Abstract: An important aspect for the homoeopathic practitioners and students to grasp is the essentially holistic approach emphasized by Dr. Hahnemann. Anatomy explores the structural organization of man; what Physiology gives is an understanding of the functional organization of the human being. These two subjects are in reality the two sides of the coin. Need to be taught in tandem. This enables the students to develop an insight into the essential interconnection of both, in normal health and how both these alter when the disease process gets initiated in the system.
While the clinical integration is taking place, Homoeopathic connection is emphasized when the relevance of the Homoeopathic subjects being taught in the educational curriculum. Philosophy (Materia Medica, Pharmacy and Repertory). It is simultaneously brought to the forefront and hence student-centred teaching of the first year B.H.M.S be achieved.
Anatomy is a study of the structural organization and development of man from gross to cellular aspects along with exploring. The interrelationship of different tissues, organs and system.
Advances in the understanding of tissues and cell structures which subsume functions of the organs and systems can afford a fertile area for exploring the action of drugs of Materia medica. There should be a close correlation in learning anatomy of gross anatomy, histology, embryology and genetics and the learning and teaching of Anatomy, Physiology along with Homoeopathic subjects which are integrated.
Detail understanding of Human body by the dissection is to give the students an understanding of the body structure from macro to micro correlation to its function-functional anatomy which helps for the selection of similimum. Functional anatomy of living subjects and the static structures of the cadaver, which is the only means to achieve this is called Dead Teaches Living.
What is given in the Repertory and Homoeopathic Materia Medica is alteration in function or structure of the organ which we use for finding the similimum as what is nothing but- Applied Anatomy represented in Repertory.
Integrated Teaching – New Methods Of Updating Knowledge.
- Horizontal Integration
- Anatomy and Physiology
- Homoeopathic subjects
- Homoeopathic Materia Medica
- Repertory
- Organon of Medicine
- Integrated lecture with Homoeopathic Materia Medica
Homoeopathic drugs related to Organs and tissues and structures.
- Integrated lecture with Repertory
Rubrics related to body structures.
- Integrated lecture with Organon-
Miasmatic influence on heredity.
- Integrated lecture with Homoeopathic Pharmacy-
Action of Homoeopathic drugs on cellular body. Action of Homoeopathic drugs or sphere of action or more prone to act on body structures.
- B) Vertical Integration
- Obstetrics and Gynaecology
e.g., any topic related on female reproductive system. Uterus its parts and supports, structures and clinical anatomy.
- Surgery
e.g., Integrated lecture on radiology. Normal radiological appearance of structures in simple and special types of X-ray including CT scan, MRI & Ultrasonography.
- Medicine
e.g., Embryological basis of major congenital anomalies of Heart, kidney and brain.
Case Based Learning
Case Based Learning can be conducted on any clinical topic of anatomy by presenting a case scenario with the help of simulation or Audiovisual aid in the classroom.
e.g., – A case of Bell’s Palsy for the topic Facial Nerve. Wrist drop – Radial Nerve, Sciatica-Sciatic nerve, and Arthritis- Joints, Cirrhosis – Liver, Renal lithiasis – Kidney.
Self Directed Learning
Self-directed learning can be conducted for any topic of Anatomy.
e.g., Functional areas of Cerebrum and Actions of Facial Muscles, structure and functions of Thyroid Gland, relations of different viscera.
Homoeopathic education is a symphony of Homoeopathic Philosophy/ Homoeopathic Practice and it must be a symphony of clinical and non-clinical subjects to enjoy the education of Homoeopathic education.
Integration of clinical and non-clinical subjects in Homoeopathic education is the need of the hour.
- Relevance of Anatomy and Surface marking in Homoeopathic practice.
- Knowledge of embryology will help you to define Hering’s law of cure.
- Knowledge of Anatomy will lead you from spot prescription in acute disease to Genetic constitutional remedy.
- Relevance of Physiology and Biochemistry in Homoeopathic practice.
- Relevance of Pathological and Surgical cases with Homoeopathic treatment.
- Relevance of organ remedies in endocrine disorders.
- Scope of Homoeopathy in practice of medicine.
All the aforesaid points have their own clinical relevance, as our Materia Medica mentions lots of Anatomical terms, our medicines are working according to the Physiology of body, Pharmacy gives an outlook of kingdom and sub-kingdom of Materia Medica and Organon of Medicine paves the foundation stones of our Philosophy.
From the perspective, study of anatomy is not a study of isolated organs, parts or tissues but that of a hierarchical system which is intimately interconnected and functions with a purpose of striking balance when in a state of adaptation. The subtle way in which this balance is lost through a malfunctioning of the vital force (diseased condition) needs to be appreciated. This can occur when anatomy is taught with applied anatomy in the background.
