Our Speakers

Dr L.M. Khan
Professor Lal Mohammad Khan, M.D.(Hom)

Dr Yogesh Niturkar
MD (HMM) from Dr. M. L. Dhawale Memorial Homoeopathic Institute, Palghar,

Dr P.R. Sisir
M.D.(Hom.). Prof. & Head, Dept. of Paediatrics, Sarada Krishna Homoeopathic Medical College

Dr Navin Kumar Singh
Asst. Professor, Dept. of Repertory, The Calcutta Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital

Dr Ajit Kulkarni
M.D. (Hom.) Director, Homeopathic Research Institute, Pune

Dr Subhas Singh
Director, National Institute Of Homoeopathy, Kolkata

Dr Rajat Chattopadhyay
PhD( Homoeopathy)(WBUHS) MD(Hom)

Dr Harpreet Singh
HOD, Dept. of Materia Medica, Sri Guru Nanak Dev Homoeopathic Medical College, Ludhiana

Dr Mansoor Ali
Professor, Government Homoeopathic Medical College, Calicut, Kerala

Dr Tarkeshwar Jain
Registrar, Homoeopathy University Since 2010

Dr Alok Misra
Astt. Professor, Mahesh Bhattacharya Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital, Govt. of West Bengal

Dr Lingaraj B. Magadum
Associate Prof. & PG Guide Dept of Organon of Medicine & Homoeopathic Philosophy, Bharatesh Homoeopathic Medical College, Belagavi, Karnataka

Dr Vishal Deshpande
B.H.M.S. M.D.[Hom]

Dr Winston Vargheese
Professor and P. G. Coordinator, Sarada Krishna Homoeopathic Medical College, Kulasekharam, Kanniyakumari, Tamilnadu.

Dr Manoj Patel
Professor & HOD Psychiatry, M. L. Dhawale Homeopathic P. G. Institute, INDIA. Director (Community Health Service) Dr. M. L. Dhawale organization. Mumbai.

Dr G. Nagendra Babu
Professor & H.O. D. Dept. of Homoeopathic Materia Medica, Sri Sai Ram Homoeopathy Medical College, Chennai.

Prof. Dr Kamlesh Mehta
Homeopathic Clinician & Educator; Prof. Head: Case Taking & Repertory Dept. CMPHMC, Shree Mumbadevi Homeopathic Hospital

Dr Saptarshi Banerjea
Gold Medalist BHMS

Dr S.K. Tiwari

Prof Dr Gautam R Arora
BHMS, MD - Homeopathy, MS - Counselling and Psychotherapy, 28 Years Experience.Teaching Organon of Medicine since 1992.

Prof. Dr Shivaprasad K.
B.Sc., B.H.M.S, MD ( Hom). Principal, Father Muller Homoeopathic Medical College, Deralakatte, Mangalore.

Dr Rajesh Ramkunwar Yadav
M.D. (Hom) Psychiatry, Lecturer Department of Psychiatry at DR. M.L. Dhawale Memorial Homoeopathic Insttute, Palghar

Prof. Dr Heena Rawal
Principal & Medical Superintendent - Ahmedabad Homoeopathic Medical College, Parul University, Ahemdabad.

Dr Ashish G. Mehta
Professor of Organon of Medicine Principal & Superintendent

Dr Hitarth N. Mehta
Principal / Hospital Superintendent, Rajkot homeopathic medical college, Rajkot. DHMS in 1997, Gujarat State Council of Homoeopathy MD (Hom) in Materia Medica Year 2008 From S.P.University Anand.

Prof. Dr Poorav Desai
Principal and Hospital superintendent Jawaharlal Nehru Homoeopathic medical College At & Post Limda, Ta. Waghodia, Dist. Vadodara.

Dr B.P. Panda
Principal & Medical Superintendent, Parul Institute of Homeopathy and Research, Faculty of Homeopathy, Parul University

Dr Rashid Akhtar
Prof.(Dr) Rashid Akhtar M.D. (Hom.)

Dr Mansi Surati
MD HOM (Psychiatry)Currently working as lecturer in Department of Psychiatry and Senior Research officer working in AYUSH project of scholastic difficulty in Dr. M.L. Dhawale Memorial Institute, Palghar

Dr M.K. Sahani
B.Sc., D.H.M.S, M.D. (HOM) PGDHHM (Symbiosis), CCCR (Symbiosis), PhD (MUHS) Former Chairman Education Committee, Central Council Of Homoeopathy President, Bihar Voluntary Health Association Post Graduate Coordinator and Professor & HoD, G.D. Memorial Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital, Patna

Dr Manuja M. Niturkar
14 years of Teaching experience in the Dept of HMM in VKHMC, Latur. External examiner for MUHS, Nashik.

Prof. (Dr) Himangsu Hait
"Professor & HOD, Practice of Medicine The Calcutta Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital, West Bengal."

