Materia Medica is written by Prof. Dr G. Nagendra Babu. Many of the books on homeopathic materia medica are compilations of symptoms produced by the drugs. Many materia medicas available now are aiming at understanding the drug pictures. Readers of homeopathic materia medica complain that different views of authors’ on different drug pictures create confusion in the minds of beginners of materia medica. During my 33 years of teaching in Homeopathic College I was not in a position to suggest any one book (which covers all the required portion) for the beginners and fresh teachers, now I am confident that Professor Nagendra Babu’s book will fulfill this lacuna. Author’s conscious attempt in keeping the language very simple is aimed at blooming students of materia medica. On going through the book one can understand the sincere efforts taken by author in compiling the data from different sources and presenting it in his own lucid style of writing. This book has covered almost all the topics needed to understand the philosophy and principle of homeopathic materia medica for students. Chapters like history of materia medica, relationship of remedies, applied materia medica in learning and practice, group remedies in homeopathic materia medica will be useful to undergraduates as well as post graduate students. This book no doubt will make an addition to the text books on homeopathic materia medica. As the title suggests this book aptly named as an introductory preparation to homeopathic materia medica for beginners. As per the authors’ narrative the subject is based on the new curriculum introduced by the C.C.H standard regulations for the preliminary study. I hope that both the profession as well as students will welcome and utilize this book and be benefitted by the labors of Prof. Dr G. Nagendra Babu.
About Reviewer
Dr Shreepad Hegde
Director Tatva Homeopathic Research Centre Bangalore Rtd.
Professor and HOD, Govt. Homeopathic Medical College & Hospital,Bangalore
About Book

Title: Introduction to Materia Medica Extensive Preparatory Notes to UG and PG
ISBN: 9788131923382
Imprint: B.Jain Regular
Language: English
Format: Paperback
Pages: 342