International Ayush Summit 2023 is a multi-fraternity AYUSH event organized by press Network of India (PNI), Santigiri Ashram and leading organizations of AYUSH practitioners like QPHA, Siddha Medical Association of India (SIMA), Kerala Unani Medical Association (KUAM)
Date: 27th to 29th January, 2023.
Vivekananda Kendra,
Kanyakumari, Pin 629702
Call for Papers: The International Ayush Summit (IAS) invites papers with scientific and technical contributions from registered delegates only
Essay competition: There is an essay competition for AYUSH students (UG and PG students can enroll). The best essay from each stream will be rewarded. Only registered delegates are entertained in this competition.
Papers and Essays can be submitted by email at on or befor 05-01-2023