Haemorrhoids are swollen, inflamed veins around your anus or the lower part of your rectum. There are two types:
External haemorrhoids, which form under the skin around your anus.
.Internal haemorrhoids, which form in the lining of your anus and lower rectum.
Epidemiology- Worldwide, the prevalence of symptomatic haemorrhoids is estimated at 4.4% in the general population.
In India It has been projected that about 50% of the population would have haemorrhoids at some point in their life probably by the time they reach the age 50, and approximately 5% population suffer from haemorrhoids at any given point of time.
Haemorrhoids happen when there is too much pressure on the veins around the anus. This can be caused by:
Straining during bowel movements
Sitting on the toilet for long periods of time
Chronic constipation or diarrhoea
A low-fibre diet
Weakening of the supporting tissues in your anus and rectum. This can happen with aging and pregnancy.
Frequently lifting heavy objects
What are the symptoms of haemorrhoids?
The symptoms of haemorrhoids depend on which type you have:
With external haemorrhoids, you may have:
Anal itching
One or more hard, tender lumps near your anus
Anal pain, especially when sitting
Too much straining, rubbing, or cleaning around your anus may make your symptoms worse. For many people, the symptoms of external haemorrhoids go away within a few days.
With internal haemorrhoids, you may have
Bleeding from your rectum – you would see bright red blood in your stool, on toilet paper, or in the toilet bowl after a bowel movement
Prolapse, which is a haemorrhoid that has fallen through your anal opening
Internal haemorrhoids are usually not painful unless they are prolapsed. Prolapsed internal haemorrhoids may cause pain and discomfort.
*How are haemorrhoids diagnosed?*
To make a diagnosis, your health care provider:
Will ask about your medical history
Will do a physical exam. Often providers can diagnose external haemorrhoids by looking at the area around your anus.
Will do a digital rectal exam to check for internal haemorrhoids. For this, the provider will insert a lubricated, gloved finger into the rectum to feel for anything that is abnormal.
May do procedures such as an endoscopy to check for internal haemorrhoids
What are the treatments for haemorrhoids?
If at-home treatments for haemorrhoids don’t help you, you may need a medical procedure. There are several different procedures that your provider can do in the office. These procedures use different techniques to cause scar tissue to form in the haemorrhoids. This cuts off the blood supply, which usually shrinks the haemorrhoids. In severe cases, you may need surgery.
How can I treat haemorrhoids at home?
You can most often treat your haemorrhoids at home by:
Eating foods that are high in fibre
Taking a stool softener or a fibre supplement
Drinking enough fluids every day
Not straining during bowel movements
Not sitting on the toilet for long periods of time
Taking over-the-counter pain relievers
Taking warm baths several times a day to help relieve pain. This could be a regular bath or a sitz bath. With a sitz bath, you use a special plastic tub that allows you to sit in a few inches of warm water.
Using over-the-counter haemorrhoid creams, ointments, or suppositories to relieve mild pain, swelling, and itching of external haemorrhoids
When do I need to see a health care provider for haemorrhoids?
You should see your health care provider if you:
Still have symptoms after 1 week of at-home treatment
Have bleeding from your rectum. Haemorrhoids are a common cause of bleeding, but other conditions can also cause bleeding. They include Cohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, colorectal cancer, and anal cancer. So it’s important to see your provider to find the cause of the bleeding.
Can haemorrhoids be prevented?
You can help prevent haemorrhoids by:
Eating foods that are high in fibre
Taking a stool softener or a fibre supplement
Drinking enough fluids every day
Not straining during bowel movements
Not sitting on the toilet for long periods of time
How Homeopathy helps to cure for haemorrhoids
Homoeopathy offers the best treatment for haemorrhoids. I say best not only because the cure rate is exceptionally good but also because Homoeopathic treatment for haemorrhoids offers several more advantages. It is very economical when compared to any other alternative or complementary treatment for haemorrhoids. At the same time, the homeopathic medicines do not have any side effects. This is one of the biggest advantages of Homoeopathy over any other system of medicine. While you are under treatment of any other system of medicine, you run the risk of getting one or the other side effect while Homoeopathic treatment for piles is absolutely safe. That is why I say that Homeopathy is the best when it comes to alternative or complementary treatment for Haemorrhoids.
