The Central Council for Research in Homoeopathy, New Delhi invites applicants for walk in interview for the following post
1. P.G. in Homoeopathy from a recognized Statutory Board Council / university included in 2nd Schedule to CCH Act,l973.
2. Enrollment on the Central Register of CCH or State Board of Homoeopathy.
Degree in Homoeopathy
03 (three) years research experience after acquiring P.G. qualification.
Age: 35 years (Relaxable as per rules)
Salary: Rs.35,000/- plus HRA
Date of Walk in Interview: 15-01-2024 at 09.30am to 10.00am
Place of Posting and Venue of Walk-In-Interview:
Central Council for Research in Homoeopathy,
61-65 Institutional Area,
New Delhi.