The World Vision Foundation is an avid organization, working towards the upliftment of the healthy life and healthy mindset. As “A healthy body leads to a healthy mind and a healthy mind is the most important tool you can have for the healthy lifestyle.”
The foundation was just a seed in two people’s mind which was nurtured further with arduous efforts by the entire members even from afar, connected with the organization directly and indirectly.
The Healthy World Vision Foundation is an organization dedicated to actively promoting the right approach of homoeopathy towards cure. Our mission, together with member organizations and other relevant collaborators, is not only to support the young mindsthat work towards improving patient care globally, by advocating for research based evidence, practice standards and education, to promote a safe and rapid cure, and recovery for patients but also to promote a healthy way of living.
The goals it aims to achieve are:
- To establish, maintain, administer and run clinics, healing centers, Social service for the Old Aged and needy individuals, without making any discrimination on the basis of caste, creed, religion and language.
- To establish, run and assist Ayush hospitals, Medical colleges, trainingcenters, technical and medical institutions for providing opportunities to educate the public at a larger scale.
- To establish, maintain, run and aid in the project, establishment, maintenance and running of homes, and develop herbal garden, educational and medical centers for looking after the patients, poor, needy, rural people, aged, widow, orphans, lunatics, lepers, drug addicts and other handicapped persons, other weaker section of society without any discrimination
- To spread, promote and provide Health education lectures in schools, colleges, banks and many more Institutions and also grant certificates, of the Trust for appreciation.
- To conduct or assist in conducting the competitions, exhibitions, seminars, conferences, Free Healthcare checkup camps along with free medicine distribution, Health education sessions in the field of Homoeopathy and Naturopathy etc. which shall help and assist in unfolding the creative potentialities and talents of young minds, doctors, professionals and amateurs.
- To assist financially or otherwise any educational institutions, vocational and training centers, colleges in such a manner as trustees may determine in this regard.
- To give awards, prizes, books, medals, tools, implements or other adhocgrants or assistance to the any person/s, to develop their talents in AYUSH department.
This delivery is not attainable without the input, commitment and engagement of the dedicated homoeopaths.Colleagues, it is time for personal action, and each and every one of us is needed in that endeavor. I believe strongly that we cannot afford to abdicate our responsibility.
“Quality is never an accident; it is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, intelligent direction and skillful execution; it represents the wise choice of many alternatives.”
– William A Foster.
Dear Sir/Madam, Warm greetings!!!!
This October, Healthy World Vision Foundation has been kind enough to let you know about organizing two days “National Homoeopathic Conference” under the Trust Healthy World Vision Foundation in Lucknow on dates 7th and 8th October 2023, at Ganna Sansthan, a unique centre with high class amenities. Pleased to share with you that our conference includes many scientific sessions, paper presentations and panel discussions by the stalwarts in Homoeopathy. We will also felicitate the research scholars, speakers, ideal teachers, clinicians, topper students and resource persons over the platform. We are glad to inform you that delegates from pan India are going to be a part of this conference. We are expecting more than 1000 delegates comprising the cream of Homoeopathy from all over the India.
There will be a separate session for Pharmaceutical industry with stake holders, policy makers and regulators. A souvenir will be published and released on the occasion, which will contain messages from our Chief guests’ articles, research papers and abstracts. This souvenir will be distributed to all the delegates over here. We request you to submit your scientific paper, register as delegate, send advertisement insertion and/or book a stall to showcase your achievements, products and activities and be an active participant in this mega event. Our only aim is to do cross logical and authentic talk about Homoeopathy so that our clinicians can expertise in the same way to face the challenges during their practices. Our strong vision is to establish Homoeopathy door to door, including its beneficial miracles and challenging cures of chronic diseases and other allied sciences. We, on the behalf of Healthy World Vision Foundation, are inviting you all to be a part of this great event from the core of our heart and request to extend your helping hand and co- operation to make it a grand success.
Thanking you!
Dr. Girish Gupta
Senior Consultant).