Homoeopathic Approach
Homoeopathy is a holistic system of medicine that helps individuals suffering from haemorrhoids to reduce the rates of surgery. Various studies proved that homeopathy is very efficient in pain management and is a ray of hope.
Homeopathy treats the patient as a whole. According to $5 of organon of medicine, the fundamental cause of all chronic disease is nothing but Miasm Miasms are dynamic disease-producing powers that pollute human organisms and produce all possible diseases. Homoeopathic prescription is based on the totality of the symptoms which includes constitution and Miasm. Allen says that the disease is the vicarious embodiment of some miasmatic influence that has bonded itself with the life force, producing disease.
Homoeopathic Therapeutic
The action of the drug is most marked on the lower bowel, producing engorged haemorrhoidal veins, with characteristic backache and absence of actual constipation
Severe pain but little bleeding
Feels full of small sticks
Haemorrhoids like ground nuts
Anus raw, sore.
Haemorrhoids with sharp shooting pain up the back; blind and bleeding
<standing or walking
Haemorrhoids protrude like grapes; very sore and tender; better cold water application
Burning in the anus and rectum prevents sleep
Painful spasmodic protrusion of rectum
Tenesmus, burning pain, and pressure in the rectum and anus
Haemorrhoids burns like fire relieved by heat and at night
Emission of mucus by the anus, with tenesmus
Pelvic and portal congestion resulting in haemorrhoids and constipation, especially in females
Pruritus in pregnancy with piles
The sensation of sharp sticks in the rectum
Sensation of constriction
Obstinate constipation with protruding piles
Painful, bleeding piles
Itching in the anus
Haemorrhoids with bruised and soreness of affected part
Haemorrhoids bleeding profusely with soreness
Pulsations in rectum
Fullness and weight; back as if it would break
Haemorrhoids protrude, become constricted, and purplish
Stitches in them on sneezing or coughing
Constant urging in the rectum, not for stool.
Piles, irritable with painful drawing upward like a mouse tugging at one side and drawing it up
Large Haemorrhoidal tumours in persons addicted to spirituous drinks
Haemorrhoids are extremely sensitive to any touch; even a sheet of toilet paper is painful
Anal itching and prolapses any while maturating
Haemorrhoids during pregnancy; bluish hot with violent stitches
Haemorrhoids protrude like a bunch of grape
Violent cutting pain after stools, lasting for hours
Haemorrhages from bowel; profuse bright
Haemorrhoids bleed easily
After stools, irritable and exhausted
Itching blind haemorrhoids with ineffectual urging to stool
Very painful; after drastic drugs
Constant uneasiness in the rectum
<during medication and intellectual labour
Bloodless piles in hysterical women
White hard stools
Bleeding haemorrhoids
Protrusion and ready bleeding of haemorrhoidal tumours in rectum and anus, with pain from excoriation, when sitting or lying down
Great Hahnemannian antipsoric
Itching and burning in the anus
Piles depending on an abdominal plethora
Frequent unsuccessful desire
Haemorrhoids oozing and itching
Blind piles with burning as if something were biting at the anus, going away when lying down, coming on when standing or walking about
Haemorrhoids that protrude, ooze and bleed
Anus inflamed, swollen covered with red veins
Suppressed haemorrhoids with colic palpitation, congestion to lungs; back feels stiff as if bruised.
Dr.Pavan kumar Pandey
Associate Professor (Homoeopathic Materia medica Department)
Anushree homoeopathic medical college and hospital Jabalpur (M.P) Email id; drpk09.pandey@gmail.com