Dr Ashutosh Tripathi
Medical Officer, Department of Homoeopathy, AIIMS Raipur, Ex-Lecturer, Department of Organon of Medicine, D. N. De Homoeopathic Medical College and Hospital, Kolkata

Dr Kamlandra Tyagi
M.D, Ph. D (M M) HOD Obstetrics & Gynecology Homeopathy University Jaipur, Rajasthan

Dr Rashmita S. Petkar
JIMS HMC, Shamsabad
Free Webinar Schedule
8th June, 2020
Topic 1: Aphorism 1 To Aphorism 5
Speaker 1: Dr L.M. Khan
Topic 2: Calcarea Carbonicum I: Perceiving Homoeopathic Remedy & Its Application In Practice Is A Challenge In Itself
Speaker 2: Dr Yogesh Niturkar
9th June, 2020
Topic 1: Scholastic Backwardness Among Children
Speaker 1: Dr P. R. Sisir
Topic 2: BTPB I – History, Philosophical background, Structure, Concept, Adaptability, Scope and Limitation
Speaker 2: Dr Navin Kumar Singh
10th June, 2020
Topic 1: Kali Family 1
Speaker 1: Dr Ajit Kulkarni
Topic 2: Aphorism 6 To Aphorism 10
Speaker 2: Dr L.M. Khan
11th June, 2020
Topic 1: Kali Family 2
Speaker 1: Dr Ajit Kulkarni
Topic 2: BTPB II – History, Philosophical background, Structure, Concept, Adaptability, Scope and Limitation
Speaker 2: Dr Navin Kumar Singh
12th June, 2020
Topic 1: Introduction To Hahnemann’s Organon Of Medicine – Historical Perspective And Current Relevance
Speaker 1: Dr Subhas Singh
Topic 2: Understanding Diseases In The Light Of Homoeopathic Philosophy I
Speaker 2: Prof. Dr Rajat Chattopadhyay
13th June, 2020
Topic 1: Psychiatric Illnesses And Their Homoeopathic Management.
Speaker 1: Dr Harpreet Singh
Topic 2: Calcarea Carbonicum II: Perceiving Homoeopathic Remedy & Its Application In Practice Is A Challenge In Itself
Speaker 2: Dr Yogesh Niturkar,
14th June, 2020
Topic 1: Homoeopathic Repertory In The Effective Management Of Acute Diseases: How To Manage Acute Diseases With The Help Of Modern And Classical Repertories
Speaker 1: Dr Mansoor Ali
Topic 2: Understanding Diseases In The Light Of Homoeopathic Philosophy II
Speaker 2: Prof. Dr Rajat Chattopadhyay
15th June, 2020
Topic 1: Natrum Muriaticum I: Re-discovered In View Of Hering Guiding Symptoms Of Materia Medica
Speaker 1: Dr Tarkeshwar Jain
Topic 2: Disease Classification
Speaker 2: Dr Alok Misra
16th June, 2020
Topic 1: Definition, Branches, Different Schools And Scope Of Psychology.
Speaker 1: Dr Lingaraj B. Magadum
Topic 2: Kent Repertory – History, Philosophical Background, Structure, Concept, Adaptability
Speaker 2: Dr Vishal Deshpande
17th June, 2020
Topic 1: Natrum Muriaticum II: Re-discovered In View Of Hering Guiding Symptoms Of Materia Medica
Speaker 1: Dr Tarkeshwar Jain
Topic 2:
An Insight To Various Dermatological Maladies And Homoeopathic Remedies
Speaker 2: Dr Hitarth N. Mehta
18th June, 2020
Topic 1: Case Taking By Hahnemann
Speaker 1: Prof. Dr Shivaprasad K.
Topic 2: Belladonna
Speaker 2: Dr Manuja M. Niturkar
19th June, 2020
Topic 1: Basics Of Psychology And Its Application In Homoeopathic Practice
Speaker 1: Dr Mansi Surati
Topic 2: Feelings, Emotions (Primary And Secondary) And Their Functions
Speaker 2: Dr Rajesh Ramkunwar Yadav
20th June, 2020
Topic 1: Lifestyle Diseases, Keeping Fit With Homoeopathy
Speaker 1: Prof. (Dr) Himangsu Hait
Topic 2: One Sided Diseases And Local Diseases: An Overview
Speaker 2: Dr Ashutosh Tripathi
21th June, 2020
Topic 1: A Prelude To Hahnemannian Concept Of Miasms & Their Clinical Significance
Speaker 1: Prof. Dr Heena Rawal
Topic 2: Mental Diseases
Speaker 2: Dr Manoj Patel
22th June, 2020
Topic 1: Behavioural Materia Medica Of Apexians-Mr.Nux Vomica And Mrs. Magnesia Carb
Speaker 1: Dr Saptarshi Banerjea
Topic 2:Unifying Concepts Of Organon Of Medicine And Repertory For Chronic Case
Speaker 2: Dr M. K. Sahani
23th June, 2020
Topic 1: One Sided Diseases
Speaker 1: Dr Gautam R. Arora
Topic 2:
Journey of exploring Art & Science of Homoeopathic CASE {Complete Analytical Schematic Examination}
Speaker 2: Dr Kamlandra Tyagi
24th June, 2020
Topic 1: Types of Repertories & Their Clinical Utility
Speaker 1: Dr Kamlesh Mehta
Topic 2: Therapeutics Of GIT
Speaker 2: Dr Winston Vargheese
25th June, 2020
Topic 1: Pursuit Of Water Dose
Speaker 1: Dr G. Nagendra Babu
Topic 2: Applied Materia Medica
Speaker 2: Dr Yogesh Niturkar
26th June, 2020
Topic 1: Astonishing Classical Cures From The Consulting Room Of Bengal Masters In Pre-Independence India
Speaker 1: Dr Saptarshi Banerjea
Topic 2:Understanding Mercurius Solubilis Through A Case Study Approach
Speaker 2: Dr Rashmita Petkar
27th June, 2020
Topic 1: Recalling Anatomy Of Tonsils And It’s Homoeopathic Management
Speaker 1: Prof. Dr Poorav Desai
Topic 2: KLE Society, Belgavi
Speaker 2: Dr Mukund Udachankar
More schedule coming soon…
For Any Queries, Mail At webinar@homeopathy360.com