Dandruff is a form of seborrhocic dermatitis which affects the scalp, eye brows, occasionally breast bone and outer ears. it arises where sebum is secreted from around hair follicles in the skin and causes the flack patches of dead skin that appear on the shoulders or clothes , recently a fungal infection has been isolated from the scalp and this has been isolated from the scalp and this has revolutionized treatment , one of the factors causing dandruff seems to be the over production of superficial skin cells , the many local treatments that can be bought over the counter are keratolytes i.e., drugs that helps dissolve and remove excess skin dandruff is the shedding of flakes of dead skin from the scalp , these may be seen in the hair or on the clothes . the may be seen in the hair or on the clothes , the conditions is harm less but may be aggravated by failure to rinse away products such as setting lotion or moyssee , completely occasionally there is also an itchy , scaly rash , seborrhoeic dermatitis , that can spread to the face and upper body
Dandruff Causes; for many years it was thought , that diet played a part in the causation of dandruff and since the isolation of the fungus , this theory has been configured in that fungal infections are found in the people on the carbohydrates diets i.e., eating a lot of sweets , fried foods . The fungus is known as pilorosporun oval and is a form of east
Keep to a healthy diet, avoiding sugar and fried foods. Additional vitamin B, zinc, selenium and vitamin E will help restore hair growth, take one multivitamin tablet a day. Natural herbal shampoos include infusions of rosemary or lavender; alternately boil 15 gm. of sage leaves in one liter,
Head lice are a species of small insect parasite which live on the head sucking blood and causing inflammation and itchiness, other varieties live on the body and pubic area , lice are small pin-headed sized insects which are only rarely seen themselves , they lay their eggs which are pearl drop-like in character on the side of the hair shaft , these are known as nits
Dandruff CAUSES /Dandruff SYMPTOMS:
Other than itcing head , lice cause few symptoms , they are very infectious , so whole schools and families can be affected lice are caught from close personal contact – sexual , where pubic lice are concerned , but can also be caught from infested bedding mattresses and towels , good hygiene practices and keeping to your own personal contact –sexual where pubic lice are concerned – but can be caught from infested bedding mattresses and towels , good hygiene practices and keeping to your own personal towels , good hygiene practices and keeping to your own personal towels will avoid cross infection
Treatment is very effective with anti-lice shampoos which need to be left on for a few hours and then the hair combed with a steel comb to remove all the eggs. Natural product shampoos from your doctor or chemist, although they will help to reduce inflammation and infection, washing hair in cider vinegar or rubbing lemon juice on the scalp have been used for adults and children, however these actions may not kill all the lice and then re-infection can occur any of the shampoos suggested for the treatment of dandruff can help especially those containing vinegar, washing hair insider vinegar or used for adults and children. However these actions may not kill all the lice and then re-infection can occur. Any of the shampoos suggested for the treatment of dandruff can help especially , those containing vinegar , the bitter herb , common worm wood , can also be used to kill lice and leas – it should be scattered among clothes , linen cup boards and in bed linen . Head lice are best treated by the orthodox means outlined; proprietary anti-louse shampoos are available at local chemists everywhere. They are best left on at local chemists, everywhere. They are best left on overnight , and the hair washed and rinsed in the morning .itching is a common symptom in many skin disorders , but can also occur as a result of generalized psoriasis and a condition called lichen planus which particularly affects the middle aged , infestation with lice scabies and other parasites will cause intense itching.
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