It is a misconception that diagnosis in homeopathy has little role to play in the homeopathic management of diseases. This notion has prevailed because our prescription is always based on the individualistic symptoms of the patient and not on the name of the disease.
“The homeopathic physician have no object in making a diagnosis than to classify the symptoms under a group head, since the homeopathic physician never uses his diagnosis for therapeutic purposes” of H.A.Roberts
- Proper diagnosis is a must to decide the type of treatment required by the patient.
- Selection of cases requiring medicinal management.
- Elimination of cases requiring surgical or mechanical management.
- Selecting cases which come under similia.
- Many of the cases are presented in secondary manifestations, the primary manifestation being obscure. Diagnosis give a clue towards primary manifestation.
- Diagnosis of the case with multi system involvement give hint towards the area of severity and help in the institution of treatment.
- Diagnosis give the idea about the pathological and constitutional tendencies, that help us to decide whether a constitutional, miasmatic or palliative medicine is required
- It is an indirect help in the process of cure. Laboratory investigation reports or diagnosis definitely help us to access the effect of medicine
- For deciding the correct diet and regimen with general management of the case.
- Diagnosis helps in the prognosis of the disease. This helps in predicting the outcome of the disease. The knowledge of prognosis gives a sense of security in today’s context, both to the patient as well as to the physician. For example, the diagnosis of the peptic ulcer will warn us about the danger of perforation, the prognosis of the soft hepatomegaly is good whereas the hard, nodular one has a bad prognosis, persistent cough with hemoptysis is a bad indication in case of tuberculosis.
- Diagnosis helps in repertorisation also. There are repertoires that contain the nosological names of the diseases and contain the indicated probable remedies to such conditions. Example: Clinical repertory on diarrhea by Bell, A Clinical Repertory to the Dictionary of Materia Medica by J.H. Clarke, Boericke’s clinical repertory which under its “therapeutic index” contains the diagnostic names of the diseases and the indicated medicines opposite to it
General Management.
Diagnosis provide the proper knowledge of general management including provision and exclusion of diet and regimen, exercise or rest, and any other accessory management.
To prevent contagious disease arising from an
acute miasm, a physician must have a nosological diagnostic
experiance.Diagnosis alone guide us in notifying and instituting proper
preventive measures.
Diagnosis means the art and act of identifying the disease from its signs and symptoms. Proper diagnosis always compliments the various procedure taken by the homoeopathic physician.
Dr. Harshika Upadhyay MD Department of Practice of Medicine, govt. homeopathic medical college, BHOPAL