The veterinary Homeopathy has continued to develop despite the apparentdifficulty in adapting questioning techniques for animals.· The efficacies, which have alreadybeen observed with Homeopathic medicines in human being often find comparable applications in animals. The study has been made to observe the efficacy of veterinary homoeopathy to the treatment of domestic animals.
The veterinary Homeopathy has continued to develop despite the apparentdifficulty in adapting questioning techniques for animals.· The efficacies, which have alreadybeen observed with Homeopathic medicines in human being often find comparable applications in animals. The study has been made to observe the efficacy of veterinary homoeopathy to the treatment of domestic animals.
Alternative veterinary medicine can be defined as the utilization of alternative
therapies in the treatment of diseased animals. Homeopathy is believed to be the alternative
therapy most commonly applied in dairy herds. Alternative therapies are commonly regarded
as holistic. The regulation restricts the use of homeopathy or other alternative therapies to
situations in which the treatment is effective for the current animal species and condition. This
has created concerns that such treatments are used to the exclusion of conventional
treatments, and that this may influence animal welfare adversely (Ekesbo, 2000, Hammarberg
2001 ).Homeopathic medicines were developed based on observations of healthy subjects
made by physicians. However, they also found application in veterinary medicine: as early as
1833, a German practitioner, Guillaume Lux, was already treating a certain number of
diseases in horses and cattle using four Homeopathic medicines: Aconitum napellus,
Camphora, Nux vomica and Opium.
‘Homeopathic treatment possesses qualities of “rebalancing the terrain”; tested . favorably by many livestock farmers on family and industrial farms that enable Homeopathyto be used preventively, in order to improve animal production; Homeopathy allows theanimal to be treated without residues, which makes it a non-toxic treatment not only for the treated animal but also for the consumer and the environment: finally, treatment costs are generally low.
therapies in the treatment of diseased animals. Homeopathy is believed to be the alternative
therapy most commonly applied in dairy herds. Alternative therapies are commonly regarded
as holistic. The regulation restricts the use of homeopathy or other alternative therapies to
situations in which the treatment is effective for the current animal species and condition. This
has created concerns that such treatments are used to the exclusion of conventional
treatments, and that this may influence animal welfare adversely (Ekesbo, 2000, Hammarberg
2001 ).Homeopathic medicines were developed based on observations of healthy subjects
made by physicians. However, they also found application in veterinary medicine: as early as
1833, a German practitioner, Guillaume Lux, was already treating a certain number of
diseases in horses and cattle using four Homeopathic medicines: Aconitum napellus,
Camphora, Nux vomica and Opium.
‘Homeopathic treatment possesses qualities of “rebalancing the terrain”; tested . favorably by many livestock farmers on family and industrial farms that enable Homeopathyto be used preventively, in order to improve animal production; Homeopathy allows theanimal to be treated without residues, which makes it a non-toxic treatment not only for the treated animal but also for the consumer and the environment: finally, treatment costs are generally low.
These advantages have led certain branches of high-quality animal production (brand-
name production where the specifications are strictly regulated) to share in the financing for
research in veterinary Homeopathy.
Specific to livestock, this series of arguments supplement the life experience of
Homeopathic veterinarians. In practice, these veterinarians see, for example, that faced with a
disconcerting clinical picture, Homeopathy renews the therapeutic strategy.
Homoeopathy is a safe, effective and powerful form of medicinal treatment which
works on the principle SIMILIA SIMILIBUS CURENTUR i.e. let like be cure by like. This
principle was discovered and developed by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann in the eighteenth
centuries. Homoeopathy means treatment of the disease using a substance which has the
power to produce similar symptoms. Here medicines are proved on healthy human beings.
Homoeopathic medicines works effectively in animals as it works on human being.
In 1813, Leipsic, Dr. Hahnemann lectured on the use of his medicinal system on
animals .He stress out that principle of homoeopathic treatment on animals should be the
same as in human. The publication is a hitherto unknown manuscript has made possible
given by the university of Leipsic with a special permission. This script prepared for a lecture
In MATERIA MEDICA PURA Dr. Hahnemann points out the advantage of proving
carried out on animals.
