Homoeopathic Management in Post Surgery Ophthalmic Complications:

Homoeopathic Management in Post Surgery Ophthalmic Complications

Abstract : Post surgical ophthalmic complications can significantly impact patient recovery and quality of life. Conventional treatments often focus on managing inflammation, pain and infection but complementary medicine like homoeopathy has gained attention for their potential benefits. Homoeopathy based on individualistic approach and principle of “like cures like” offers holistic care that may enhance recovery and can provide benefits to the patients in post operative ophthalmic complications. This article explores the role of homoeopathy in managing common post surgical ophthalmic complications such as oedema, infection, pain, dry eyes, excessive lachrymation due to sun exposure and delayed wound healing.

Key words: ophthalmic complications, cataract surgery, glaucoma surgery, light sensitivity, rapid and gentle healing. 

Introduction: Post operative complications in ophthalmic surgeries such as cataract, glaucoma, or refractive procedures can present challenges that delay recovery and compromise visual outcomes. Common issues include inflammation, oedema, infection, pain, dry eyes, excessive lachrymation due to sun exposure and delayed wound healing.  Conventional medicine may sometimes result in side effects or limited efficacy. This has led to an increased interest in homoeopathy, to complement traditional care. Homoeopathy offers gentle remedies that aim to stimulate the body’s natural healing processes. Remedies such as mezerium, zincum metallicum, asafoetida, alumina, staphsagria are commonly utilized in post surgical ophthalmic complications. These treatments are tailored to the patient’s physical and emotional state, offering a personalized approach to recovery. This article explores the potential role of homoeopathy in addressing post operative ophthalmic complication, emphasizing its benefits as an adjunct to conventional therapy. By alleviating symptoms, promoting healing and reducing the need for additional pharmacological interventions, homoeopathy provides a valuable addition to post operative care in ophthalmology.

Trigger factors: 

  • Dust 
  • Pollution 
  • Improper eye hygiene 
  • Increased intraocular pressure
  • Light
  • Infections etc..

Homoeopathic management

1.Mezerium : Outward pain along the eye brows. Dryness of eyes. Eyes are staring at one point. They feel as if they are too large. Ciliary neuralgia especially after operation or removal of eyeballs. Sensation as if eyes drawn back into head. There is an inclination to wink. Feeling of coldness with pain in eyes. Twitching of muscles around eyes. 

  1. Staphysagria : Eyes feel dry with lachrymation. There is inflammation of the eyelids. Bursting and burning pain in eyeballs. Sunken eyes with blue rings around. Hot tears run off the eyes on looking at the sun which scald the cheeks. Itching in the margin of lids. Pain in the upper eyelid which aggravates closing eyes. Black flashes and luminous sparks before eyes. Sparkling before eyes in dark. Spasmodic closing of lids.   
  2. Zincum metallicum : Eyes feel drawn together. Lachrymation on eating. Rolling of eyes. Sees luminous bodies when looking into air or sky. Blurring of one half of vision. Itching and soreness of lids and inner angles with cloudiness of vision. Violent photophobia, it seems as if the light would blind him. Intense burning in eyes after operation. Amaurosis fugax during severe headache, passing away with headache. 
  3. Asafoetida : Throbbing pain in and around the eyes which <night. Orbital neuralgia > by pressure and rest. Lids stick to balls. Numbness about eyes. Ulcers on cornea > in open air with a sensation of numbness in eyes. Inflammation of eyes with ragged appearance of iris. Severe sharp pain that come from within out. Severe burning is better in the open air. Misty appearance before the eyes, dullness as if looking through a fog. Seems as if atmosphere is filled with little black flies. Bloody, ichorous, offensive discharge from eyes. Intraocular inflammation with boring and throbbing pains at night. 
  4. Alumina: White stars before the eyes with vertigo. Eyes feel cold. Eyelids are weak, falling, thickened, dry, burning and smarting which < In morning. Objects look yellow. Pressure in eyes, which renders it impossible to open them. Pressure as if from a grain of sand in the corner of the eye. Burning with nocturnal agglutination of lids and diurnal lachrymation. Sensation of coldness in the eyes and eyelids on walking in open air. Stitches in eye. Confusion of sight, as from a mist and sparkling before the eyes.

Things to avoid after eye surgery to prevent complications:

  • Strenuous exercise, 
  • Heavy weight lifting,
  • Bending, 
  • Touching and rubbing eyes, 
  • Bright sun light, 
  • Exposure to strong wind, 
  • Swimming in pools and natural water bodies, 
  • Be cautious to avoid water, soap or shampoo entering the eyes.


Homoeopathy offers a promising complementary approach in the management of post operative ophthalmic complications by promoting natural healing processes and alleviating symptoms without significant side effects, homoeopathy can improve patient comfort, satisfaction and the overall well being.  

References : 

  1. A dictionary of practical material medica by J. H Clarke
  2. Lectures on homoeopathic material medica by J. T Kent
  3. Material medica of homoeopathic medicines by S. R Phatak
  4. New manual of homoeopathic material medica and repertory by william boerike.
  5. Textbook of ophthalmology by Sanjeev kumar mittal and Raj kumar aggarwal

About the author

Narender paul

Narender paul - BHMS (HPU)

About the author

Dr Vasundhara mehrotra

Dr. Vasundhara mehrotra BHMS, MD(HOM)