Dr Babu Rajendra Lal DUTT (1818-1889)- The Father of Indian Homoeopathy.

Dr. Rajendra Babu was responsible for the establishment and spread of Homoeopathy in India once he himself started practicing Homoeopathy. Pandit Iswar Chandra Vidysagar and Raja Sir Radhakant Deb Bahadhur were miraculously cured by him using Homeopathy. This further helped in the propagation of homeopathy in Calcutta.
Later, he convinced Dr Mahendra Lal Sircar to investigate the system. It was he who converted Dr M. L. Sircar to Homoeopathy. It was he who brought Homoeopathy into high esteem by curing illustrious luminaries like Pandit Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar, Raja Sir Radhakanta Dev and scores of others.
Dr Dutta was born in 1818 in the famous Dutt family of Wellington Square, Calcutta and amassed an immense fortune by dint of his personal talent in honest business and trade and spent the whole of it in various philanthropic works and mostly for Homoeopathy. He expired at the age of 71 years on June 5, 1889 leaving Homoeopathy in Bengal, on a firm, sound and wide footing.Homeopathy 360 and B Jain pay tribute to Dr Rajendra Lal Dutt on his Death Anniversary for his selfless contribution to the field of homeopathy.
Thanks. Best Regards
Dr Yashika Arora Malhotra
Managing Editor BJain Publishers Pvt. Ltd.