There are a number of homoeopathic medicines which have been partially proved but have much...
Materia Medica
Silica And Silicea
Silica is a mineral derived from flint , it is one of the 12 tissue salts and its presence in...
Case Treated By Flower Remedies
CASE NO—1He was a tall hand some , fair , healthy youth of 24 years he was a very neat and clean...
Emotional Remedies
1.IGNATIA AMARA;-St.Ignatias-Lloganiaceae-trituration of the seeds Key note;- pining- home...
Collapse And Reactions
Carbo veg on the other hand is principally indicated in states of advanced collapse where we...
Homoeopathic Remedies For Common...
Homoeopathic remedies can be used as first aid treatment in many situations but serious injuries...
A Brief Materia Medica With Surgical...
Pyrogenium; (30C to 200C), septic conditions with great restlessness , diptheria ; wounds...
Reactive Remedies For Organic Nervous...
For the sequence of paralysis, apoplexy, exhaustion, all cerebrospinal affections, depressions...
Kali Bichromicum From Kali Group
Introduction: Kali’s are difficult to spot , although they present a plethora of symptoms (overt...
Comparison Of Arsenicum Album, Nitric...
ARSENICUM Appearance Rather thin pale rather lined , fair or dark , anxious , worried , fearfull...
Nosodes And Vaccines: Their Methods...
In treating these miasma either in the acute or chronic stage , there are special nosodes that...
Trios In Homoeopathy And Drug...
We are all familiar with the concept of trios of remedies given by Dr.Nash , these remedies are...