Importance of Anatomy in Homoeopathic Practice
- Integrated Lectures with
- Anatomy and Physiology study help for the
- Drug Posology
- Artificial disease
- Sphere of action of medicine
- Alteration of functional level and structural level
Vital force governs the organism, in organism it also chooses to produce its signs and symptoms in the body parts or like organs of the body. Why we should have the organ remedies in our Materia medica because it also has its affinity towards organs or body parts
Organ Remedies And Anatomy Knowledge Helps For Clinical Practice
1) Liver Abscess – Bell., Chinin-ar, Merc, Sil.
Cirrhosis – Card-m, Chin. Merc, Phos.
Hepatitis – Ars, Bry, Chel, Hep.
2) Pancreas : Affection- Ars, Iodum, Iris, Merc, Nux-v, Pancre, Phos.
3) Peritonitis : Apis, Ars, Bell.
4) Spleen ( splenitis ) – Cean-chin. Chinin-s, Ferr-p.
5) Typhlitis ( Appendicitis ) – Ars, Bell, Bry, Colo. Lach, Nux-v.
6) Oesophagitis – Alum. Ars. Bell. Merc-c. Phos, Naja.
7) Stomach –
Cardiac Orifice – Contraction- Phos, Cupr, Ign, Nus-v.
Pylorus constriction – Cann-I, Chin, Phos, Nux-v.
8) Glossitis (Tongue) – Apis. Ars, Bell.
9) Pharynx- Dysphagia – Bell. Canth, Hyos, Ign.
10) Lacrymal sac – Dacryocystitis – Hep. Iod, Pull, Sil.
11) Ocular muscles pain – Carb-x, Cininc, Onos.
12) Ocular muscles paralysis – Extrinsic – Gell. Phos,
Intrinsic – Lach, Natm, Onos, Ruta.
13) Optic nerve – Neuritis – Bell. Bry, Nux-v, Pull.
14) Cornea – Abscess – Hep. Calc-s, Sil, Suph.
15) Eustachian Tube- Inflamed – Bell. Capr.
16) Mastoid Process – Caries – Aur, Nit-ac, Sil,
17) Ossicles – Caries – Aur, Calc, Fl-ac, Hep, Iod, Sil, Syph.
18) Sinuses- (Frontal, Sphenoidal)– Affection- Hep, Iod, Kali-bi, Sil, Kali-I, Kali-m.
19) Kidneys – Calculi gravel (Nephrolithiasis) – Berb. Coloc, Lyco, Nit-ac, Canth, Sars.
20) Pain in Renal region- burning – Aco. Ars, Berb, Canth, Subin, Suphr.
21) Undescended testicle in boys – Thyr. Bell, Con, Phyt.
22) Mastitis (Mammae) – Abscess – Bry, Hep, Phos. Sil.
Nipples fissured from nursing – Graph, Rat, Sep.
23) Uterus – weakness– Bell.p, Caul, Chin, Lil-t, Sabin, Sec. Sep.
24) Laryngitis- Acute – Arg-met, Ars-I, Arum-t, Dros, Hepar, Spong.
25) Lungs- Abscess– Ars-I, Chinin-ar, Hep, Iod, Merc, Sil.
26) Pleurae empyema- Pleurisy- Hydrothorax– Ars, Apis, Ars-I, Kali-c, Sulph.
27) Neuralgic, Angina Pectoris– Ars, Ars-I, Cact. Cimic, Capr, Dig, Glon, Naja.
28) Pericarditis (Myocarditis, Endocarditis) – Acute- Acon, Apis, Cact, Dig, Kali-I, Kalm, Naja.
29) Coccyx- Pain– Bell, Caust, Eurash, Hyper.
30) Joints- Arthritis – Acon, Benz-ac, Bry, Led, Rhus-tox.
31) Synovitis– Apis, Bell, Iod, Puls, Rhus tox, Ruta,
32) Ankle Joint- Sprain– Carb-an, Led, Ruta.
33) Knee – Inflammation- (Synovitis, bursitis, Housemaid’s Knee) – Apis,
Arn, Bry, Puls, Rhus tox, Ruta.
34) Popliteal Spare itching– Lyc. Sep,
35) Shoulders- Scapulae- Deltoid, Pain, Rheumatism.
Rhus tox, Sang, Syph, Ox-ac.
36) Pain Between Scapulae – Aesc, Ars, Bry, Cauph, Chen-a.
37) Periostitis– Asaf, Aur, Aurum, Phyt, Ruta, Rhus tox.
38) Spinal bifida– Bry. Calc.p, Psor, Tub.
39) Ascites– Apis, Apoc, Chin.
