Abstract – Gastritis is a clinical condition caused by irritation and inflammation of the mucosal lining of the stomach which can be acute and chronic. It is one of the most common medical issues affecting the general population of all age groups. Homoeopathy plays a very effective role in treating the symptoms of gastritis by considering the totality of symptoms and helps in curing the root cause of the patient and prevents further complications of the disease. This article aims at exploring the effectiveness of homoeopathy in treating such cases with detailed description of the causative factors, pathophysiology, symptoms, differential diagnosis and homoeopathic therapeutics.
Keywords – Homoeopathy, Gastritis, Pain, Treatment, Symptoms.
Introduction- Gastritis is the acute or the chronic inflammatory condition of the gastric mucosa caused by various factors including infection, long term use of certain medications, consumption of excessive alcohol, stress etc. This condition is present with the symptoms of nausea, abdominal pain, vomiting, bloating, tenderness, acidity, indigestion. The onset can be sudden mainly caused by triggering factors or it can develop gradually by long term usage of medications, irritants or any other underlying conditions. Erosive gastritis is rare and is characterised by ulcers and bleeding in the gastric lining. It can occur in any age group but it is particularly more common in older adults, prevalence can be varied by the location, medications and the lifestyle. There are various classifications for gastritis depending on its aetiology and the most common is Acute, Chronic and Reactive Gastritis.
There are various treatment available for gastritis and homoeopathy is one such treatment that can provide effective results in managing and curing patients and thus promotes quality of life of an individual, it not only helps in addressing the common symptoms of the disease but also takes into account all the symptoms related to physical and mental health of the patient. Homoeopathy aims to completely eradicate or rather cure the disease.
The function of the gastric mucosal lining is to protect the stomach from corrosive effects of the gastric acid and also helps in mucus production to neutralize any acid that reaches the surface of the mucosa, Due to any triggering factors such as medications, infections, systemic diseases, alcohol, stress or any other irritants results in the impairment and damage to the barrier and destruction of the parietal cells as result of which HCL comes in contact of gastric mucosa that causes injury to the tissue leading to release of inflammatory mediators and increase capillary permeability due to which gastric mucosa becomes edematous and hyperaemic which eventually leads to erosion of mucosal lining and potential ulcer formation if left untreated .
Types of Gastritis
Common types of gastritis are –
- Acute Gastritis – The onset is sudden mainly caused by NSAIDs, alcohol or any severe physiological stress presents with the symptoms of abdominal pain, anorexia, nausea and vomiting.
- Chronic gastritis – It is of 2 types
Type A Gastritis – Caused by autoimmune response that attacks the gastric mucosal lining leading to inflammation and atrophy.
Type B Gastritis – Caused by Helicobacter pylori infection leading to long term inflammation of the gastric mucosa
- Reactive Gastritis – Triggered by the reflux of bile from duodenum into the stomach, long term use of alcohol and NSAIDS can often lead to this condition. It is also known as chemical gastritis as the repeated exposure to these substances cause a chemical reaction which erodes the mucosal lining over a period of time.
Causative Factors
Various factors responsible for gastritis are :
- Infections – Bacterial, Viral and Fungal infections can cause gastritis, the most common infection is the bacterial infection by helicobacter pylori which can lead to chronic inflammatory reaction and often may cause ulcers in the mucosal lining of the stomach.
- Alcohol Intake – Excessive alcohol consumption may lead to irritation and erosion of the gastric mucosa.
- Dietary causes – Highly spicy, acidic, fatty and fried food may increase the chances and susceptibility of the disease.
- Medications – Certain types of steroids and NSAIDs may contribute to inflammation and irritation.
- Autoimmune – occurs when the immune system starts attacking gastric lining leading to inflammation and atrophy.
- Tobacco Intake – It also contributes to the inflammatory condition and can lead to more acid production.
- Bile reflux – The reflux of the bile from the intestine into the stomach can also damage the mucosal lining.
- A gnawing pain and burning in the upper abdomen and chest.
- Feeling of fullness and discomfort after taking meals.
- Weight loss due to reduced desire to take meals.
- Episodes of nausea and vomiting- coffee ground like material present in vomitus and sometimes blood can also be there.
- Hiccups.
- Feeling of tiredness.
- Erosive gastritis leads to gastrointestinal bleeding which results in black tarry stools.
- Frequent belching.
