Haemorrhoids and Its Homoeopathic Approach - Dr. Gaurav Nagar - homeopathy360

Haemorrhoids and Its Homoeopathic Approach – Dr. Gaurav Nagar

Abstract: Haemorrhoids (Greek: haima blood, rhoos= flowing) syn. Piles (Latin: pila= a ball) arises from congestion of the internal and/or external venous plexuses around the anal canal. 5

Haemorrhoids is recognized as one of the most common anorectal condition in general population1.There are two types external haemorrhoids and internal haemorrhoids. This article provide information about haemorrhoids along with homoeopathy  rare medicines

Introduction:  Haemorrhoids (Greek: haima blood, rhoos= flowing) syn. Piles (Latin: pila= a ball) arises from congestion of the internal and/or external venous plexuses around the anal canal. Haemorrhoids is recognized as one of the most common anorectal condition in general population.The prevalence of haemorrhoids increased because of change in life style, bad eating habits in routine life. Along with it there is lack of physical exercise with mental tensions and the result is many types of abdominal diseases such as indigestion, acidity, constipation etc.

Types of haemorrhoids:

  • External Haemorrhoids
  • Internal Haemorrhoids.

Degree of  Haemorrhoids:

  • First degree –bleed only no prolapse
  • Second degree – prolapse, but reduce spontaneously
  • Third degree – prolapse and have to be manually reduced
  • Fourth degree – permanently prolapsed. 5


  • Portal hypertension and varicose veins.
  • Other vascular causes ( hyperplasia of the the ‘ corpus cavernosum recti’)
  • Infection
  • Diet and stool consistency: A fibre-deficient diet results in a prolonged gut transit time, which is associated with the passage of smaller, harder stools that require more straining to expel.
  • Anal hypertonia
  • Ageing: The anal cushion of early life, with age, the supporting structures show a higher proportion of collagen than muscle fibres and are fragmented and disorganized.

Homoeopathic management:

  •  Sedum Acre:- Haemorrhoids pains ,like those of anal fissure ; constricting pains, worse few hours after stool .
  •  Neguindum Americanum :- Recent cases of haemorrhoids can be completely cured by this remedy and old hard cases temporarily relieved.
  •  Paeonia Officinalis :- Haemorrhoids with fissures in anus ; intolerable pains during and after a stool. Biting itching in anus that provokes scratching in afternoon ; the orifice seems somewhat swollen.
  •  Blumea Odorata :- It has got reputation in bleeding piles ; diarrhea or dysentery associated with blood .
  •  Kalium Carbonicum :- Large , difficult stool with stitching pain an hour before. Haemorrhoids ,large , swollen, painful.Large quantity of blood discharged with natural stool. Pain in the haemorrhoids when coughing.
  •  Luffa Bindal:- Controls piles satisfactorily ( can be used externally over piles ).
  •  Chromicum acidum:- Hemorrhoids, internal and bleeding stool watery , frequent , copious , with nausea and vertigo. Weakness in lumbar region .
  •  Gratiola officinalis:- hemorrhoids with hypochondriasis .rectum constricted. constipation , with gouty acidity. Diarrhea , green , frothy , water, followed by burning in anus.
  •  Leptandr virginica :- bleeding piles , prolapse of rectum with haemorrhage , profuse black , fetid stool with pain in the umbilicus.
  • Lemium Album :-Hemorrhoids ; hard stool , with blood.
  • Paraffinum:- Chronic constipation with hemorrhoids  and  continuous urging to stool  without relief. Frequent desire for stool . opstinate constipation in children .
  • Polygonum Punctatum :- Hemorrhoids  and rectal pockits. liquid feces, interior of anus studded with itching eminences.
  • Pinus Sylvestris :- Haemorrhoids ,  troublesome itching at anus – stool: thin , pasty , with colic and great excitement ; bilious -discharge of round worms ; itching and burning on anus ; bloody ,slimy , haemorrhoidal discharge for several days – constipation.
  • Scrophularia Nodosa :- Painful , bleeding, protruding piles. Painful haemorrhoids. Pain in the sigmoid flexure and rectum . colic below the navel .
  • Wyethia helenoides :- Loose , dark stool at night. Itching in anus . constipation , with hemorrhoids ; not bleeding .
  • Yohimbinum :- Bleeding piles . Intestinal hemorrhage.
  • Muriaticum Acidum :- Hemorrhoids , extremely sensitive to any touch ; even sheet of toilet paper is painful. Anal itching and prolapses ani . hemorrhoids during pregnancy ; bluish, hot , with violent stitching .
  • Ammonium muriaticum :-Itching and hemorrhoids , soreness with pustules . hard , crumbly stool or covered with glairy mucus . stinging in perineum. Green mucoid stools alternate with constipation .During and after stool , burning and smarting  in rectum . hemorrhoids after suppressed lecorrhea.

Reference :-

  1. Murphy Robin. Lotus MateriaMedica, 2nd revised edition. New Delhi: B.JainPublishers(P) Ltd; 2006.
    1. 2011
    1. Clarke JH. A Dictionary of Homoeopathic Medicines. 3rded. New Delhi; B Jain (P)Ltd; Volume 3, 2005.
    1. Paris: CRCPress;2013
    1. Lohsiriwat V. Hemorrhoids: From basic pathophysiology to clinical management. World Journal of Gastroenterology. 2012;18(17):2009

Authors: Dr. Gaurav Nagar , Prof.  Dept. Of Materia Medica (Hom.) Dr. M.P.K. Homoeopathic Medical College, Hospital and Research Center. Homoeopathy University, Jaipur.

Dr. Sachin , MD Scholar, Department of Materia Medica (Hom.) , Dr. M.P.K Homoeopathic Medical College, a constituent college of Homoeopathy University, Jaipur.

Dr. Akash Gupta , MD Scholar, Department of Materia Medica (Hom.) , Dr. M.P.K Homoeopathic Medical College, a constituent college of Homoeopathy University, Jaipur.

Dr. Dr Neha Sahu , MD Scholar, Department of Materia Medica (Hom.) , Dr. M.P.K Homoeopathic Medical College, a constituent college of Homoeopathy University, Jaipur.

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