Here all types of animals respond from pets to farm animals, from horses to wild
animals, from birds to fish. Organic farmers rely upon the homoeopathy which does not rise
research in veterinary Homeopathy.
Specific to livestock, this series of arguments supplement the life experience of
Homeopathic veterinarians. In practice, these veterinarians see, for example, that faced with a
disconcerting clinical picture, Homeopathy renews the therapeutic strategy.
Homoeopathy is a safe, effective and powerful form of medicinal treatment which
works on the principle SIMILIA SIMILIBUS CURENTUR i.e. let like be cure by like. This
principle was discovered and developed by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann in the eighteenth
centuries. Homoeopathy means treatment of the disease using a substance which has the
power to produce similar symptoms. Here medicines are proved on healthy human beings.
Homoeopathic medicines works effectively in animals as it works on human being.
In 1813, Leipsic, Dr. Hahnemann lectured on the use of his medicinal system on
animals .He stress out that principle of homoeopathic treatment on animals should be the
same as in human. The publication is a hitherto unknown manuscript has made possible
given by the university of Leipsic with a special permission. This script prepared for a lecture
In MATERIA MEDICA PURA Dr. Hahnemann points out the advantage of proving
carried out on animals.
Here all types of animals respond from pets to farm animals, from horses to wild
animals, from birds to fish. Organic farmers rely upon the homoeopathy which does not rise
drug residue in meat, milk or egg.
Problems arise during prescription…..
1. Animals cannot brief the doctors about their pain & illness, as detailed history of the
patient is needed for a perfect homoeopathic prescription.
2. Mentals symptoms are difficult to collect from animals which create an obstacle.
3. Dosage may differ according to specific need of animals.
4. Actions of drugs may differ in animals as proving are done on healthy h man beings.
5. Prescription is usually based on local affection.
Some of the remedies are mention in homoeopathic books useful in animals with
their indications:
· Mag Phos: in colic of horses and cows when Colocynth fails to relieve.
· Anthracinum: in epidemic spleen disease in cattle horse and sheep.
Aesculus.hip – in chest complains of horses.
Dr. Curie in cyclopedia of drug pathogenesy proved the homoepathacity of Drosera in
TB in its widest and most importance aspects, that he showed that Drosera breaks down the
resistance to tubercle every time in animals suppose to be absolutely immune to that disease
and he also proved the Drosera is able to raise the resistance 0 tubercle by using in early
Some of the common disease affecting the animals with their indications:
§ Aconite-– when mouth is dry and ear are cold/hot.
§ Nux vom. – Due to indigestion with constipation animal walks around and then rise down suddenly with blotted appearance in ano or both flanks.
§ Ars. Alb. – if disease is due to spoil food/impure water
§ Colchicum– due to consumption of green food and characterized by flatulence, distention of abdomen and animal strike its belly with hind feet.
§ Cantharis – due to retention of urine.
i)Aconite: if accompanied with fever & inflammation of bowels.
ii) Arsenic: watery slimy, greenish/brownish with/without griping pain.
iii) Bry: alternate with constipation, animals turn his head towards flanks •
iv) China: chronic, painless discharge, loss of appetite, debility& cachexia.
v) Dulcamara: when taken cold, after getting wet in summer with watery evacuation accompanied
by colic.
vi) Merc: if mucus is present.
Vii ) Nux.v: when it is offensive with rumbling noise.
viii) Verat.alb: stool is watery, frequent& involuntary; the nose, mouth& ear tips are cold.
i) Ant.crud: complete loss of appetite, watery diarrhoea, white coating of tongue.
ii)Ars alb: long standing & skin becomes hard, diarrhoea with/without blood.
iii)China: animal is young & there is signs of exhaustion, debility ,loss of appetite.
iv) Ipeac-aversion to food, vomitus with mucous discharge.
v) Nux vom.–due to cold, accompanied by constipation & animals stands without changing
vi) Silicea-if animals show sweating after little exertion.
i) Aconite: in acute cases, which develop suddenly after exposure to cold/dry wind.
ii)Apis: when there is oedema in mammae and surrounded tissue.
iii)Arnica: due to injury & milk contain blood.
iv)Bell: after parturition,red swelling & pain on palpation.
v)Bellis per: if the injuries are deeper & repeated.