40) Adenitis- inflammation of Adenoid– Acon, Apis, Ars-I, Calc-i.
41) Parotid Gland (Mumps) – Bell. Barc-c, Phyto, Puls.
42) Thyroid (Goitre) – Adren, Apis, Bell, Brom, Fl-ac, Iod, Nat-m.
43) Aortitis– Aur-ar.
44) Bell’s Paralysis– Caust, Zinc.
45) Bone Affections– Aur, Calc-p, Ruta, Sil, Symph.
46) Hydrocephalus– Hell, Iodo f, Zinc.
47) Prostatitis– Sabal, Staph, Thuja.
48) Sciatica– Coloc, Rhus tox.
49) Uterine displacement– Abies-c, Puls, Sep.
50) Varicose Vains – Calc-f, Ham, Puls.
51) Embryological disorders – Atrial septal difficulties and Ventricular septal difficulties– Syph. Medorrhinum, Tuberculum.
Knowledge Of Embryology Is For Making Genetic Constitutional Prescriptions.
- First Month Of Pregnancy – Syphillinum 1M, 10 M.
- 8 th week – Carcinocin 200.
- 12 th week – Tuberculinum. 10M.
- 16 th week – Medorrhinum. 10M.
- 20 th week – Sulphur 1M.
- 24 th week – Psorinum.
- Sos – Puls, Colophyllum.
If we have knowledge of normal function and structure then we are able to understand altered/ abnormal.
Dr. Hahnemann recorded all the signs and symptoms of drug proving in Materia medica pura / Chronic disease according to anatomical parts or divisions of the body. Later Dr. Kent, who was Anatomist, wrote his repertory on the basis of Anatomical divisions of the body in 37 sections.
Every sunny day has a specific “sphere of action” which Dr C.M. Boger called in the Boger’s synoptic key as a “Region”. Knowledge of Anatomy helps us to understand it. Again, he specified different types of tissues in a generalized way.
E.g, Serous membrane– Bryonia alba
Fibrous membrane– Ruta
Mucous membrane– Kali. bic.

- Kents Repertory
- Chest
- Inflammation
- Lungs
Different Homoeopathic medicines acting on the different lobes of right and left Lungs affinity shown in above diagram.
1) Haemorrhage from cerebral arteries – in Hypertensive patient
2) Haemorrhage – Apoplexy cerebral haemorrhage
3) Lens – Degeneration – Catarrhal
4) Inner ear – Imbalance – Aural Vertigo
5) Middle ear – Inflammation – Otitis media
6) Nasopharyngeal Tonsil – Enlargement – Adenoids
7) Maxillary air sinus – Abscess – Abscess antrum
8) Parotid Gland – Inflammation – Mumps
9) Thyroid Gland – Enlargement – Goitre
10) Tunica vaginalis {Testis} – Collection fluid – Hydrocele
11) Venous system of lower limb – Enlargement – Varicose Veins
- Develops the competencies essential for primary health care in clinical diagnosis and treatment of diseases through the judicious application of Homoeopathic principles.
- Recognizes the scope and limitation of Homoeopathy and to apply the homoeopathic principles for curative, prophylactic, promotive and rehabilitative primary health care for the benefit of the individual and community.
- Be Competent enough to practice Homoeopathy as per the medical ethics and professionalism.
- Discerns the relevance of other systems of medical practice for rational use of cross referral and life saving measures, so as to address clinical emergences.
- Develops capacity for critical thinking and research aptitude as required for evidence based Homoeopathic practice with anatomical knowledge.
- Demonstrates aptitude for lifelong learning and develop competencies as and when conditions of practice demand.
- Develops the necessary communications skill to work as a team member in various healthcare settings and contributes towards the larger goals of national policies such as school health, community health, environmental conservation.
- Identifies and respects the socio-demographic, psychological, cultural, environmental & economic factors that affect health and disease and plan Homoeopathic intervention to achieve the sustainable development goal.
- Inculcates the ethics of Anatomy, such as Anatomy act, Body donation & receiving procedure and its legal aspect, develop respect to the human cadaver.
- Imparts Anatomy knowledge helps to correlate the structural organization of man with functional organization and its applied aspect and in interpreting different investigations.
‘Live a life of humility, gratitude, intellectual curiosity and never stop learning.’
Dr. Jineshwar Annasaheb Yaligouda – M.D. (Hom), Professor & H.O.D Department of Human Anatomy, Gulabrao Patil Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital, Miraj. Maharashtra, India; N.S.S. Programme Officer Under. MUHS Nashik, Maharashtra, India.

Dr Padmraj Yaligouda – B.H.M.S. Final Year, Bharatesh Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital, Belgavi, Karnataka, India