 2 am: Carbo animalis
4am: Alumina - Anxiety, rising after
Morning: Psorinum
Evening: Berberis vulgaris - Anxiety, walking while, biting, night: Belladona
- Blindness, pretended, brooding, evening: Veratrum album
- Capriciousness
Morning: Staphysaggria
Evening: Ignesia - Censorious, afternoon: Dulcamara
- Cheerful, daytime,8am: hura brasiliensis
- Company, aversion to,
Morning: Alumina
Forenoon: Alumina - Conscientious, about trifle- 4pm-8pm: Lycopodium
- Contradict, disposing to, afternoon: Canthrides
- Death, desire
Forenoon: Apis mellifica
Afternoon: Ruta graveolens - Death, thought of
Morning: Conium maculatum
Afternoon: Tarrentula hispanica - Delirium- 1am to 2 am: Lachnanthes tinctoria
- Delirium, rambling at night: plumbum metallicum
- Delusion, bed, feels as if on walking, 4am:Hypericum
- Delusion
On morning on waking frightened by image of: Hepar sulpuricum
On midnight on waking frightened by image of: Cannabis indica - Delusion delirious, at night, expected to become: Bryonia alba
- Delusion, fire, every noise is a cry of fire, she thinks, and she trembles, evening : Belladona
- Delusion, Images, phantoms afternoon: Lycopdium clavatum.
- Delusion, evening, hears the music heard in the day: Lycopdium clavatum
- Delusion, music, unearthly morning, after sleep: Belladona
- Delusion, Spectres, ghosts, spirits, sees, day and night- Arsenicum album
- Delusion morning on waking, continues to enlarge until it disappears :
Dulcamara - Delusion evening, feels as if spectre would appear: Bromium
- Delusion, stabbed, that he had, a person who passed him on the street, thieves at night: Arsenic album
- Delusion, travelling, of, through worlds, night: Chamomilla
- Discouraged, afternoon: conium maculatum
- Discouraged dream, as if in night: Natrum carbolicum
- Dullness after 10 pm: Anacardium orientale
- Dullness dwells on past disagreeable occurrences, midnight, after: Rhus tox
- Dullness ECSTASY, night: curare
- Dullness ENNUI
Forenoon: Alumina
Afternoon: Plumbum metallicum - Excitement, emotional, ailments from, feverish
Evening, in: Mercurious corrosivus.
Night, at: Sulphur - Excitement EXHILARATION afternoon: Argentum nitricum.
- Excitement EXHILARATION night: Medorrhinum
- Fancies, absorbed in , morning: conium maculatum
- Fear, night, waking, after,3 am: Kalium carbollicum
- Fear, dawn, of the return of night, in bed: Carbolic acidum
- Fear, dawn, of the return of night in the morning: Alumina
- Fear of evil, morning on waking: mangnesium sulphuricum
- Fear of evil, afternoon: chininum sulphuricum
- Fear, exertion, of
Afternoon: Nux vomica
Evening: Lyssinum - Fear, labour, after, misfortune of
Daytime: Phellandrium aquanticum
Forenoon: Ammonium carbonicum
at 2p.m: Hura brasiliensis - Fear of ,Poisoned, of being ,night: Arsenicum metallicum
- Foolish behaviour
Morning, on waking: Aurum metallicum
Night: Cicuta virosa - Frightened easily wakens at 3 a.m. : Arsenicum album
- Grief, daytime- staphyssagria
- Hurry, night- lachesis
- Hysteria morning agg., sighing amel. : Tarentula hispanica
- Impatience
At 11 a.m.: Sulphur.
Dinner, during: Sulphur - Impetuous
Daytime: Nitricum acidum
Morning: Staphyssagria
Afternoon: Causticum
Evening: Ferrum phosphoricum - Indifference, apathy afternoon : Conium maculatum
- Indignation, morning- Arsenicum album
- Indolence, aversion to work, noon: Aloes socotrina.
