Homeopathy Materia Medica, Lectures on Homeopathic Materia Medica

Materia Medica

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Homeopathic Materia Medica

“The homeopathic material medica is a very fascinating and yet an exasperating subject. Its simplicity, its vastness, and its apparent similarity of symptoms in different drugs throw a tremendous challenge to the beginners” says Dr. Jugal Kishore. Homeopathy is different in its approach to cure, so as homeopathic material medica is also different from other material medicas in its construction, understanding and application too.

Homoeopathic Materia Medica is a record book of all the pathogenetic symptoms exhibited by a medicine when tested on healthy human beings. Dr. Hahnemann first published “Materia Medica Pura” which consists of the symptoms produced by a particular drug on healthy human provers from head to toe.

Later on many other Materia Medica were released that provide equally authentic descriptions of the medicine, by great stalwarts like W. Boericke, Dr. Kent, H. C. Allen, Hering Constantine, E. B Nash, etc, based on their own proving results.

HOMEOPATHY: Homeopathy is a unique therapeutic system discovered by a German physician named Christian Friedrich Samuel Hahnemann. Etymologically the word Homoeopathy can be divided into 2 parts. “Homoeos” means “Similar”, “Pathos” means “Suffering”. Thus Homoeopathy means “to cure a patient with those drugs that produce similar symptoms to the sufferings of the patient”. For a beginner, layman it sounds strange, but, truth is always difficult to digest! In, the end Truth always triumphs.                                                                 

HOMEOPATHY = HOMOEOS [SIMILAR] + PATHOS [SUFFERING].                                    

Homeopathy considers a patient as a sick person in the first instance. “Treat the patient not the disease,” says Master Hahnemann. This leaves the beginner in a confused state, as all of us are conditioned by the dominant medical school. But the study of “Organon of medicine” in its whole extent will guide him in understanding this explanation. To a Homeopathic doctor the signs and symptoms reveal not only the name of the disease but also the medicine suitable to the patient. The homoeopathic doctor tries to find out the uniqueness in the suffering of that particular individual in comparison with the other individuals. Based on the symptoms of the patient he can even detect the earliest manifestations of a disease process before it can damage the anatomy of the patient.  It is believed that homeopathic treatment removes the infection by stimulating the natural defense mechanism of the body. Hence it does not interfere with the immunity. Since the times of Master Samuel Hahnemann homoeopathic materia medica was a collection of symptoms produced by a drug on healthy human beings. Samuel Hahnemann’s original materia medica proves difficult to the beginners.

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