As a herbal remedy Berberis Vulgaris has no match in serving human race since ancient times. It is the most widely used drug in Homeopathic system of medicine for kidney pain and for removal of kidney stones.
Medicinal plants have been known among different nations since thousands of years ago and have been used throughout many centuries according to the traditional medicine of most countries. Medicinal uses of B. vulgaris in Chinese medicine date back to over 3000 years ago and in some other countries to over 2500 years ago. Barberry (Berberis vulgaris) is a bush native to Europe, North Africa that now grows wild in many regions of North America. The berries of the barberry are traditionally used to make jams and jellies. But the herb also has a long history as a folk remedy for digestive disorders, including constipation, diarrhea, dyspepsia, heartburn, and loss of appetite. The alkaloid berberine was included as an astringent in eye drops.
Chemical composition of the plant show that the most important constituents of this plant are isoquinoline alkaloids such as berberine, berbamine and palmatine. Berberine represents one of the most studied among the naturally occurring protoberberine alkaloids . Alkaloids with an isoquinoline core such as protoberberine, berberamine, tetrandrine, chondocurine, and palmatine are among the important contents of Barberry. These composition makes the plant to be used in a form of medicines by certain process.
In homoeopathy, Berberis vulgaris is widely use.Pain in region of kidneys is most marked; hence its use in renal and vesical troubles, gall-stones, and vesical catarrh.
Keyword;Berberis Vulgaris, Berberine, Renal stone.
2.1 SOURCES; (The bark of the root)
-Berberine; Berberine-containing plants have been traditionally used in different parts of the world for the treatment of inflammatory disorders,reducing fevers, affections of eyes, treatment of tumors, digestive and respiratory diseases, and microbial pathologies. Berberine effective in preventing in CAD and reduce level of cholesterol and triglycerides .Effective in renal stone as it blocks the Ca + channels that inhibit the deposition of Ca+ oxalate crystals.
-Barbramine; The anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive properties of these compounds are very important.
-Tetrandrine; Show multiple pharmacological activities, including antitumor effects, reversing the multidrug resistance in cancer therapy ,and inhibitory effects on pulmonary fibrosis.
-Palmatine;- Decrease the production of pro-inflammatory factors and increase the production of anti-inflammatory factors. palmatine had antioxidant activity had a protective effect on gastric ulcer, derivatives of palmatine were more effective against ulcerative colitis, including low cytotoxicity to intestinal epithelial cell.
Backache; Pain, stiffness and lameness of small of back so that rising from sitting is almost impossible – the person has to push themselves up with their hands.
Renal stone; Kidney stones with sharp pains that radiate or extend downwards.Renal colic with radiating pain. Bubbling or gurgling sensations in the region of the kidney.
Cystitis; Cystitis with radiating pain before and after urination.
Sciatica; Pain from sciatica or renal colic that radiates down the legs.
Acoording to E.B Nash-Bruised pain, with stiffness and lameness in the small of the back.Rise from a seat with difficulty. One very characteristic symptom is a bubbling sensation in the region of the kidneys. Another is soreness in region of kidneys when jumping out of a wagon or stepping hard downstairs or from any jarring movement. No matter what ails the patient, if he has persistent pain as above described in the region of the kidneys do not forget Berberis.
According to William Boericke-Acts forcibly on the venous system, producing pelvic engorgements and haemorrhoids .It causes inflammation of kidneys with haematuria.It has also marked action on the liver, promoting the flow of bile. All Berberis pains radiate ,are not worse by pressure, but worse in various attitudes, especially standing and active exercise.
According to E.A Farrington in clinical materia medica-In renal regions,sticking,digging,tearing pains,worse from deep pressure,for they are evidently in the kidneys themselves.There is a sort of tensive,pressive pain across the small of back,which feels stiff and numb;pains of a sticking or tearing character radiate from the kidneys down into the small of back.
According to N.M Choudhuri in A study on materia medica-It has been used with miraculous success in renal calculi. Stitching ,cutting pain in the left renal region that follows the course of the ureter into the bladder and thence into the urethral canal .A bruised pain with stiffness ,lameness and numbness in the small of back which renders movement difficult often accompanies these urinary symptoms. Bubbling feeling as if water were coming through the skin.Sensation of a tight cap pressing upon the whole scalp
4. References;
-Mohsen imanshahidi et al. Phytother RES.2008 Aug. Pharmacological and therapeutic effects of Berberis vulgaris and its active constituent ,Berberine.
-Hosseinihashemi,S.k.,Anooshei, H.,Aghajani, H.,and Salem M.Z.M.(1015).’ Chemical composition and antioxidant activity of extracts from the inner bark of Berberis vulgaris stem’.
-Md.Rahimi-Madiseh ,Zahra Lorigoini;Berberis vulgaris –specifications and traditional uses; Iranian Journal of Basic Medical Sciences.
-Materia nmedica by John Henry Clarke.
About Author:
Dr Komal Prajapat, Dr Meera sharma
PG Scholar, National Homoeopathic Medical College and Hospital, Lucknow, UP.
*Address for Correspondence
Dr. Komal Prajapat
National Homoeopathic Medical College
and Hospital, Lucknow, UP.