- Systemic diseases e.g. sarcoidosis
- Idiopathic
Differential Diagnosis
- Peptic ulcers
- Crohn’s Disease
- Cholelithiasis
- Cholecystitis
- Pancreatitis
- Gastric ulcer
- Zollinger-Ellison syndrome
If left untreated, the condition gets complicated and can cause peptic ulcer and gastrointestinal bleeding, sometimes peptic ulcer can result in scarring leading to gastric outlet obstruction, other complications include anaemia, peritonitis and long term chronic gastritis especially H pylori infection may increase risk of cancer.
Blood Test – To find out the underlying cause.
Common blood test for Gastritis are
1 . Complete Blood Count
- Serum Gastrin Levels
- Vitamin B12
Stool Test – To identify infection caused by Helicobacter pylori which is the most common cause of gastritis.
Upper GI Endoscopy- To visualise the stomach lining and to find out the severity of the disease.
Biopsy – To detect H.Pylori infection, malignancy and other abnormalities.
Homoeopathic Treatment
Homoeopathy plays a very beneficial role in management and treatment of gastritis by considering the symptom similarity of the individual patients which not only provides the relief but often cures the disease and restores the health of the patients by means of holistic approach. There are so many medicines which proves to have great results in such cases and can be used effectively to treat the patients
Homeopathic therapeutics for Gastritis are :
Arsenic Album – Burning pain in stomach with anxiety, vomiting of blood and bile, cannot bear the smell and sight of the flood, craves icy cold water but it causes dyspepsia, heartburn with acid reflux excoriating the throat, constant eructations, dark, bloody, offensive stool worse at night.
Belladonna – Cutting pain in epigastrium better by bending backward, stomach pain extending to throat and shoulder, throbbing and shooting types of pain spasmodic hiccough , reduced desire to eat, great sensitivity to touch and pressure, desires for cold water.
Bismuth – Vomiting of liquids in great quantities as soon as the stomach gets full, pain in face and head alternating with pains in gastric region, cramping and burning pain in the stomach.
Carbo veg – flatulence in upper abdomen with pain , worse from lying down, distension of abdomen with contractive pain extending to the chest, eructations after eating and drinking , very good medicine for excessive flatulence with discharge of fetid flatus, abdominal pain better by passing flatus.
China – Flatulence and bloating in the whole abdomen, digestion sluggish, very good medicine for gallstone colic, belching without any relief, sensation of weight in the stomach after eating, colicky pain in abdomen better by hard pressure or bending double, hiccoughs , catarrhal affections of stomach and intestine.
Colocynth – Tympanitis, sensation as if intestine squeezed between the stones, crampy pain in abdomen especially after anger, pain better by bending double, bitter taste in the mouth.
Ipecac – Cutting and clawing pain in the umbilical region, constant nausea not relieved by vomiting, food disagrees, sinking at the stomach, great remedy for gastric fevers.
Lycopodium – Gnawing pain in the stomach, flatulence in the lower abdomen, fullness of the stomach even after the slightest meal, sensation of the band around the waist, pain in hypochondria on touching, aggravation between 4 to 8 P.M. worse from the pressure of clothes.
Nux vomica – Sour eructations, violent retching and bilious vomiting, sensation of heavy knot in the stomach after taking food , nausea better by vomiting, aggravation from the pressure of clothes, craves for stimulants, pain in stomach going to back and chest, liver region sore.
Phosphorus – Sharp pains in abdomen, hardness and distension of abdomen especially after meals, burning sensation in the abdomen, uneasiness in abdomen after breakfast, craves for cold food and cold drinks, Nausea after meals , the pain is often aggravated by cold food, pain in stomach extending to the chest, vomiting of bile, vomitus greenish or blackish in colour.
Sulphur – Spasmodic pains in the abdomen, desires sweets but sweets causes pain in stomach , pain in abdomen at night better by bending forward, noisy eructations on pressing the stomach, sour eructations, rawness and soreness in the abdomen, faint feeling in the stomach around 11a.m.
Veratrum album – Burning as if from hot coals, colicky pain in umbilical region, pain in abdomen at night with sleeplessness, contraction of the abdomen while vomiting, extreme tenderness in the abdomen, violent flatulence, violent vomiting with coldness of hands and great exhaustion, vomiting of blood and bile, loose stools blackish- brown or greenish, copious stool with cold sweating on forehead with shuddering of the whole body.
Conclusion – Gastritis can be well managed and treated with homoeopathy, remedy selection is done on the basis of symptom similarity of the patient and is being prescribed in minimum doses according to the principles of homeopathy so as to provide safe, gentle and permanent cure to the patients.
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