Covid-19 undoubtedly has been one of the biggest global crisis in generations. Countless people havedied, innumerable people lost their loved ones and endless people lost their income source. Almost every youth went through some sort of academic loss. As the COVID-19 pandemic has escalated mental health issues, it has also inspired many practitioners to establish accessible homoeopathic services.
Impact of covid-19 on mental health
School going children and toddlers lost their touch with studies.Children along with their parents struggled as they had to start the studies with basics. They could not play outside the house, could not meet their friends. They didn’t even know what was going on, why they were being forced to play inside the house only. Their excess of energy could not be burnt and was often seen leading to adhd. In my clinical practice, I’ve seen almost every child getting complaints of temper outbursts, restlessness and irritability after first wave of covid-19. Parents were also helpless and had no option but to restrain their kids from playing outside. Children who spent a lot of time watching mobile and television developed virtual autism.
The most negative impact was seen on the middle aged. Every business came to loss. A lot of job workers lost their jobs. Depression was seen to such an extent that it was not anymore uncommon to see someone with severe depressive symptoms after covid-19 waves. Millions of people have fallen below the poverty line, which led to suicidal ideation. Those who were preparing for any entrance exams were frustrated because exams kept on postponing again and again.
Frontline workers were quarantined by their own family. Some of frontline workers struggled to find a rented place as no one allowed them to stay at their place due fear ofgetting infected with covid-19. Apart for this, they lived in a constant fear of catching the disease. Many frontline workers were seen with the symptoms of ocd and anxietydisorder. To prevent being infected, they had to compulsively clean the articles they touched.
The elderly people couldn’t be with their children at home due to complete lockdown. They couldn’t even meet their neighbours or nearby relatives. Some people starved who did not have enough food in their house. They struggled with loneliness and were seen having depression and ptsd.
Women have similarly faced greater stress in homes, leading to suicidalideation, depression and ptsdwith one rapid assessment reporting that 45% of women had experienced some form of violence, either directly or indirectly during the first year of the pandemic.
A patient aged61 years came to the opd of Homoeo Plus with average built, tall, fair complexion and very pitiful expressions as if he is seekingfor help. The chief complaints were:
Low mood from last 2 months “I feel so upset and lonely”
Not being able to do anything, loss of interest“even if I want to, I just can’t do anything, I cannot start doing anything”
Sleeplessness“I cannot sleep before 2-3 am in the night”
Sudden weight loss (6kgs in last 2 months)
Suicidal ideation- patienttried to attempt suicide two times. Attempt 1- 1 year 8 months back by lying on railway track. Attempt 2- 6 months back byhanging himself on fan using rope. In both attempts, patient changed his mind just before taking step.
Loss of energy“I feel so weak I can’t do anything whole day”
Loss of confidence“I used to be so confident before, now I’m the most unconfident person in this world”
It was thought to be a case of mdd, but then the patient said, “I’m not always like this. Sometimes, I feel so full of energy and I’m so short tempered that I beat my wife on small issues. I comparatively feel better, more confident but I have anger issues in those days.”
The patient’s mood and behavior undergoes extreme fluctuations every 2-3 months. Undoubtedly, it was a case of bipolardisorder.It was very clear that the patient came in the depressive phase.
Life space: Patient is the only child of his parents grown up in a joint family of average socio-economic status. His father is the eldest son. After the demise of his father, when the patient’s age was around 40 years, all the responsibilities came onto him. Patient needed money for getting his cousin sister married but everyone in the family, relatives and friends refused to give him any sort of financial help. This broke the heart of patient and he gradually became depressive. He stopped talking to anyone in the house. After the first wave of covid-19, while the patient was unable to go out of the house, one day patient became very angry on some small issue with wife and started beating her. This was the first episode of manic phase of the patient. Patient usually started beating his wife on small fights. About after 2 months, patient suddenly underwent into depressive phase with the above mentioned symptoms. The traits of depression can be seen beforebut the trigger for the development of bipolar disorder was covid-19.
Physical Generals:
Appetite: decreased, 1-2 roti
Thirst: small quantities at frequent interval
Stool: Unsatisfactory defecation, constipation, hard stool, had to strain
Perspiration: profuse, on face
Urine: no abnormality detected
Thermal: chilly
Homeopathic (Repertorial) totality:
MIND- AILMENTS FROM- disappointment
MIND- ANGER- violent
MIND- CONFIDENCE- want to self-confidence
STOMACH-THIRST- small quantities,for- often;and
Repertorial Result:
lyc. 6/12
ars. 6/11
bell. 6/11
lach. 6/11
carb-v. 6/10
Ars. alb 200 1 dose (on the basis of repertorial totality and thermal)
Passiflora Q 20 drops HS
Rubrum TDS 15 days
Follow up 1: after 15 days
Sleep- improved by 60-70% (as told by patient)
Mood- feeling happy and more productive(“I watched TV and listened music after 2 years, I’ve started morning walk and read newspaper after years”)
No anger outburst event after remedy intervention
Appetite- SQ
Prescription: Passiflora Q 20 drops HS, Rubrum TDS 15 days
Follow up 2: after 15 days
Sleep- improved by 80-90%, patient is sleeping almost everydayontime (around 10pm).
Appetite- better than before (2-3 roti at a time)
Mood- same as last follow up.
Prescription: Ars. alb 200 1 dose
Passiflora Q 20 drops HS
Rubrum TDS 1 month
NUX VOM. : Very irritable: sensitive to all impressions. Ugly, malicious. Cannot bear noises, odors, light, etc. Does not want to be touched. Time passes too slowly. Even the least ailment affects her greatly. Disposed to reproach others. Sullen, fault-finding.
SEPIA : Indifferent to those loved best. Averse to occupation, to family. Irritable; easily offended. Dreads to be alone. Very sad. Weeps when telling symptoms. Miserly. Anxious toward evening; indolent.
ARG.NIT. : Thinks his understanding will and must fail. Fearful and nervous; impulse to jump out of window. Faintish and tremulous. Melancholic; apprehensive of serious disease. Time passes slowly. Memory weak. Errors of perception. Impulsive; wants to do things in a hurry. Peculiar mental impulses. Fears and anxieties and hidden irrational motives for actions.
ARS. ALB. : Great anguish and restlessness. Changes place continually. Fears, of death, of being left alone. Great fear, with cold sweat. Thinks it useless to take medicine. Suicidal. Hallucinations of smell and sight. Despair drives him from place to place. Miserly, malicious, selfish, lacks courage. General sensibility increased (Hep). Sensitive to disorder and confusion.
TUB. : Contradictory characteristics of Tuberculinum are mania and melancholia, insomnia and sopor. Irritable, especially when awakening. Depressed, melancholy. Fear of dogs. Animals especially. Desire to use foul language, curse and swear.
- Boericke, W., & Boericke, O. E. (1990). Homoeopathic materia medica with repertory comprising the characteristic and guiding symptoms of the remedies (R. B. Savage, Ed.; 2nd ed.). Homoeopathic Book Service.
About the Author:
Dr ShobhaTeterwal
H.O.D. (Dept. of paediatrics , SKHMC Jaipur)
MD (Paediatrics) BHMS
Dr.VenuGopalan- MD PGR(Dept. of Pediatrics) Batch 2020-21, Swasthya Kalyan Homoeopathic Medical College and Research Center Jaipur.
Founder HOMOEO PLUS, Jaipur
Dr. Mansi Sharma- MD PGR(Dept. of Psychiatry) Batch 2020-21, Swasthya Kalyan Homoeopathic Medical College and Research Center Jaipur.
Co Founder HOMOEO PLUS, Jaipur