As written in the foreword of this book I would also say that “Homœopathic Drug Pictures” from the pen of the late Dr. Tyler is probably the most valuable contribution to the homeopathic Materia Medica that has been written by the author.
This is a compilation of Drug proving mostly by Hahnemann but Tyler has made a great effort to present it in an organized manner and created a beautiful drug picture of each remedy she has described.
She has mentioned symptoms of every remedy from the point of view of different authors like Kent, Boennighausen, Hahnemann, H C Allen etc. and then she also elaborates the symptoms beautifully with her own experience. Her drug studies are concise and exact.
She presents the insight she had acquired through her career into the essence of each drug’s activity on the patients. And surprisingly this book presents no theory; it has clinical insights with great points for differentiation of remedies.
This is one of the most important and the most useful parts of the book according to me and that is “Differentiation of similar looking remedies” for example how to differentiate the coryza of allium cepa and euphrasia. Or how to understand the delirium of Stramonium and belladonna.
She describes vividly and very minutely the similar symptoms and then gives the minute points of differentiation.
Then comes the black letter symptoms – in many drug pictures she describes black letter symptoms of the drugs which are the most important indications for the drug.
In stramonium remedy Tyler says “To get an all – round knowledge of the uses of any drug, one has to get the impressions of many prescribers and their experience in regard to its usefulness.”
And this is what she has followed all throughout the book and that makes the book very unique and very useful for clinical practitioners.
Honestly in today’s world not many people have time to verify the proving symptoms with old books like Hahnemannian work or any other book for that matter but Tyler has already helped the homoeopathic fraternity and she has done lot of research and verification of symptoms from various authors to get the exact drug pictures of the remedies she has covered in her book. So That’s why I believe that this book is a must read and very useful for beginners as it gives you clear-cut differentiating symptoms and helps you understand the full drug picture of the medicines.
So the real value of this book is in the fact that it teaches us the pattern of this drug through verified symptoms. It has history, source, preparation, and differentiation. Tyler has also included some of the case studies for better understanding.

Title : Homoeopathic drug pictures
Author: M L Tyler
ISBN: 9788131903063
Pages: 1070
Language: English
Format: Hard Cover
Dr Yamini Ramesh
BHMS , CCAH, FCAH (Mumbai)
Consultant Homeopath
Co founder- Asha Homeopathic Academy & Homeopathy Junction

Dr Yamini has been practicing since 2008 at Asha Homeo Health Center Indore. She has learned under many great Homoeopaths like Dr. Rajan Sankaran, Dr Sarkar, Dr. Jayesh Shah etc. She integrates many tools and techniques into her practice needed for individual cases. She is a holistic health enthusiast who has an immense interest in treating pediatric and psychiatric cases too.
She handles Asha Homeopathic academy where she teaches regularly about the advanced methodologies to young budding homeopaths. In the academy she conducts many short term and one long term courses. The academy has curated many innovative courses which are extremely useful for managing day to day practice like – E clinic setup program , clinical course on Therapeutics etc.
She has launched “Neev – the foundation course” for beginner homoeopaths.
She conducts meditation and counseling workshops also for patients as well as doctors together with her husband Dr Vaibhav Jain.
She is creating content on Instagram regarding homeopathy awareness through insta live sessions and many case solving competitions.
She has also won the prestigious “Lippe Award” – solve the case Contest from Bamra Arogya trust in 2014.
She has also created a “Rare Medicine Bank” at her clinic and also started a community library dedicated to homeopaths.
She keeps sharing her clinical experiences at many national and international platforms. Dr Yamini in integrating different methods and teaching the same inclusivity to her students through various educational activities.
She has started many offline and online homeopathic courses for students which can help in learning the clinical application of homeopathic principles. She believes that “learning is a never-ending process and one can learn best by sharing the knowledge one has.”
Dr Yamini along with her husband Dr Vaibhav jain organizes many free medical camps through her philanthropic organization called ABHIJEET FOUNDATION.
She has organized free camps for many children, women and elderly NGOs, in slums, and also for transgender societies.
She has keen interest in all kinds of educational activities.