Homeopathic pharmacy online, Homeopathy pharmacy, Homeo pharmacy


Dr. Hahnemann being the founder and FATHER of the Homeopathy, prepared the first homoeopathic medicine “CINCHONA OFFICINALIS ” trituration and tested it on Himself and after long meditation upon the principle for 6 years, unveiled Homoeopathic system of medicine.

 Homoeopathic pharmacy is unique and interesting to read and teach because of its holistic approach and philosophy of ‘SIMILIA SIMILIBUS CURANTUR”, that means, “Let Like Be Cured By Like”.

Homoeopathic medicines preparation is based on the principle of bringing the drug substance to bare minimum level, even beyond Avagarod’s number,that makes it unique and dynamic.

The theory of Drug Dynamisation is one of the distinctive cardinal principles , on which whole Homoeopathy resolves.

The drug substance is broken into infinitesimally small parts so that its dynamicity is roused and which when administered to sick beings, raises their vital force to act against disease.

Medicines are prepared through the process of Trituration &/or Succussion. 

Homoeopathic pharmacy explains everything, from drug collection to medicine prescription, medicine action on healthy human beings (drug proving) , legal guidance regarding medicine manufacturing, storage and dispense.