- Indolence, afternoon 2 pm- chelidonium
- Industrious, evening- lachesis
- Insolent afternoon: Canthrides
- Introspection
Forenoon: Phossphurus
Afternoon: Hellborous nigra - Irresolution
Morning: Palladium
Afternoon: Hyosiamus - Irritability, daytime
At4 pm:boricum acidum
At 5to 6 p.m.: Conium maculatum - Lamenting, bemoaning, wailing etc
Evening: Veratum album
Night: Veratrum album - Laughing forenoon: Nux-moschata.
- Mirth, hilarity, liveliness, etc., daytime: Antimonium tartaricum.
- Mirth, morning, waking, on until 2 a.m. : China
- Moaning, groaning
Daytime: Zincum
Afternoon: Cina
Evening: Arsenicum album
3 a.m.: Kalicum carbollicum - Morose evening: Zincum metallicum
- Muttering night, on waking: silicea
- PRAYING nights: Stramonium
- Prostration of mind, evening: Chamomilla.
- Quarrelsome
At12to2p.m:Asterius rubense
4 p.m.: Lyssin.
Night: Veratrum album - 78. Remorse
Evening: Pulsatilla
Night: Pulsatilla. - Reproaches, ailments, after, 4 p.m.: Bor.
- Reserved evening: Ammonium carbollicum
- Restlessness, nervousness
6 p.m. till 6 a.m.: Kreosotum - Restlessness 5 a.m.: Tarentula hispanica.
- Restlessness, coition,
After Morning, on waking: Sepia.
Evening, in bed: Eupiatorium perfollatum.
Night, on waking, with headache: Paris quadrifolia. - Sadness, morning 9 a.m. till noon: Alumina
- Sadness Midnight: Platinum
- Sensitive, oversensitive
Daytime: Carbo vegetabillis
Evening: Calcaria carbollicum - Serious evening: Senega.
- Stupefaction
11 a.m. to 6 p.m.: Arsenicum album.
Night: Calcaria carbollicum - Suspicious,
Daytime: Mercurious sollubilis.
3p.m to 8 p.m.: Cenchris contorix - Talk, desire to, someone in forenoon: Causticum.
- Indisposed to, desire to be silent,1 p.m. : Gratiola officinallis.
- Vanishing, of morning: Phosphoricum acidum..
- Wandering, at night: Belladona
- Unconsciousness noon: Zincum metallicum.
- Unconsciousness, rubbing soles of feet amelioration afternoon, in warm room: Pulsatlla.
- Violent, vehement, etc.
Forenoon: Carbo vegetabillis.
Evening: Millefolium - Wearisome morning: Ammonium-carbollicum.
- 98. Weary of Life
Morning in bed: Lycopodium.
Forenoon: Apis mellifica. - Weeping, tearful mood, etc.
Inclined to, at 11 a.m: Sulphur.
4 p.m.: Pulsatilla.
4 to 8 p.m.: Lycopodium - Wildness evening: Crocus sativus
- Work, aversion to mental, afternoon: Hyosiamus.
The time modalities shows the patents better and worse condition, likes and dislikes, mood changes etc ,variabilities in their physical state when the patient is ill, whether it is acute illness or a chronic illness, so in that case to find a exact similimum in shortest period of time in the large number of similar medicine material medica, by observing particulars of patients illness with realted to their time modalitis we can analyse the totality for the similimum in the kent’s repertory.
1. James Tyler Kent, Repertory of the Homeopathic Materia Medica, 2013, First Edition, Narayana Publishers, India.
2. Robert Seror, Lecturer on Homeopathic Materia Medica by James Tyler Kent, 2000, Sylvain Cazalet, Germany.
3. Ahmed Sayeed, Modalities of Homoeopathic Medicine, 2000, First Edition, B Jain Publishers Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, India.
4. S.K Tiwari, Essential of Repertorisation, 2012, Fifth Edition, Narayana Verlag, Germany.
5. A. N. Chatterjee, Pointers Modalities and Comparison of Homoeopathic Medicine, 2006, First Edition, B. Jain Pub. Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi, India. 6. D. Castro, Logic of Repertories, 2017, First Edition, B Jain Publishers, New Delhi, India.