Indications of Miasms – Book Authored by Harimohan Choudhury
The author has contributed an extensive discourse on miasms including all the aspects with practical suggestions which would help readers immensely. This book is an analytical compilation of Dr Samuel Hahnemann’s ‘Theory of Miasms’ in treating acute and chronic diseases.
Nobody can become a classical homoeopath without a proper perception of the miasma. Hence the doctrine of miasma being the kernel of treating chronic diseases occupies the heart of homoeopathy. Miasms are nothing but the producer of all sorts of diseases. Disease producing agents were designated as miasma in ancient times. Micro- organisms (including viruses) i.e. pathogens of today and miasma of yesterday are synonymous. Pathogens or miasma are not the sole but the proximate cause of diseases. Pathogens cannot produce any disease. But their residual poisons, toxins or toxic effects are responsible for the production of diseases. So the indications described in the book are not the indications of miasma or microbes. Those are actually the Indications of miasmatic states. With these indications we can very easily identify each of the miasmatic state of our patients. Hence we are to comprehend these ‘Indications’ as the indications of miasmatic states which would help practitioners select the simillimum for their radical cure. It not only includes acute and chronic miasms but also the miasms for the dreaded diseases of today’s like cancer, tuberculosis, AIDS etc and the mixed miasmatic states along with their treatment. Thorough understanding and correct interpretation of miasmatic doctrine through this book will enable homeopathic physicians to eliminate deep seated chronic ailments.
A complete guide on miasms – their origin, indications, and management – worthy of a place in every practicing homoeopath’s library.
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KEYWORDS- understanding miasms, homoeopathic guide for miasms, homoeopathic philosophy books, organon of medicine, indications of miasm by harimohan choudhury, book by hairmohan choudhury