1.Briefly discuss Endometriosis and its homeopathic therapeutics.
2.Short note on Trichomonas Vaginismus
3.CA of cervix
4.Short note on Dermoid cyst
5.Adenomyosis, cause, clinical features and investigations
6.Define Infertility, its causes, investigation and management .
7.Briefly discuss Genital prolapse/ Uterine Prolapse
8.Aetiology and complication of 3rd degree genital prolapse
9.Types and symptoms of Fibroid Uterus
10.Short note on Krukenberg’s Tumour
11. IUCD and its complications
12.Mention failure rates of – IUCD, condoms, OCP, Diaphragm
13.Leucorrhea and its types
14.Klinefelter’s Syndrome
15.Pruritus vulva- causes, complication and prevention
16. Explain in detail about Primary Amenorrhea and five indicated remedy.
1.Define antepartum haemorrhage. Mention the causes of it. Describe in detail about
abruptio placenta.
2. Discuss stages of labour.
3. Hydatidiform mole.
4. Causes of anaemia complicating pregnancy and its prevention.
5. Changes in woman during 2nd trimester of pregnancy
6. Short note on –
a)Chadwick sign
b)Palmer sign
c)Goodell sign
7. Functions of Amniotic fluid and its volume in different trimesters during during pregnancy
hyperemesis gravidarum
8.Antenatal care – significance and advice in detail
9.Pre eclampsia – aetiology, clinical features, Prevention and complication.
10.Anaemia in pregnancy and prevention
12.Abortion and its types
13.Post Partum Haemorrhage