Inferiority Complex and Homoeopathic Remedies - Dr.B.S.Suvarna - homeopathy360

Inferiority Complex and Homoeopathic Remedies – Dr.B.S.Suvarna

The expression inferiority complex in the psychoanalytic school of freud and was amplified by the great psychoanalysts .Jung . Adler and other pupils of Freud . It is quite clear , however that the condition of inferiority complex was known at all times and was more or less successfully treated by physicians under the mast varied names , morbid timidity , misanthropy , stage fright , the shakes , lack of self confidence and many others .At the present day when the causes and consequences of this condition are well known , its medical treatment has surely yet gone beyond the narrow circle of specialities , experts in psycho analysis and psychotherapy , who maintain , that they alone are capable of bringing about alleviation or even cure of this diseased condition of mind and spirit , what basically is an inferiority complex ? 1] It is a part of a conscious for the most part however unconscious , condition due to a person’s own weaknesses which impel him to withdraw it himself

2] It is a condition which often accompanied by a feeling of self torment or even self destruction drives a person to make himself even more insignificant , than he really is and who there fore avoids comparing himself with others or measuring himself against them

3] It is a condition that is nourished by one’s own mental state in a truly ominous circle , made worse by failures and defeats in association with the world

the causes of this complex are very deeply rooted and when one asks the sufferer about it , rooted and when one asks the sufferer about it , he is not able to give a satisfactory answer only by means of psychoanamolysis with its process of finding explanations as a result of testing of type interpretation of dreams and so forth , has it become possible to unravel skein of deep causes of the unconscious in us and to clarify it

the modern psychotherapists meanwhile have not seen that , other things being equal not all persons are  exposed to the same degree to the danger of falling victims to certain complexes and that the role of environment and hereditary , predispositions as well as the influence of society are the basic factors here

what weapons are at the disposal of the physician to support the patient in dealing with his inhibitions ?

there is the procedure of psychoanalysis , the analysis of mental associations and processes that lies with in the sphere of a few specialists whose treatment is a long and expensive process ,even if successful , it is not always effective and sometimes even dangerous .

there is further more , psychiatry , the science of mental healing , that is the medical treatment of mental disturbances . this procedure is very interesting from the view point of the physician , provided , that he is a psychologist .He will be able to to render in calcubaly valuable sevices to the patient , especially if he understands how to combine other curative measures , perhaps with auto suggestions

the modern allopathic art of preparing medicines has produced in recent years drugs which stimulate mental activity , drugs which stimulate mental activity resulting in an increase of capacity and nullifying the negative impulses from with in

these drugs have actually and literally exerted an effect which dissolves complexes , they free the patient from the fetters of hos morbid condition during the time that the body is subject to their medical effect . But this time span is fairly short and some times other unpleasant symptoms follow it headaches and comatose states especially . moreover , the momentary beneficial effect is often weakened in proportion to the number of times the remedy is repeated and finally when these medicines are taken too frequently and continuosly , they can lead to a condition of illness and addition to drugs .In spite of these misgivings one must admit that the medicines can be extremely valuable as occasional aids , they make a beach in the fatal diabolical circle in which the patient is a captive , but when the treatment is directed from the beginning toward the comprehension of the entire organism , one wil be able to achieve a cure and make it permanent

this is only possible by means of homoeopathic remedies prescribed according to the law of similars of homoeopathy , some of the remedies will be mentioned below , naturally not in their entirety , but ony their effect upon the psychical constitution

lycopodium is known as outstanding liver and gall remedy , the lycopodium person is keenly intelligent , but of slight physical strength . He has a high opinion of himself , but lacks self confidence , he is afraid of not being successful in his work of not making an imression , is timid , he is violent tyrannical , brooks no contradiction on the other hand he is sad lacking into the role misogynist .lycopodium is known as an outstanding liver and gall remedy . the lycopodium person is keenly intelligent , but of slight physical strength ,he has a high high opinion of himself , but lacks of self confidence . He is afraid of not being successful in his work of not making an impression is timid about speaking in public ,on the one hand , he is violent , lacking in courage without energy , withdraws into the role of misogynist

gelsimium :: A person with great mental weakness nervous , depressions , great mental excitability ,trembling , fearful , stage fright causes diarrhea in his case . palpitation of the heart with the feeling that the heart has stopped when he is not moving , insomnia , trembling with the feeling of weakness , worse when thinking of his excitability

Baryata carbum ;;;;A person with heardening of the arteries , slow mentally . In the development of retarded children dull , slow in comprehending and retaining very shy especially toward strngers lack of self confidence , distrustful of others , hides when visitors come , an externally worries

Pulsatilla ;;;; A preferred remedy for the female , sex moody and changeable in need of comfort tearfull , melancholy , tears flow easily but are quickly dried

