Dr SKANDHAN. S. KUMAR (Assistant professor, Department of Organon of medicine, Father Muller Homeopathic Medical college & Hospital Mangalore)
Dr SANTIDHEEPAN (PG Scholar -MD – II (2018-19 Batch) Department of Organon of Medicine) Father Muller Homoeopathic Medical College and Hospital, University Mangalore.
ABSTRACT: A known case of hypothyroidism treated homoeopathically with constitutional medicine (“Pulsatilla pratensis”) It is said to be a very good medicine for women, for blondes, especially for tearful blondes. It is one of the polychrests and one of the medicines most frequently used, as well as often abused1. and thyroidinum on sector basis as it has indications such as Thyroid produces anæmia, emaciation, muscular weakness, sweating, headache, nervous tremor of face and limbs, tingling sensations, paralysis2. The parameters used for analysis of prognosis are weight, TFT, neck circumference.
KEYWORDS: Hypothyroidism, Constitutional medicine, Thyroidinum, Homoeopathic cure, Thyroid Function test.
ABBREVIATION: += Present, A=absent; <=aggravation; >=amelioration; S=same; D=decreased; TFT=thyroid function test.
Hypothyroidism, also called underactive thyroid or low thyroid, is a disorder of the endocrine system in which the thyroid gland does not produce enough thyroid hormone.3 Hypothyroidism is a medical condition which is mentally stressful especially in females as it affects menstrual cycle’s charecter, weight gain, skin discolouration etc… which hurt patient’s in various ways. But for this sickness, in other systems of medicines, there are no proper solutions for this, patients are asked to be under life-long hormonal supplements, which is not a permanent solution. Salt iodization has prevented hypothyroidism in many populations.4
Where these supplementary medicines are also not permanent because the patients body gets adapted to those doses and there will be a need to raise the potency now and then, which also has a lot of side-effects. But in homoeopathy by the most simple and harmless medicines. Primary hypothyroidism is about a thousand-fold more common than central hypothyroidism.5
A 25 year old female came with the complaints of slight glandular swelling in the anterior part of neck since 6 months, which was painless. She consulted an allopathic physician, who gave her medicines including Thyronorm and folate, with which patient was not better. She continued it for 2 months and as she was not getting better she discontinued the medication. She decided to try homoeopathy for the further treatment as her previous physician(allopath) adviced so she came to wenlock homoeopathy unit on 18.07.2019 where she came with a TFT report in which TSH-6.94uIU/ml, T3- 1.21ng/dl, T4- 7ug/ dl. Presently she have excess prostration and swelling in the anterior part of neck which is firm in consistency.
Past history: nothing significant
Family history: Mother- DM type 2.
Treatment history: allopathic treatment for presenting complaint.
Patient as a person:
Appetite- good
Thirst – ½- 1 litre per day
Craving – spicy food
Aversion: Nil
Bowel habits: one per day, no difficulties.
Bladder habits: 2-3 times/ day.
Sleep: good, no disturbances.
Dreams: nothing specific
Thermals: Hot patient.
Life space investigation: patient hails from middle socioeconomic status. Had apparently a pleasant childhood. After PUC she stopped her studies as she was not interested and financially their family had difficulties. Have good relationship with friends. Family first, then comes the friends.
As a person, very friendly, sensitive, weeps very easily even after watching an emotional scene in movie, gets irritated easily but then forgets completely.
General Physical Examination: moderately built and nourished. No other positive findings.
Vital science: BP – 130/90mmhg, Pulse: 76bpm, temperature- 98F.
Local examination: External throat.-
Inspection: Swelling (+)
Palpation: Neck circumference- 36cm, Firm in consistency, No tenderness.
Systemic examination-
Respiratory system: NVBS heard. No adventitious sounds.
Cardiovascular system: S1 and S2 heard. No murmurs.
Clinical diagnosis- Hypothyroidic goitre
Acute totality:
- Prostration
- Swelling in neck
- Hypothyroidic goitre
PRx- Thyroidinum
Mental general | Physical general | Characteristic particulars |
Mild | Thirstless | Prostration |
Weepy nature | Hot patient | |
Sensitive | ||
Forgiving nature |
PRx – Pulsatilla
- Puls 200 1P HS
- 2 grain tab 2-0-2
Follow up- 1
Prostration- decreased2+,
Weight- 42kg, Neck circumference – 34cm.
- Puls200 1P HS
- Thyroidinum 6c 3-3-3
Follow up – 2: Prostration- absent
Weight-42kg, Neck circumference- 32cm.
Adv., TFT.
- Puls (0) 1P HS
- Thyroidinum 6c 3-3-3
Follow up – 3: Prostration- absent,
Weight 42kg, Neck circumference- 31.5cm
TSH – 3.310uIU/ml, T3 – 1.3mg/dl, T4 – 7.05ug/dl
- Thyroidinum 6c 3-3-3
Follow up – 4: Prostration- absent
Neck circumference- 31cm, weight- 42kg.
Patient named Ms. S, came with the complaint of prostration with raised TSH level and a swelling in anterior part of neck. Care was diagnosed as Hypothyroidic goitre. Prescribed constitutionally pulsatilla and followed it up with thyroidinum on sector basis. Patient became asymptomatic and values became normal, which denotes the cure. I would like to suggest the young budding homoeopaths as quoted by Kent in his lectures that that lets not become a sailor in an ocean without a compass who struggles in finding his way out of the sea but sometimes with fluke if you find a way also its not going to help him in future at all so what an trying to say here is be prepared with strong Hahnemannian basics to tackle each & every case you come across6. And the key for all the cases is in Organon of Medicine & Homoeopathic Materia medica. At the I would conclude this article quoting Kent’s words “The disease is not to be named but perceived; not to be classified but to be viewed, that the very nature of it may be discovered”.7
Before | After | |
Prostration | 2+ | Absent |
Neck circumference- TSH | 36cm 6.94 uIU/ml | 31cm 3.310uIU/ml(Normal) |


- cited on 05/08/2020
- Boericke, W., & Boericke, O. E. (1927). Pocket manual of homoeopathic materia medica: comprising the characteristic and guiding symptoms of all remedies (clinical and pathogenetic). 9th ed., rev. and enl. Santa Rosa, CA: Boericke & Tafel.
- National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases. March 2013. Archived from the original on 5 March 2016. Retrieved 5 March 2016.
- “Iodine and the “near” eradication of cretinism”. Paediatrics. 135 (4): 594–6
- Primary hypothyroidism is about a thousand-fold more common than central hypothyroidism.
- Sarkar B.K. Hahnemann’s Organon of Medicine. 6th edn. Kolkata: M. Bhattacharya & Co. Private Ltd; 1980. 89-90, 298 p.
- cited on 06/08/2020