Jealousy And Homoeopathic Medicines - homeopathy360

Jealousy And Homoeopathic Medicines

Jealousy is a hydra headed monster , just as soon as one head is cut off , another grows in tits place , if there is a jealous streak in the disposition ,it will out and often jealousy will develop where there has seemingly been no previous indication of that taint , or where there is seemingly been no previous indication of that taint , or where there is seemingly no proper soil for tit to flourish , jealousy may be of many kinds and be the off spring of many other allied emotions

There is jealousy that springs from a sense of envy or covetousness , the denial of natural out lets ., of emotion , such as the desire for a home or off spring luxuriously . A child may covet another’s toys or clothes , a child denied normal loving home surroundings may be jealous of one who is lovingly cared for , the passing generation may look with jealousy upon the happiness or activities of those younger , when they know themselves to have experienced all the possibilities along those lines that this world can offer . the jealousy of a mother toward her son’s wife , of a father toward his children , because he feels the mother makes the children , because her sole ( or at least her major) interest in life ..

The variations of the jealous element in our patients is often a source of endless difficulty for while many patients will reveal this characteristics in some way or the other , it is very true that this is hidden away , secret , where it is difficult for even the practiced art of the physician to reveal it , wherever we find the sycotic taint we may find jealousy in a flourishing condition , for jealousy is essentially sycotic . while the syphylitic taint may be some what jealous , we find it rarely in the purely psoric , if the psoric patient has a taint of jealousy he does not conceal it but drags it forth and airs it to all who will listen to his tale . the syphylitic patient does not talk much about his troubles , but the sycotic is even more secretive and broods over them , it is he who is most opt to act upon his fevered broodings , especially if in addition to his sycotic taint , he has the activity of psoric manifestations , or the added poison of the syphylitic . under these conditions he will be opt to react in one of two ways , he may become so burdened with his jealousy and jealous imaginings , that he will commit suicide , or he may burst forth in to violence upon those whom he blames fir his unhappiness

In some cases his jealousy which is apt to be entirely without grounds , may be the final straw that over balances his mental instability , under these conditions he will be apt to react in one of twoways ; he may become so burdened with his jealousy and jealous imaginings that he wil commit suicide , or he may burst forth into violence upon those whom he blames for his unhappiness . In some cases his jealousy , which is apt to be entirely without grounds , may be the final straw that overbalances his mental instability .

While we have all shades of this emotion to deal with , we are interested particularly in the remedies that will meet some of the common varieties , we most frequently meet .

Let us consider apis mellifa , we are told that the queen bee is the most jealous thing in nature . in its provings apis has developed two profoundly different manifestations , one is a profound indifference , the other an overwhelming jealousy , but this jealousy has been noted only in the female . the indifference is not only an emotional reaction , it extends into the mental sphere and affects the nervous control of the body so that the patient can not walk or handle things without awkwardness , when the jealous phase is active , there is nothing of this passivity or indifference about them , there is anger and the desire to kill , it is frequently associated with sexual courses or abnormal sexual manifestations such as nymphomania ; all her ideas turn around jealousy and she is very talkative , sometimes disgustingly salacious . there may be insanity with violence amounting almost to frenzy , either the indifference or the hyperactivity of mind often come on after fright , rage or jealousy , or hearing bad news ; here again we see the relation of the jealousy even in the seemingly indifferent states .

We should know the general symptoms of apis sufficiently to recognize it when we meet it in a patient , but let us not forget it when we see either the marked indifference of the concealed jealousy or the violence of the active state .

Ungovernable jealousy from any and all occasions reminds us of anantherum muriaticum  . the syphylitic and sycotic application of this remedy is clearly marked ; there is the restlessness , irritability and suspicion , dread of society , blunted intellect , loss of memory , delirium , idiocy and mania that manifest the worst side of these miasms . .It is conceivable that much of the ungovernable jealousy comes from the sexual sphere for the venereal appetite is increased by every attempt to satisfy it and it drives him at last to onanism and madness

In calcarea phos  , we again find a deep acting remedy . the jealousy arises from misunderstanding or unrequited love . this patient has brooded over affairs and instead of taking matters in a sensible light and clearing them up , puts off doing what should be done , is inclined to indignation and anger but either can not bring himself to act promptly and clearly or can not clear his mind sufficiently to attack the matter in a sensible light and clearing them up , puts off doing what should be done , is inclined to indignation and anger , but either can not bring himself to act promptly and clearly or can not bring himself to act promptly and clearly or can not clear his mind sufficiently to attack the matter in a rational manner . this patient may be dull minded as the result of grief , jealousy or disappointed love with forgetfulness and restlessness , always wishing to be somewhere else .Cenchris Contrix manifests the suspicion of the snake venoms . this jealousy partakes to the envy and selfishness yet the element of suspicion causes her to believe that her husband is going to put her away , probably in an insane retreat , she broods is dreamy and absent minded , she is selfish and envious , desiring for herself and always suspicious someone else is going to get the benefit of what she herself has

The arsenicum child is jealous and greedy ; he eats or takes far more than he needs because he wishes no one else to share and fears , they will have something of what should be his , he will not share his toys and resents the equal enjoyment of others , he whinws and pushes them away for fear they will come too close to what is his .

