Personal care products have a long history and their use with widespread benefits go back to thousands of years. Today, millions & millions of consumers use them to protect their health, enhance wellbeing and boost their self-esteem. Proper personal care in a routine is a requirement for a healthy and clean body. Personal hygiene is an essential part of daily grooming habits. We all know that personal hygiene is very crucial, but there are certain products you must include in your daily habits for taking thorough care of your body. The preference is always given to non-toxic and Nature derived substances. Homeopathy with its vast knowledge of beneficial remedies which work by stimulating the natural defense mechanisms of the body so that it heals itself are a very convenient option in this sphere as well.
Some of the common homeopathic remedies for glowing skin like Sulphur for clearing dull and dirty skin, Berberis Aquifolium for acne, scars and dark circles, Psorinum for helping with acne and Bovista for harmful effects of excessive cosmetics are well known.
Omeo is a combination of essential elements and the benefits which have been long steeped in time-honored wellness traditions, along with the well-researched and proven effectiveness of homeopathic ingredients such as Calendula, Arnica, Thuja and many more to bring the most effective range of personal care products which are never tested on animals. All products of Omeo are made using natural ingredients in the products which are well researched for no harm and side effects.
Omeo Intense Repair Shampoo with Calendula, Reetha and Shikakai works to impart shine and brilliance to hair and similarly Omeo Arnica Hair Oil with jaborandi as a major homoeopathic ingredient prevents hair fall and helps in strengthening hair follicles.
Bathing daily is required for a healthy body. Maintaining the balance between adequate bacteria with other microorganisms and removing odor causing bacteria is achieved by taking a daily shower. Omeo Calendula Body Wash (also available in Aloe vera, Aqua Fresh and Berry Blossom variants) with natural herbs cleanses pores and wash impurities.
A glowing and fresh face is always noticed and have a positive impact in the first instance. Omeo calendula face wash with neem, Bovista & aloevera as major ingredients adds shine to the face and keeps skin hydrated & healthy. Omeo anti-aging cream with curcuma longa, calendula and ginseng helps in repairing the skin and restoring it.
Derived from a rich homoeopathic background Omeo is made with Pure Natural Ingredients for everyday rituals that celebrate and elevate the way we cleanse, revitalize and restore.
You can check their entire range of products on: www.omeocare.com