vi)Bry: mammae is hard & indurated.
vii)Hep.sulp: caused by c.pyogenes& summer mastitis.
viii)Ipecac: controls mammary bleeding.
ix)Phyto: when milk is curdled clotted.
x)Sil: due to pyogenic infection & sinuses areformed due to multiple abscesss.
xi)Urtica: acute mastitis showing oedema extending to perineal areas.
i)Canthari : vesicular inflammation on the genital tract with frequent urination.
ii)Hyrastis: when thick catarrhal exudates are present.
iii)Merc cor: vaginal surface is ulcerated &severe inflamed with secondary infection.
iv)Nit.acid-vesicle are on the opening parts of the urethra with watery discharge.
v)Rhus tox-in early stage of vesicles, surrounding mucus membrane become dark red.
Sec cor-due to prolapsed of uterus, discharge is dark & animal has lean appearance.
i)Ant crude–loss of appetite,dislike for food,altemate constipation &diarrhoea,flatulence.
ii)Ars.alb-animal is weak &dull,due to bad quality of food.
iii)Nux.v-impairment of digestive function characterised by hard & cold feet.
i v )Puls-absence of thirst,coldfeets.
i)China-altemate increase and decrease appetite,violent itching of the parts causing animals
constantly to rub it.
ii)Filixmass–effective in tapeworms.
iii )Mercsol-violent heaviness of flanks,dischargev of large worms, soreness of anus.
iv)Sulphur-discharge of large worms with hard stools.
i) Con mac-paralytic symptoms of hind legs are seen,animal is unable to rise.
ii) Curare–showing muscular stiffness with difficulty in walking with forelimbs.
iii) Lathyrussat-peripheral paralysis of throat & mouth.
iv) Plum met-cures general paralysis of the limbs muscle especially
forelimbs.Paralysisproceeded by loss of sensation in affected parts.
i)Lachesis-when body & eyes becomes blue,blood is faeces with foetid odour.
i) Fluoric acid-ulceration of overlying skin caries of bones with discharge.
ii)Hecla lava-bony swelling,especially head bones.
iii) Kali hyd-specific action on infection.
i)Ant tart: moist cough & frothy saliva.
ii)Bacillinum: slight movement result in violent coughing.
iii)Bry: animal is disinclined to move & exhibits harsh & loud respiration which may be heard
from distance, animals prefers to lie down.
1. Animals cannot brief the doctors about their pain & illness, as detailed history of the
patient is needed for a perfect homoeopathic prescription.
2. Mentals symptoms are difficult to collect from animals which create an obstacle.
3. Dosage may differ according to specific need of animals.
4. Actions of drugs may differ in animals as proving are done on healthy h man beings.
5. Prescription is usually based on local affection.
Some of the remedies are mention in homoeopathic books useful in animals with
their indications:
· Mag Phos: in colic of horses and cows when Colocynth fails to relieve.
· Anthracinum: in epidemic spleen disease in cattle horse and sheep.
Aesculus.hip – in chest complains of horses.
Dr. Curie in cyclopedia of drug pathogenesy proved the homoepathacity of Drosera in
TB in its widest and most importance aspects, that he showed that Drosera breaks down the
resistance to tubercle every time in animals suppose to be absolutely immune to that disease
and he also proved the Drosera is able to raise the resistance 0 tubercle by using in early
Some of the common disease affecting the animals with their indications:
§ Aconite-– when mouth is dry and ear are cold/hot.
§ Nux vom. – Due to indigestion with constipation animal walks around and then rise down suddenly with blotted appearance in ano or both flanks.
§ Ars. Alb. – if disease is due to spoil food/impure water
§ Colchicum– due to consumption of green food and characterized by flatulence, distention of abdomen and animal strike its belly with hind feet.
§ Cantharis – due to retention of urine.
i)Aconite: if accompanied with fever & inflammation of bowels.
ii) Arsenic: watery slimy, greenish/brownish with/without griping pain.
iii) Bry: alternate with constipation, animals turn his head towards flanks •
iv) China: chronic, painless discharge, loss of appetite, debility& cachexia.
v) Dulcamara: when taken cold, after getting wet in summer with watery evacuation accompanied
by colic.
vi) Merc: if mucus is present.