Lachesis is a peculiarly jealous creature , always suspicious and the jealousy is often associated with perverted sexual desire , she falls in love with another girl and is jealous that her beloved will be interested in a normal way in some one else or there may be insane jealousy of her husband or indifference or even aversion to him and to other members of the family

Hyoscyamus has a picture of jealousy associated with grief ; there may or may not be reasonable grounds for either the jealousy or the grief , with this emotional disturbance there is a high redness of the face , rage , incoherent speech , sometimes delirium with a desire to run away from her emotional distress

Ignatia has the jealousy arising from a disappointed love , hers is a silent grief and the many and varied symptoms arising from the secret sorrow often blind the physician to the source of the trouble

Nux vomica – jealousy is often the jealousy of disappointed ambition ; he has worked hard and sees another reach the place where would be , the low boiling point disposition of nux can not stand this pressure , and he unlike , ignatia , vents his feelings in quarrellings , reproaches , scoldings and insults , he will not be cautious in the language he uses , the more vulgar , the more it suits his mood in reaction he may howl and weep aloud . if the jealousy arises from conlugal relations , there will be no hesitancy in dragging up other storms and no former falling from grace will be forgotten in the scene that ensues

The injured party may manifest the psoric miasm in the desire to talk of the difficulty with any one he meets or the secretive inflence may come in for sullen brooding .

There is often a suicidal tendency but the nux vomica patient is afraid to die unless a sudden impulse attacks him when happens to be a hight and he suddenly throws himself off or unless by chance a gun happens to his hand , when he may shoot himself .pulsatill’s –jealousy is more of an envious type although she rather expects to be slighted , there is mistrust , a dislike to people , there may be silent grief , but there is usually much weeping , she has suicidal thoughts , mostly strongly of drowning but also by shooting ,but she is easily diverted ; she does not lack the courage to do the deed , but her yielding disposition easily gives up the idea for the time being . the child longs for this or that is satisfied with nothing ; the grown up is envious avaricus , unsatisfied and greedy and wants every thing for himself

Gallic acid –has the type of jealousy that permits no diversion of attension from himself . this really arises from a fear of being left alone ;he must be watched constantly . any one who has the temerity to divert the attention of his attendant will meet a storm of abusive language ;he is exceedingly rude and abusive to every one , even to his best friends , this is the personality who must take the center of the stage and will share it with no one ; he is exceedingly jealousy of his prerogatives .

Like any of the raphanus symptoms , the jealousy arises from hysterical conditions , traceable directly to the uterus , it has an analogous condition in the male sexual sphere . in women there is an aversion to children , particularly to girls and marked aversion to those of her own sex , she does not wish to come near nor to touch her . the emotions are capricious with sadness , irrepressible tears , alternating with hopefulness . It is well to trace this emotionalism to its source , we may clear up a serious condition , tending toward mania by a carefull prescription for this remedy ,has the peculiar value of relieving the effects of conditions usually thought to require circumcision in either the male or female organs , by relieving the nervous reactions causing hysteria or reflex epilepsy consider well emotional out bursts or reflex epilepsy consider well emotional out bursts or hystericsl tendencies that have quantities of gas , usually pent up sometimes to the point where they can not breathe . raphunus –may relieve yhe patient and the doctor as well

Staphysagria —has as the occasion for its jealousy a great pride and envy , with this envy there is a great sensitiveness ;, the superlative pride is easily wounded and there are bad results there from . he fears losing those things which he is so proud of possessing yet he himself will destroy them for his own amusement . his jealousy probably arises from his own ill adjusted sexual condition , which leads him into unnatural habits .

The lycopodium jealousy arises because of distrust and suspicion . He is greedy , avaricious and malicious and may well drive his family to acts which a rouse his jealousy . He seeks quarrels and is so generally disagreeable in some states that he has good grounds for being jealous of those who are more considerate of those whom he scorns

These are a few of the many remedies we have at hand to relieve the distressing and often serious emotional and mental disturbances of our patients . If we will closely observe our patients and faith fully study our material medica , we will be able to reach not only the symptomatic picture of the patient but to relieve the pressure from the underlying dyspepsia that predisposes to the emotional discomfort of the patient

These remedies and the study of the mental phases of material medica sicknesses are really very valuable and Dr.Roberts has presented them in quite detail , which is also helpful . As he says there are many more remedies besides those that he mentioned that have more or less of a jealous streak , mixed with pride and so forth , like platinum and palladium and a great many others , but they will repay us in taking up the study of the mental phases because they very often lead to the cure of a sickness that we can’t other wise reach .

Dr. Brown spoke of the development of the child , ofcourse , it is true we don’t get hold of some of the manifestations of jealousy until later in life , but if we watch our children carefully , we will see traits of it from the early stages , see it in their play , see it in their avariciousness in getting everything for themselves , in resenting any one else having anything , this is the time .

When the fundamental miasm of sycosis can be practically eliminated and the child developed into a perfectly normal healthy child .

About the author

Dr B.S Suvarna

Dr. (mrs) B.S.SUVARNA, B.A, D.I.HOM (LOND), M.I.H, Ph.D.(ITALY) (gold medalist)
HOMOEO PHYSICIAN. PGDPC (USA) psychotherapy&counselling
(Associate Editor-homoeopathic horizon, e-journal)
PHONE: +91-8262-221062 (CLINIC)
+91-8262-221316 (RESID )