Abstract: –
Hypothyroidism is one of the leading endocrine disorders in India with prevalence of 11% & in women the prevalence is even higher at 11.4%. The use of Homoeopathy sarcodes helps transfer genetic information from the nucleus to the cytoplasm of cells. According to the concept that “like should be cured with like,” homoeopathy uses extremely low dose formulations to treat illness.
In this case report, a female child of 16 years had complaints of amenorrhea, weight gain and high TSH value. Homoeopathy scarcode Thyroidinum 200, single dose was prescribed and proper follow up done. After 3 months of treatment the patient had significant improvement in TSH value and became asymptomatic.
Keywords: –Sarcode, Thyroidinum, Hypothyroidism, Homoeopathy, Chronic illness.
Abbreviations: –TSH-Thyroid-stimulating Hormone; PL- Placebo; CNS- Central Nervous System
Insufficient thyroid hormone production by the thyroid gland or insufficient stimulation by the brain or pituitary may result in hypothyroidism. Causes may include primary gland failure or can be iatrogenic, transient, or central causes, such as low levels of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) and free thyroxine (FT4), are rare(1–4).The prevalence of hypothyroidism in India is 11%, compared with only 2% in the UK and 4-6% in the USA(5). Among the adult population in India, the prevalence of hypothyroidism is 3.9%. In women; the prevalence is even higher, at 11.4%, when compared with men, in whom the prevalence is 6.2%.
Physiologic and metabolic disorders can be caused by untreated hypothyroidism in many cases. There are no precise symptoms or signs, and each presentation is unique.
The foundation of homoeopathy is the idea of individualization and how well a patient’s symptoms match those of the medication. Despite treating each human illness as a distinct entity.There are numerous examples of clinical and therapeutic trials emerging in the field of Homoeopathy.
Prajakta et al conducted a clinical study to assess the effect of Thyroidinum on thyroid peroxidase antibody in cases diagnosed with subclinical hypothyroidism. Out of 43 patients, 30 participated and consented in the research. Homoeopathic Thyroidinum 3X has the ability to treat subclinical hypothyroidism and may keep patients from developing overt hypothyroidism, as evidenced by a significant drop in anti-TPO Ab titers.
Anuradha et al case report provides the rationale significance of individualization as well as importance of relationship of remedies in homoeopathy and conclusive fact which showed the potential role of homoeopathy in reversing the functional disturbance of thyroid gland where Ignatia amara was prescribed as an individualized medicine(10).
Thyroidinum: –
A sarcode prepared from dried thyroid gland of sheep or calf. It has a general regulatory effect on how the growth, development, and nutrition organ’s function. It affects the CNS. Cause a state of puffiness and obesity. Arrested development of Children(11).
Dr. J.H. Clarke, a British homoeopath, repeated the demonstration of sheep thyroid gland as a mild homoeopathic cure after learning of the harmful consequences of crude thyroid feedingThyroidinum. He has cured many cases of thyroid enlargement presented with amenorrhea, sleeplessness, constipation, obesity and the edema of the face. He had witnessed a rise in bone density and restoration of hair growth in cases of Myxoedema after administering Thyroidinum 3X(12). Thyroidinum has been extensively used in treating a variety of disorders resulting from metabolic, neurological, or vascular abnormalities, according to Indian homoeopath Dr. S. K. Ghosh. He has also recorded the benefits of Thyroidinum in various potencies other than 3X potency(13).
Case Report: –
A 16-year-old, female child with complaints of increasing body weight, amenorrhea, decreased appetite, puffy face, tiredness in the past 2 years visited the outpatient department of our Government Homoeopathy Hospital (Code-75), Bikaner, Rajasthan.
History of Present Complaints: –
The patient had previous reports of the thyroid function test and as per reports TSH value was higher than normal range suggesting severe hypothyroidism. In consultation, the patient informed me that she had started with complaints of increasing body weight, decreased appetite, puffy face, tiredness and then complete absence of menstrual cycle i.e. amenorrhea for 2 years and taken treatment of modern medicine but there was no significant relief of symptoms and her condition seemed aggravating.
Mental General: –
The patient was well behaved and explained her condition as per her knowledge. She is good at studies and friendly with her classmates.
Physical General: –
The general appearance looks puffy and swollen. Her Appetite is less, thirst normal, desire sweets, no aversion. Stool and urine were satisfactory. Menarche at the age of 12 years had a normal cycle of 21-24 days but since last 2 years menses have been absent. No edema and pallor. Weight 65 kg.
Diagnostic Assessment: –
The patient had a previous report of thyroid function test dated 11/11/2022, TSH value was >150 uIU/ml (Figure 1), report dated 28/12/2022 TSH value was 170.70 uIU/ml (Figure 2) and report dated 26/04/2023 TSH value was 81.749 uIU/ml (Figure 3), which is also higher side. Based on these reports, the patient had hypothyroidism and as patient had last report of 2023 year hence repeat thyroid function test advised and as per report dated 05 mar 2024 TSH value was 84.32 uIU/ml (Figure 4)
S.No. | Test | Date of test | Value |
1 | TSH | 11/11/2022 | >150 uIU/ml |
2 | TSH | 28/12/2022 | 170.70 uIU/ml |
3 | TSH | 26/04/2023 | 81.749 uIU/ml |
4 | TSH (before treatment consider this report as baseline value) | 05/03/2024 | 84.32 uIU/ml |
5 | TSH (After treatment) | 11/06/2024 | 0.024 uIU/ml |
Therapeutic Intervention with follow-up & outcomes: –
After properly discussing & reviewing the previous reports, the totality of symptoms and clinical examination of the patient homoeopathy sarcode “Thyroidinum” was selected as Similimum. On the first visit, Thyroidinum 200, single dose followed PL 30; TDS for 14 days was prescribed from the dispensary.