Vii ) Nux.v: when it is offensive with rumbling noise.
viii) Verat.alb: stool is watery, frequent& involuntary; the nose, mouth& ear tips are cold.
i) Ant.crud: complete loss of appetite, watery diarrhoea, white coating of tongue.
ii)Ars alb: long standing & skin becomes hard, diarrhoea with/without blood.
iii)China: animal is young & there is signs of exhaustion, debility ,loss of appetite.
iv) Ipeac-aversion to food, vomitus with mucous discharge.
v) Nux vom.–due to cold, accompanied by constipation & animals stands without changing
vi) Silicea-if animals show sweating after little exertion.
i) Aconite: in acute cases, which develop suddenly after exposure to cold/dry wind.
ii)Apis: when there is oedema in mammae and surrounded tissue.
iii)Arnica: due to injury & milk contain blood.
iv)Bell: after parturition,red swelling & pain on palpation.
v)Bellis per: if the injuries are deeper & repeated.
vi)Bry: mammae is hard & indurated.
vii)Hep.sulp: caused by c.pyogenes& summer mastitis.
viii)Ipecac: controls mammary bleeding.
ix)Phyto: when milk is curdled clotted.
x)Sil: due to pyogenic infection & sinuses areformed due to multiple abscesss.
xi)Urtica: acute mastitis showing oedema extending to perineal areas.
i)Canthari : vesicular inflammation on the genital tract with frequent urination.
ii)Hyrastis: when thick catarrhal exudates are present.
iii)Merc cor: vaginal surface is ulcerated &severe inflamed with secondary infection.
iv)Nit.acid-vesicle are on the opening parts of the urethra with watery discharge.
v)Rhus tox-in early stage of vesicles, surrounding mucus membrane become dark red.
Sec cor-due to prolapsed of uterus, discharge is dark & animal has lean appearance.
i)Ant crude–loss of appetite,dislike for food,altemate constipation &diarrhoea,flatulence.
ii)Ars.alb-animal is weak &dull,due to bad quality of food.
iii)Nux.v-impairment of digestive function characterised by hard & cold feet.
i v )Puls-absence of thirst,coldfeets.
i)China-altemate increase and decrease appetite,violent itching of the parts causing animals
constantly to rub it.
ii)Filixmass–effective in tapeworms.
iii )Mercsol-violent heaviness of flanks,dischargev of large worms, soreness of anus.
iv)Sulphur-discharge of large worms with hard stools.
i) Con mac-paralytic symptoms of hind legs are seen,animal is unable to rise.
ii) Curare–showing muscular stiffness with difficulty in walking with forelimbs.
iii) Lathyrussat-peripheral paralysis of throat & mouth.
iv) Plum met-cures general paralysis of the limbs muscle especially
forelimbs.Paralysisproceeded by loss of sensation in affected parts.
i)Lachesis-when body & eyes becomes blue,blood is faeces with foetid odour.
i) Fluoric acid-ulceration of overlying skin caries of bones with discharge.
ii)Hecla lava-bony swelling,especially head bones.
iii) Kali hyd-specific action on infection.
i)Ant tart: moist cough & frothy saliva.
ii)Bacillinum: slight movement result in violent coughing.
iii)Bry: animal is disinclined to move & exhibits harsh & loud respiration which may be heard
from distance, animals prefers to lie down.
iv)Drosera: useful in calves suffering from spasmodic cough.
v) Phos: sputum is rusted coloured.
vi)Tuberculinum: young animals when upper portion of lungs are involved.
i)Aconite: short dry &frequent, moist mucus membrane.
ii)Ant tart: sputum is loose accompanied with abundant secretion of mucus & IS
characterized by loud rattling & distressful breathing.
iii)Apis: suffocative, painful with dyspnea, hoarse with clear ropy mucus discharge.
iv)Bry:when cough entails much efforts & affects respiration in cold, frosty weather.
v)Drosera: chronic, hoarse, deep& hollow.
vi)Iodum: laryngeal & tracheal cough.
vii)Nux v:accompanied with uncertain appetite & constipated’ viii)Bell–dry, short& coarse<evening, p=””>
ix)Sulphur: long continued & obstinate cough.
