Homeopathy 360 Free Webinar
Pandemic Disease And Way Ahead With Organon Perspective
1. Dr Dharmendra B. Sharma
Principal, Dr.D.Y.Patil Homoeopathic Medical College and Research Centre, Pimpri, Pune, Maharashtra
Topic: Homoeopathy In COVID-19, The Chaos And The Way Ahead With Organon Perspective
2. Dr B.P. Panda
Principal & Medical Superintendent, Parul Institute of Homeopathy and Research, Faculty of Homeopathy, Parul University
Topic: Pandemic Disease And Its Significance In Homoeopathy
Date: 13th May 2020
Time: 3 p.m. onwards.
For Registration: https://event.webinarjam.com/register/77/109y6c36
For any queries, mail at webinar@homeopathy360.com