Homeopathy Drug Proving Of Vitamin B12 Medicine by the Process of Tautopathy

Homeopathy Drug Proving Of Vitamin B12 Medicine By The Process Of Tautopathy


Homeopathy  being a distinct mode of treatment has a basis of symptoms-similarity for the selection of the medicine . In homeopathy, the basis of prescription varies from case to case. Causation, Modality, Past history , Family History, Generalities, Mental symptoms etc. has been given priority during prescription depending upon the case.

The side effects produce by Modern violent heroic medicine and the other agent are the one of the major factors, which is the obstacle to cure in the way of Homeopathic treatment. Tauopathy refers specially to the prescription of the potentized drugs or the toxin that person has ingested at some time previously. While Tauopathy claims to remove such obstacles, there arises a question regarding its homeopathicity as the prescription in Tauopathy seems to be directed against specific causation only. This research is an attempt to find out the evolution of tautopathic method in homeopathy and its homeopathicity.


TAUTOPATHY , vitamin b12 , drug proving , potentization, Method of preparation

Table of contents

  • Problem statement
  • Aim
  • Objectives
  • Study duration
  • Number of subjects
  • Inclusion criteria
  • Exclusion criteria
  • Review of literature
  • Proving cycle
  • Study product ,dose, route ,regimen
  • Study design
  • Data collection
  • Data analysis
  • Conclusion
  1. Problem statement:-

Since many years we are observing that many people are suffering from the deficiency of vitamin B12 due to dietary error or lack of knowledge in all age groups.

  1. Aim :-

Role of homeopathic medicine in vitamin B12 with the process of TAUTOPATHY by potentizing it and proving it on the deficient person for the sign and symptoms.

  1. Objectives:-

1)Objective of this research is to know the mode of action of the medicine . Usually the vitamin b12 medicines  either taken orally or through injection  it takes at least 6 months to 1 year for its level to come in normal range  in the deficient person so , with the help of our potentized medicine we want to see that how fast  it can work as compare to allopathic medicine.

2) In certain cases like where the absorption power has been decreased  in elder people due to effect of medicines is not that up to the mark so in that condition also we can observe it’s action.

3) We can use this as intercurrent medicine with the help of homeopathic medicine in cases like celiac disease or crohn’s disease, digestive disorder or in weight loss surgery where body prevents the absorption of vitamin B12

4) Mainly in today’s world majority of them are suffering from skin complaints, hair loss, premature graying of hair etc. where the vitamin B12 plays an important role with our main medicines.

So in such cases it can help in getting the fast results of medicines.

5) In girls, woman both during menstruation and in menopause stage where the lot of sign and symptoms related to vitamin B12 deficiency are present so in such conditions also we can use.

  1. Study duration

Minimum – 3 months          and          Maximum- 1 year

  1. Number of subjects-

25-30 volunteers

  1. Inclusion criteria
  • Having a plasma tHcy>10 micromol/L
  • Not suffering from conditions as described in exclusion criteria
  • mainly following vegetarian diet
  • Not participating in weight reducing diet
  • Not consuming regularly vitamin B12 supplement
  • So fitting from pernicious anemia or other vitamin B12 deficiency disease
  • Undergone bowel surgery or suffer from GI disease
  • Age 18 to 60 years
  • Both male and female
  • Intelligent enough to record carefully the facts subjective and objective symptoms generated during drug proving
  • Able to inform the nature of the study and willing to give written informed consent
  • Pregnant and lactating women
  1. Exclusion criteria
  • Having a plasma tHcy less or equal to 10 micromol per liter.
  • Smokers
  • Alcohol intake regularly
  • Consume large amount of caffeine
  • use of medication known to influence nutritional status
  • Having genetic metabolic disease
  • Suffer from renal failure diabetes meletus CVS disease cancer
  • Have a known blood borne infection example hepatitis or HIV
  • Person having known
  • History of allergies food hypersensitivity etc
  • Participation in another clinical approving trial during the last six months.
  1. Review literature

As per Dr RP Patel

The discovery of this method by Dr Patel was an accident when a lady aged 45 yrs. Consulted him. She was suffering from typhoid. She was under the treatment of best allopathic physician of the town, he had prescribed CHLOROMYCETIN. In all, 32 capsules had been given within a week. Temperature came down from 104 to 100 degree and sometimes to 99.4 degree but never touched normal. Twelve more capsules were prescribed for 6 days.

But after taking the 34th capsule she had stomatitis , with burning in the mouth, burning in the throat, sensation of feeling heat and swelling, thirsty, vertigo, while getting up from bed, headache all over head, dull type. Movement aggravated her trouble. Itching here and there on the body, burning in the eyes mostly n the evening, hearing  loss right ear without any pathological lesion, general  weakness. In  spite of these trouble she continued the treatment and she was becoming worse day by day and lastly decided to visit homeopathic physician.

On consultation Dr PATEL prescribed her Bryonia 30, 8d hourly for 4days without any result. Then he prescribed Nux vomica 30 also without any good result. After 2 days he switched to CHOLROMYCETIN 6, thrice daily for 2 days as most of symptoms were due to its ill effects.she felt better on 3rd day and most of her symptoms were ameliorated within 5days and the remaining burning in stomach and feet were controlled by Rhustox 30, one dose after 15 days. The incidence led Dr R.P PATEL to potentise most of modern drugs and adopt Tauopathy.