Disease of the ear:
i)Bell: ear is hot, red& swollen.
ii)Cal. Sulph: offensive & purulent discharge from ear.thick& bloody pus.
iii)Graphitis: discharge is glutinious, foetid, sticky, honey colour. blistering where the discharge
touch the skin.
iv)Hepar sulph: abscess & perforation in the ear.
v)Kali bich: disharge is sticky.
Vi)Kali iod: copious thick green discharge from the ear.
vii)Merc: suppuration of middle ear & acrid discharge.
viii)Nit acid: yellowish white discharge with lachrymation from eyes.
ix)Puls: discharge is bland& yellowish/greenisn colour.
x)Sil: discharge is offensive due to caries of bones.
i)Ars alb: tears are hot & corrosive.
ii)Bell: tears are very copious &scalding, eyelids are swollen & sensitive to light.
Iii)Con mac: cornea became opaque & dry.
iv)Euphrasia: profuse watery discharge from eyes with thick nose discharge. persistent
v)Merccor: discharge IS yellowish mucus which causes eyelids to adhere, swelling of
lids, cloudy cornea or ulcerated.
vi)Sulhur: to prevent the relapse the disease.
Examples of Cases by Stalwarts:
1. A Case of Gastro-enteritis with haemorrhage-
A dog was brought having vomiting with blood & trembling when the physician saw
he got the impression that he was dying. The head was hanging down, the legs old
barely support him and the back was curved. The eyes was dull and expression less,
on examination pulse 140/min, temp.30c, also rumbling audible in the intestine.
Treatment-Ars alb 200, 1 dose every 10 min for 1 hr. After 2 hr the animal was some-
what better there was no more vomiting, the expression of eyes was improved. the next
morning the morning, the dog went on his usual walk. (The Journal of British
homoeopathy Association, vol-41, no-4.)
2. A case of Fever after getting we
Dog was suddenly restless , the abdomen rumbles as if diarrhoea were coming on, the
animal feels warm to touch, on examination temp-40c, on previous day it had been
completely drenched, on auscultation sounds in bronchi.
Treatment-Rhus tox 200 1 dose was given, the next day everything was well
again.(The Journal British Homoeopathy Association,vol-41,no-4 .
Horse that had a cough for 9 month, cough was dry when in the stable.
Treatment-8doses of Bryonia in a fortnight cured the cough & the horse has been
well ever since. (John Rush-The Handbook to Veterinary Homoeopathy)
The main aim of homoeopathic approach is to build up the health of animals & increase the
resistance towards the diseases. From the above study it is much clear that homoeopathic
system of medicine is not only effective but safest method off treatment. The farmers’ personal experiences and beliefs are important in the choice of treatment. Independent of efficacy, the homeopathic remedies help the farmers fulfill their aim to reduce the use of antibacterial drugs. However, Preventive measures should be the main focus in future research on Veterinary Homeopathic Treatment.
1. Allen H.C., Keynote and charaterstics with comparision of some of the leading
remedy of the Materia medica with Bowel Nosodes, Eighth edition, B.Jain
publishers PVT. LTD.2003
2. Hahnemann Samuel, Materia Medica Pura vol-2, note-2, 1816.
3. Hamdall J.S. ,Homeopathy in veterinary practice, Pratap medical publishers,
4. Hering c. ,The Hering Guiding Symptoms of Our Materria Medica
5. MacLeod, The Treatment of Cattle by Homoeopathy, Jain Publishing Co., reprint
6. Madsewas B.P., Therapeutics of veterinary Homoeopathy, B .Jain Publishers.
7. Rush John, The Handbook to VerterinaryHHOmoeopathy, Indian Book &
Periodical Publishers,
8. Tyler M.L., Tyler homoeopathic drug Picture

iv)Drosera: useful in calves suffering from spasmodic cough.
v) Phos: sputum is rusted coloured.
vi)Tuberculinum: young animals when upper portion of lungs are involved.
i)Aconite: short dry &frequent, moist mucus membrane.
ii)Ant tart: sputum is loose accompanied with abundant secretion of mucus & IS
characterized by loud rattling & distressful breathing.
iii)Apis: suffocative, painful with dyspnea, hoarse with clear ropy mucus discharge.
iv)Bry:when cough entails much efforts & affects respiration in cold, frosty weather.
v)Drosera: chronic, hoarse, deep& hollow.
vi)Iodum: laryngeal & tracheal cough.
vii)Nux v:accompanied with uncertain appetite & constipated’ viii)Bell–dry, short& coarse<evening, p=””>
ix)Sulphur: long continued & obstinate cough.
