In Memory Of Our Master Hahnemann - homeopathy360

In Memory Of Our Master Hahnemann

April 10th 1755 (Christian ) Friedrich Samuel Hahnemann was born in Meissen , on the bank of river Elibe in Sexony , Germany , Born in a family of porcelain painters and artistes , he grew to be the greatest innovator of a whole new system of medicine . His life is an example of hard work , study , research and above all , devotion to humanity . Elimination of suffering or atleast minimizing it through gentle medicine , was his one sole aim in sticking to the system he developed in the face of Himalayan odds . Hahnemann himself describes his philosophy of cure in the organon of cure , in the organon inthese words ;

“ the physicians high and only mission is to restore the sick to health to cure , as it is termad “ . The highest ideal of cure is rapid , gentle and permanent restoration to health or removal and annihilation of the disease in its whole extent , in the shortest , most reliable and most harmless way , on easily comprehensible principles

we believe that the best we can do for making his philosophy work is to rededicate ourselves to it we hope , we are justifying our existence . The 10th of april is the birth day of Dr. Samuel Hahnemann , the founder of homoeopathy . In a historical perspective , we come to realize that the modern medical science is the product of a long evolution from the superstition and ignorance of dark Greek culture , through the rediscovery and reinterpretation of Greek , medical literature at the renaissance emphasizing rational thought and accurate observation to the application to the medicine of modern scientific methods of observation , generalization and experimental verifications which made possible the great discoveries of the 19th century down to the present time , but the fact which struck Hahnemann was that all the advances in medical knowledge did not result in a proportionate improvement in the art of medicine and Hahnemann boldly asserted that the physician high and only mission is to restore that sick to health to cure as it is termed led by this guiding motive he revolved against the art portion of medicine of his time and his discovery of homoeopathy cuts across the general evolutionary trend of modern medicine

Hahnemann’s discovery is primarily a therapeutic practice , secondly the facts the facts discovered by the metod ; and thirdly , thories or working hypothesis , physiological , pathological and pharmacological that have been propounded to explain and correlate , these facts . Hahnemann while discovering  a new method of drug therapy has discovered some truths , relating to disease production and disease cure , which are out standing importance and far reaching consequence

Hahnemann was his own Columbus in the field of medicine . He proclaims both an epoch and anera ; he represents both discovery and progress “ tolle causum “ ( remove the causes ) was from the time immemorial , the accepted creed of the therapeutics , Hahnemann steps into declare for the first time in medical history “ remove the effects and remove the disease “ . To dat a more than a hundres and seventy six years ago , he hold in one hand the past , in the other , the future of medical achievement

Hahnemann manages to change the” medicine of speculation “to the medicine of experience . The future , unprejudiced historian will unfailingly recognize . Hahnemaa’s  legacy in bringing about that remarkable change rather transformation of medical thought and practice

It is in the fitness of thing to discuss briefly about the distinctive mode and drug actions . It is the clinical method of approach to matters medical thogh each of the aspect viz., physio chemical , biological ( vital ) , physiological etc., which the human organism presents is relatively important , it is the vital aspect which is the most relevant for us physicians , similarly , it is the clinical aspects of disease conditions , as distinctive from other aspects e.g., etiological , pathological , diagnostic and prognostic ; which is the most relevant for us as therapeutics , clinical science had to wait for age and ages till it achieved its due recognition from hahnemann Hippocrates , the father of modern western medicine was a master clinician but even he could not dream of it , applicability and fullest potenciality in the art of therapeutics

Hahnemann discovered a law of relation between diseases and drug which will be curative there off . the vitality of the clinical aspect of diseases for therapeutic purpose made homoeopathy the cinderalla of medical profession amongst his contemporaries but he pointed out that homoeopathy made medicine assume its true place in being healing an art – the art of  healing .He realized that clinical phenomena are those which render themselves perceptible to our senses as a resultant of actions and reactions of the forces , physiochemical vital and psychological , operating in and through the human organism . these advanced ideas of Hahnemann proved too hard for contemporaries to understand . so was he misunderstood , vilified and persecuted by them . the pity is that the opposition he met was not scientific but born out of trade guild mentally tinged with human passion of the lowest order flushed with a little knowledge of anatomy , physiology , pathology etc., they despised the clinical aspect of diseases as mere nothing to gain from ; they thought they could explain all the mysteries of life and its actions with the help of physico- chemical laws of nature , they thought that Hahnemann was confusing physics with metaphysics , science with mysticism and his system was nothing but a learned quackery , nonsense made difficult and a product of gross irrationality where imagination played riot and reason took a holiday .

A lesser mortal would have relied most ignominiously against the multitude of odds that threatened the very existence of Hahnemann . But he was made of sterner stuff . He lived through the changes of a world’s century ; saw his system of healing rise from contempt to honor . suffered untold hardships and died in luxury when he , the recluse , the scholar , the thinker , became in old age the fashionable physician under the tender care of madam Hahnemann in Paris , the gayest city of the then world

He was a scholar whom scholars respected and honored . He was a chemist who taught chemists

He was a philogist whom philogists dreaded to dispute . Above all he was a philosopher and a profound theist whom neither adversity nor wealth nor honor had power to change .Men may come and men may go ; princes may flourish or may fade ; races may appear or vanish ; and the mighty empires grow only to crumble into pieces , but there appear , from time to time , in all ages and climes , some towering personalities who stem the tide of time as it were whom death can not decay and tradition does not allow to sink their names into oblivion , such a giant was Freidrich Christian Samuel Hahnemann , the rebel and the reformer in medicine , on this auspicious day we pay our most respectful homage to him , who is a perennial source of inspiration to his followers .

About the author

Dr B.S Suvarna

Dr. (mrs) B.S.SUVARNA, B.A, D.I.HOM (LOND), M.I.H, Ph.D.(ITALY) (gold medalist)
HOMOEO PHYSICIAN. PGDPC (USA) psychotherapy&counselling
(Associate Editor-homoeopathic horizon, e-journal)
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