If a homeopathic physician prescribes on the totality of symptoms without considering the symptoms or bad effects of drugs diseases of previous medication, he is going to fail , no doubt.

Patel noticed that not only could he remove the symptoms of the drugs with the tautopathic method, which would make it easier to find an indicated homeopathic drugs as in such cases patients recover completely if he is under the influence of that “ WONDER DRUG”.

He used the tautopathic medicine as intercurrent remedies during constitutional treatment as well as during treatment of acute and chronic aliments. He used them in lower potencies than constitutional remedies, as a rule the 30c. He observed that you could even repeat the pharma codes in the lower potencies without disturbing the action of the constitutional or chronic remedy.

Tautopathic drugs have two advantages such as:-

They can be proved according to homeopathic proving.

Can be assimilated in homeopathic Materia medica and can be given to antidote the bad effects of crude or offending and harmful identical agents.

Tauopathy is indirect homeopathy. It is homeopathy minus actual proving of the drugs on healthy provers. It is used on the basis of:-

1.CAUSATIVE FACTORS( abuse of corresponding)

2.The symptoms produced as side effects of the abused drugs.

As per Dr. Robin Murphy:

Tautopathic prescribing: The prescribing of potentised remedies based on their chemical similarity to the disorder being treated. Tauopathy is the science of antidotes and toxicology. This method excels in removing the effects of drugs and toxins.

Drug layers, drug abuse, addictions, cravings and drug overdoses can all be treated with tautopathic methods. The first remedy ever prescribed in homeopathy was a tautopathic, one not a homoeopathic, one. Hahnemann used the remedy China (potentised Peruvian bark) to treat Peruvian bark poisoning that was tauopathy. You need an ideal patient for classical homeopathy to work; they are the exception in homeopathic practice, not the rule.

Aetiology overrules symptomatology in clinical practice. If the cause of the disorder is a drug, then the homoeopath should be prescribing accordingly. The symptoms are an expression of the vital force. Each case tells you, via the aetiology and symptoms, whether to go for homeopathy, tauopathy or isopathy, etc.

Healing is a continual process; we have to keep the patient moving towards better health. Health is a part of living, growing and ageing.

Classical homeopathy is useless in cases of severe pathologies and patients on allopathic drugs. Clinical practice consists of sixty to seventy per cent of these types of patients. Most patients today are on two or three different drugs. Therefore we should be familiar with the top allopathic drugs being prescribed today, especially those used for heart problems, blood pressure and diabetes. We need to know the drug side-effects, drug overdose and withdrawal symptoms etc. Also, we need to know how to use the allopathic drugs as homeopathic remedies.

Following are the methods of tautopathic prescribing:

1.Tautopathic prescribing for drug side-effects

2.Tautopathic prescribing for drug withdrawals: Treat all drug withdrawals as acute, and use the tautopathic remedies in higher potencies.

3.Tautopathic prescribing of allopathic drugs based on their allopathic indications.

4.Tautopathic prescribing of preventative remedies: This is also known as PROPHYLACTIC TAUTOPATHY. If one knows a person is about to be exposed to a toxic substance, then one can give a tautopathic remedy to help them through the toxic exposure.

 5.Tautopathic prescribing for detoxification. Elimination of toxins:  Tauopathy could prove effective in treating the cases of poisoning, overdosing, and other forms of chemical toxicity.

6.Intercurrent remedy: sometimes patients will present with a fairly clear remedy picture, but that remedy, on being prescribed, fails to act as well as it should or the patient soon relapses. This may suggest a miasmatic blockage in the case but it could also be that a drug or other toxin that has been ingested in the past is preventing the remedy to act fully. In cases like this an intercurrent prescription of the drug in potency will clear the way and allow the indicated remedy to act as it should.

  1. Proving cycle

Ascending potency (low to High).

  1. Study product, dose, route, regimen

The potentised  drug will be proved in ascending potential potencies for each potencies a group of people will be prepared on which the medicine will be proved.

The provers will be enrolled following a pre-trial medical examination. Subsequent to a run in period of one week the study medication will be prescribed to the provers.

Each group will have 12 doses each dose contains 4 pills size 30 the provers will be assessed to take four doses in a day for three days from prescribed group of the given drug .

If any side effects or aggravations are observed then the medicine will be stopped.

After completion of the Group One month washout  period will be maintained in all the provers before the next group is initiated.


  1. Study design
  • Study type- interventional [RCT].
  • Allocation- RCT
  • Marking – Single blind study
  • Comparator- Allopathic medicine
  • Endpoint classification- Disappearance of symptoms, appearing during proving and subsequent symptoms free period of 30 days.
  1. Data collection-


The data that is collected will be included provers symptom, clinical symptom and laboratory findings.

  1. Data Analysis-

To note the changes seen in the level of vitamin B12 after the administration of drugs with different potencies.

The criteria that is required to fulfill the action of drug after its administration are:-

  • To note the symptoms. occurring during the proving.
  • distinct intensity of symptoms.
  • this symptoms several times shortly after administration of drugs.
  • striking singular uncommon symptoms.
  • striking seldom concomitant symptoms.
  • any objective findings including laboratory values associated with subjective symptoms.
  1. Conclusion

The conclusion of the research is only based on the hypothetical idea  that how would the potentized vitamin B12 with the concept of Tauopathy would act on an individual person.






What is TAUTOPATHY book by dr RP Patel


Name- Radhika                   Kulkarni

         4th year BHMS


About the author

Radhika Kulkarni

BHMS 4th Year