Disease of the ear:
i)Bell: ear is hot, red& swollen.
ii)Cal. Sulph: offensive & purulent discharge from ear.thick& bloody pus.
iii)Graphitis: discharge is glutinious, foetid, sticky, honey colour. blistering where the discharge
touch the skin.
iv)Hepar sulph: abscess & perforation in the ear.
v)Kali bich: disharge is sticky.
Vi)Kali iod: copious thick green discharge from the ear.
vii)Merc: suppuration of middle ear & acrid discharge.
viii)Nit acid: yellowish white discharge with lachrymation from eyes.
ix)Puls: discharge is bland& yellowish/greenisn colour.
x)Sil: discharge is offensive due to caries of bones.
i)Ars alb: tears are hot & corrosive.
ii)Bell: tears are very copious &scalding, eyelids are swollen & sensitive to light.
Iii)Con mac: cornea became opaque & dry.
iv)Euphrasia: profuse watery discharge from eyes with thick nose discharge. persistent
v)Merccor: discharge IS yellowish mucus which causes eyelids to adhere, swelling of
lids, cloudy cornea or ulcerated.
vi)Sulhur: to prevent the relapse the disease.
Examples of Cases by Stalwarts:
1. A Case of Gastro-enteritis with haemorrhage-
A dog was brought having vomiting with blood & trembling when the physician saw
he got the impression that he was dying. The head was hanging down, the legs old
barely support him and the back was curved. The eyes was dull and expression less,
on examination pulse 140/min, temp.30c, also rumbling audible in the intestine.
Treatment-Ars alb 200, 1 dose every 10 min for 1 hr. After 2 hr the animal was some-
what better there was no more vomiting, the expression of eyes was improved. the next
morning the morning, the dog went on his usual walk. (The Journal of British
homoeopathy Association, vol-41, no-4.)
2. A case of Fever after getting we
Dog was suddenly restless , the abdomen rumbles as if diarrhoea were coming on, the
animal feels warm to touch, on examination temp-40c, on previous day it had been
completely drenched, on auscultation sounds in bronchi.
Treatment-Rhus tox 200 1 dose was given, the next day everything was well
again.(The Journal British Homoeopathy Association,vol-41,no-4 .
Horse that had a cough for 9 month, cough was dry when in the stable.
Treatment-8doses of Bryonia in a fortnight cured the cough & the horse has been
well ever since. (John Rush-The Handbook to Veterinary Homoeopathy)
The main aim of homoeopathic approach is to build up the health of animals & increase the
resistance towards the diseases. From the above study it is much clear that homoeopathic
system of medicine is not only effective but safest method off treatment. The farmers’ personal experiences and beliefs are important in the choice of treatment. Independent of efficacy, the homeopathic remedies help the farmers fulfill their aim to reduce the use of antibacterial drugs. However, Preventive measures should be the main focus in future research on Veterinary Homeopathic Treatment.
1. Allen H.C., Keynote and charaterstics with comparision of some of the leading
remedy of the Materia medica with Bowel Nosodes, Eighth edition, B.Jain
publishers PVT. LTD.2003
2. Hahnemann Samuel, Materia Medica Pura vol-2, note-2, 1816.
3. Hamdall J.S. ,Homeopathy in veterinary practice, Pratap medical publishers,
4. Hering c. ,The Hering Guiding Symptoms of Our Materria Medica
5. MacLeod, The Treatment of Cattle by Homoeopathy, Jain Publishing Co., reprint
6. Madsewas B.P., Therapeutics of veterinary Homoeopathy, B .Jain Publishers.
7. Rush John, The Handbook to VerterinaryHHOmoeopathy, Indian Book &
Periodical Publishers,
8. Tyler M.L., Tyler homoeopathic drug Picture