Homoeopathic Management of Insect Bite: A Case Study - homeopathy360

Homoeopathic Management of Insect Bite: A Case Study


Ectoparasites include arthropods and creature from other phyla, that infest skin, may inflect direct mechanical injury, induce hypersensitivity reactions, inoculate toxins, transmit pathogens, create openings in the skin for secondary bacterial infection, and incite fear and disgust. Lesions caused by these ectoparasites are diverse and variable depending upon the hosts susceptibility. Homoeopathic medicines have capacity to modify susceptibility of host for toxins and their by prevents bad effects of these toxins upon human body. This case demonstrates about Homoeopathic management of insect bite on OPD basis in a cost effective manner.

Homoeopathic Case Record:

Date:  02/04/22 Name: Mr  SKJ           Age/Sex: 42 yrs/Male  
Religion: Hindu Education:  Graduation Occupation: Service
Marital status: Married Father: 70 yrs retired Teacher Mother: 64 yrs House wife
Diet: Non-Veg. Address: Behind Hotel Sarathi, MIDC, Latur

Chief Complaint:

Location Sensation Modalities Concomitant
Skin Upper extremities Arms Right to left   I-Moderate P- Gradually increasing D- progressive, since 8 days Itching ++ Burning +++ Eruptions erythmatous, Suppurating+++ Skin discoloration red++ Ailment after insect bite. <  warm, after    

      3Past History (F/H): Nothing significant 3Family History (P/H): Nothing significant

  • Physical Generals 3Appetite – good  3Thirst adequate  3Urine – Normal
  • Bowel –  Regular 3Desires & Aversions – Not Specific }3Sleep – Disturbed
  • Dreams- Not specific. Perspiration- Moderate
  •  Thermal Status: Hot
On examination (O/E): General Appearance: Tall, Lean, Fair, Height: Tall 6’ Temp: 99o F Pulse: 82/min Slow Regular RR: 18/min      BP: 116/70 mm Hg Weight: 58 kg Throat: NAD Systemic examination (S/E): CNS: NAD           CVS: S1S2 Normal       R/S: Clear   P/A: Soft, non tender. LS: Not Palpable * CNS- Central Nervous System, CVS- Cardiovascular System, R/S- Respiratory System, P/A- Per Abdomen, L- Liver S-Spleen, NAD- Nothing Abnormal Detected O/E – SKIN – Eruptions, pustular, skin surrounding eruptions is Red, linear in distribution on both arms.

Investigations Ordered: CBC, ESR. BSL Random

Case Processing:

  • Disease Diagnosis & Miasmatic Understanding with Reasoning:
Disease Diagnosis Reasoning for Disease Diagnosis Reasoning for Miasmatic Understanding
 Insect bite Ailment after insect bite. Itching ++ Burning +++ Eruptions erythmatous, Suppurating+++ Skin discoloration red++ Sudden onset, rapid progression Suppurating eruptions Sensitivity High Susceptibility Moderate

3Disease Diagnosis: Insect bite  3Hahnemannian Classification of Disease: Individual DiseasesAcute 3Dominant Miasm: Tubercular {Refer reasoning column for miasmatic understanding 3Susceptibility: Moderate 3Sensitivity: High3Potency: 200 3Repetition: Frequent

3Totality of Symptoms: Acute

3Selection of Repertory: Murphy Repertory

    1}Ailments after insect bite

    2] Eruptions Suppuration with

    3] Eruptions skin Burning

    4] Itching, warm after aggravation

    5] Skin discoloration red

    6] Side right to left

  • Repertorial Sheet:

Repertorial Result:

Hot Totality & Symptoms Covered Chilly Totality & Symptoms Covered
Apis 15/6 Graph 11/5
Lyco 12/5 Ars 10/5
Sulph 11/5 Merc 12/4

Final Selection of Acute Remedy & First Prescription: Considering the thermal status of patient i.e. Hot & the totality covered the final selection of remedy is Apis melifica 200

Prescription: Apis melifica 200 qds x 3 days. Sac Lac for 5 days

Date: 08/04/22:

Itching reduced, burning reduced, suppuration reduced, eruptions started to dry up. No new complaint. Sleep improved.  Sac Lac for 8 days.

 Date: 18/04/22

 No itching, no burning, eruptions completely dried up with healing. No new complaint. Physical generals – normal. 

About Author:

Dr. Vishal Deshpande

Prof. Dept of Repertory, JIMS HMC & Hospital

Dr. Santosh Jagdabhi

Prof. Dept of Physiology, JIMS HMC & Hospital

M. 9890414095 email: [email protected]

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