Follow-up done after 14 days and as per patient requirement (Table 1). The patient was advised to intake plenty of fluid, proper diet and exercise. Improvement in patients started after medicine in terms of subjective as well as objective as evidenced by diagnostic reports and also this case1 follows Hering’s Direction of cure. According to the modified Naranjo Criteria score, the overall result following therapy in this instance was 10, which is quite near to the total score of 13(Table 2).Follow up done as mentioned in Table 1 and after 3 months of treatment thyroid function test was repeated to know the patient condition in term of objective evidence, test was performed in which TSH value was 0.024 dated 11/6/2024 with normal T3 & T4 values.
Discussion: –
The human system and its organs’ symbolic language is contained in each sarcode remedy, and this can be used to create the subject and choose the appropriate sarcode treatment. Clinical confirmations are often a source of use of a sarcode(14,15).
In this case report, it was a clinically confirmed case of hypothyroidism with progressive increase in TSH value even after taking modern medicine treatment. Patient further wants to go for homoeopathic treatment. After proper case analysis and patient’s symptoms, homeopathic sarcode Thyrodinum 200 selected and prescribed. According to the principles of Homoeopathy, the patient responded well on selected potency hence potency was not changed. This case follows the Hering’s law of cure i.e. Direction of cure – From more important organs to less important, From deeper to more superficial aspects of the individual; from top to downwards. The total score of the outcome as per the modified Naranjo Criteria after treatment was 10, which is close to the total score of 13.There are different aspects of potency selection and change in potency hence there is no single potency that can follow in every individual. It can also be a question of experience and observation, rather than a matter of law, also potency will not change until it stops working or stands still the case or restore health (16). In this case 200 potency is selected as its safest one and causes restoration of health. As per leaders of homoeopathy it’s neither less effective nor cause any side effects or utter patient condition.
Conclusion: –
The response to treatment in this case report supports use of sarcodes on clinically confirmed cases, also in cases where many symptoms are not available for repertorisation. Furthermore, case reports and clinical research needs to be done to strengthen the efficacy and use of sarcode “Thyroidinum” on hypothyroidism cases.
Declaration of Patient’s Consent: – The author certifies that they have obtained appropriate consent before further proceeding. Patient has given the consent for her documents relevant to treatment to be published in the journal.
Financial support and sponsorship: – NIL
Conflict of Interest: – no conflict of interest.
Table 1: – Therapeutic intervention with follow-up and outcomes.
Date of Visit | Symptoms | Prescription |
Mar 2024 | Baseline presentation: – increasing body weight, amenorrhea, decreased appetite, puffy face, tiredness in the past 2 years. Body weight 65 kg Thyroid function test- TSH 81.749 uIU/ml (last report considered as baseline report) | Thyroidinum 200, Single dose Placebo 30, TDS for 14 days |
Apr 2024 | Swelling and puffiness decreased no changes in other symptoms. No new complaints. No aggravation. | Thyroidinum 200, Single dose Placebo 30, TDS for 14 days |
Apr 2024 | Body weight decreased 63 kg, appetite improved, and menses absent. No new complaints. No aggravation. | Thyroidinum 200, Single dose Placebo 30, TDS for 14 days |
May 2024 | Menses appeared- Bleeding normal, no pain and last for 4 days. Now Patient feels better and looks normal i.e. swelling, puffiness absent. Body weight 60 kg.No new complaints. No aggravation. Patient advised to repeat the Thyroid Function Test a day prior to the OPD visit. | Thyroidinum 200, Single dose Placebo 30, TDS for 14 days As the patient continues to improve, hence potency has not changed. |
11 June 2024 | Patient is asymptomatic, Body weight 55 kg and had a report of Thyroid function test. TSH Value is 0.024 uIU/ml & T3/T4 within normal range. | Restoration of health occurs hence no medicine prescribed. Patient advised to do follow ups |
Table 2: Assessment of Outcome by Modified Naranjo Criteria Score.
Sr. No. | Criteria | Score |
1 | Was there an improvement in the main symptom or condition for which homoeopathic medicine was prescribed? | +2 |
2 | Did the clinical improvement occur within a plausible time frame relative to the drug intake? | +2 |
3 | Was there a homoeopathic aggravation of symptoms? | 0 |
4 | Did the effect encompass more than the main symptom or condition, i.e., were other symptoms, not related to the main complaints, improved or changed? | 0 |
5 | Did overall well being improve? | +2 |
6 | Did the course of improvement follow Hering’s Rule? | +1 |
7 | Did old symptoms (defined as non-seasonal and non-cyclical symptoms that were previously thought to have resolved) reappear temporarily during the course of improvement? | 0 |
8 | Are there alternate causes (other than the medicine) that with a high probability could have caused the improvement? (e.g. known course of disease, other forms of treatment and other clinically relevant intervention) | 0 |
9 | Was the effect confirmed by objective evidence? (E.g. investigation, clinical examination) as measured by external observation(s)? | +2 |
10 | Did repeat dosing, if conducted, create similar clinical improvement? | +1 |
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Dr Indra Bhadu, Medical Officer, Govt Homeopathic Centre, Bikaner
Corresponding author: Dr Indra Bhadu, Medical Officer, Govt Homeopathic Centre, Chopra Katla, Bikaner