Calcium phosphoricum;;;; children and adolescents with tubercular , tendency , nervous , excited , restlessness , intelligent but inattentive in school .A sensitive person , easily frightened by harsh words , lacking in self confidence feels at a disadvantage towards others as far as him mental powers are concerned , all the more so when he tries hard to concentric

Argentums nitricum ;; A suffere from psora premature always in a hurry , hasty thinks he is late always wants to be through before the work is begun . Has the need of rushing into work to forget himself in it , so to speak he tries to conceal his inferiority complex , to compensate for it rhrogh feverish activity , in case of certain excitements , for example stage fright , suffers from characterstic diarrohea , also in case of fright

Tuberculinum remedies ;;; especially tuberculinum marmoreck and tuberculinum koch , have in their symptom picture loss of self confidence , hence these nosodes are good basic remedies for all types of inferiority complex

Amberigris ;;; very fearful , fears company because of the presence of other people , neutralizes all his abilities , restless in a hurry , hasty anxious , desperate , melancholy

Angustura vera ;;;; undecided , timid , ventures to undertake nothing from lack of self confidence , underestimates his own ability , overestimates those of others

European cyc lamen ;;;;  changeable in mood , pleasantly exited then sad again , tearful , apathetic , overly conciusness , tormented by reproduces of self which are invited ; also a victim of feelings of inferiority complex

Silicea ;;; The great physical weakness and clumsiness in mental work spring from the lack of self confidence and extreme irritability  “restless, nervous , anxious , but especially , easily started irritable , quarrelsome can send no contradiction , gentle , yielding , character , but also obstinate , stubborn inclined to melancholy , discouraged ,

Ambergris;; very fearful , fears , company , because the presence of other people neutralizes , all his abilities , restless in a hurry , hasty ; anxious , desperate , melancholy

Angustravera ;;;; undecided , dejected , discouraged , timid ventures to undertake nothing from lack of self confidence , underestimates , his own abilities , overestimates , those of others

European cyclamen ;;changeable in mood , pleasantly exited , then sad again tearful apathetic , overly conscious , tormented by reproaches of self which are invented ; also a victim of feelings of inferiority complex

Silicea ;;;;the great physical weakness and clumsiness in mental work spring spring from the lack of confidence and extreme especially easily started irritable , quarrel some , can stand no also obstinate stubborn to melancholy ,discouraged , tearful.


Mr.D.Musician age 59 , some what below medium , height of weekly constitution , sallow skin , emaciated so weak he can scarcely walk and greatly depressed in mind

Had the diseases of child hood , without the sequale remained well to his thirtieth year , twelve years ago he had tertian intermittent which was successfully treated by Dr.Hartman homoeopath since then his health has been tolerably good but he began to drink hard during the last months , since when his present symptoms have made their appearance

He complains principally of mental weakness , loss of appetite had a whitish dry tongues , feelings of fullness and pressure in the epigastrium great tension and dropsical swelling of abdomen tardy , infrequent and hard stool scanty dark red urine painful in passing , he has a hydrocele the size of an infants head the pennies is curved in the shape of an S at least four inches in circumference swollen and prepuce oedemations to such a degree as to hide  the orifice , short frequent cough mostly dry occasionally whitish , frothy mucus great dyspepsia has to be propped up in bed , anxiety , sleeps little and seldom great unquenchable thirst craves refreshing drinks ,legs oedematous so far up as the abdomen very ill humoured small frequent pulses dry skin and weak voice

Physical examination revealed enlargement and induration of the liver of the left lobe

Prescribed arsenicum , carbo veg and zincum without the slightest benefit the disease made rapid progress thr ascites and hydrocele increased , the latter to a degree which threatened gangrene . There was now suppression of stool and urine , when one might and patient suddenly involuntarily passed large quantity of urine and attacked by death with great prostration

Tarta emetic;;; was prescribed in alteration with aconite . two days later his condition was as bad as ever

Fluoric acid ^;;;;in water a teaspoonful every four hours . This remedy worked such a rapid and remarkable change , as I have never before witnessed in similar chronic cases . His forces rallied the swellings decreased and entirely pdepressed with in 8 days , stool became regular , urine passed , copiously and with out pain appetite , sleep and pulse in a short time became normal . In two weeks he was well enough to work , continued his medicine for two weeks more and had no relapse during the next year .

About the author

Dr B.S Suvarna

Dr. (mrs) B.S.SUVARNA, B.A, D.I.HOM (LOND), M.I.H, Ph.D.(ITALY) (gold medalist)
HOMOEO PHYSICIAN. PGDPC (USA) psychotherapy&counselling
(Associate Editor-homoeopathic horizon, e-journal)
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