Joints - Muscle Pain And Homoeopathy : Dr.B.S.Suvarna - homeopathy360

Joints – Muscle Pain And Homoeopathy : Dr.B.S.Suvarna

Back ache is a frequent problem in frequency due to increased weight being carried and the changed chance adopted by pregnant women . however nearly every one suffers from back ache at some time in their life , it may arise from poor posture or injury , but normally responds well to some form of treatment . Lower back pain lumbago is a system found in many disorders . These range from the common complaint of fibrositis .(inflammation of the muscles , usually in the back ) .To more serious conditions such as a slipped disk where the soft disk between two vertebrae protrudes and presses painfully on the nerve roots for continuing of unresponsive back pain , always consult your doctor.  


  • A severe continuous dull ache in the lower back and hips ………………………………………………………aesculus hippcastanum
  • Back is worse when walking or stooping and may feel that it will give way while walking…………………………………………………”.’…………..
  • Muscular pains causing great tiredness ………….                   aletris farinose
  • Pregnancy vomiting is often associated with the muscle pain .………”.”…..
  • Pain as if left side of the abdomen is sprained ………………………………………………………….ammonium muriaticum
  • Stiffness and pain in the small of the back …………….     bryonia alba
  • Back ache is better for complete rest lying on the back to give it support and pressure …………………………………………………….bryonia alba
  • Suitable for light haired woman , who develop back pain and vomiting during pregnancy ………………………………………….cocculus
  • Severe back pain is experienced which shoots down the buttocks…kali carb
  • Pain comes on about 3am with belief that getting up and moving around will believe it ……………………………………………………………….kali carb
  • Back feels weak and stiff …………………………………………….kalicarb
  • Pain come on about 3 am with belief that getting up and moving around will relieve it ………………………………………………………… kalicarb
  • Back feels weak and stiff ………………………………………..kalicarb
  • Pain arises from feeling cold lying on the affected side ……….kalicarb
  • Useful for back ache after giving birth ……………………phosphoric acid
  • Lower back pain felt with tiredness ………………………  pulsatilla
  • There is stiffness with or with out pain ……………….rhus toxicodendron
  • Pain seems to be in deep back muscles , which feel bruised and hurt on movement………………………………………………..rhus tox
  • Pain feels worse in bed but is better for warmth and improves with some movement …………………………………………………..rhus tox

Having an operation or giving birth can be quite daunting , especially if you are admitted to hospital as an emergency , some homoeopathic medicines can help

  • Before operation , great fear and anxiety panic …aconitum 30C every 30 minutes as needed
  • Apprehensive and feels tremble and weak …gelsemium 30 every 30 minutes as needed
  • Before and operation (including episiostomy or torn perineum) to relieve bruising and reduce the infection ……arnica 3 doses the day before the operation , then 30C every two hours for twelve hours after , after then four times a day for 3 days and then staphysagria 30C  3 times a day
  • For bathing wounds after child birth to keep clean and comfortable ……hypericum and calendula soluion


A burning sensation felt in the feet is a common symptom that may be accompanied by excessive some times offensive , sweating modern shoes and socks/tights that are manufactured by synthetic materials , such as plastic or nylon can make the condition worse . homoeopathic treatment with different different medicines  is often help full to reduce the symptom , but regular washing of the feet changes of foot wear should not be neglected


  • Offensive foot sweats ………………………………ammonium muriaticum
  • Burning , stinging sensation in feet ………………..apis mellifica
  • Feet look pinkish and slightly swollen ……………..apis mellifica
  • Copious and offensive foot sweat ………………….arundo meuritanica
  • Cracks may develop  specially on the heels ………,,……..”””………..
  • Cold clammy , sweaty feet with the toes and soles of feet feeling sore …………………………………………………………baryata carb
  • Cold damp feet accompanied by sour swelling sweat ..calcarea carb
  • Soles of the feet are burning , but upper feet are cold and sweaty ………………………………………………………….cantharis
  • Feet are sweaty with a tendency to cramps …………carbo vegetabilis
  • Legs are cold from the knees downward ……………carbo vegetabalis
  • Cold hands and feet with an acrid foot sweat ……….ledum pal
  • One foot the usually the right feels hot , while the other cold …lycopodium
  • Frofuse foot sweat , with pain in heels when walking and painful calluses develop on soles of feet ………………………………………..lycopodium
  • Smelly foot sweats cause sore throats ………………………nitric acid
  • Feet are hot , easing them putting outside the bed covers ….pulsatilla
  • May help burning chilblains …………………………………pulsatilla
  • Offensive foot sweats which make the toes sore …………….nitric acid
  • Profuse foot sweat, often offensive and may rot socks ……..silica
  • Feet feel hot at night , but cold in the day ……………………silica
  • Feet sole from the instep through the soles ………………….silica
  • Burning sensation in the hands and soles of feet ……………sulphur
  • Feet are hot but are worse at night and better for putting feet outside the bed covers …………………………………………………………..sulphur

Dosage use the 6C potency . Take twice a day until an improvement is maintained


These small sometimes hard , non malignant growths occur on the skin mostly on the hands and fingers , and are caused by a virus . Great care must be taken with hygiene as warts as contagious


  • Skin has a tendency to dryness and may itch in the bed ………………………………………………………………antimonium crudum
  • Large warts appear on fingers which tend to bleed if damaged …causticum

Consult a doctor 

  • Warts that appear on  nose ………………………………causticum
  • Large jagged warts , which may bleed when washed (consult a doctor)…………………………………………………………….nitric acid
  • Most frequently used treatment , it can be taken internally or applied as a cream …………………………………………………….thuja accidentalis

Dosage : use the 6C potency , take twice a day until an improvement occurs


Although there are over 250 different joint disorders , homoeopathy groups them into the general classification of ‘rheumatism’ because the picture of these illnesses is very similar . These section there fore contains those medicines most suited to an illness which has joint , muscle and tendon pain , usually stiffness and some times deformity of one or more joints .

The most common form of rheumatism is osteo-arthritis which is produced by the wear and tear that joints suffer during use . It is over twice as common as rheumatoid arthritis where the joints become inflamed and painful . If any doubts exists over the diagnosis or treatment , a doctor should be consulted , medical help may be needed to treat these conditions .


  • The smaller joints such as the hands and feet are those mainly affected …………………………………………………. ………………actaea spicata
  • Joints ache and swell and the feet are worse for walking ………”.”……..
  • Affected parts feel very stiff and sore to the touch ……………apis mellifica
  • Joints swell , making the overlying skin feel stretched and tight …..apis mell
  • Swelling is pale ……………………………………..apis mellifica
  • Joints become swollen………………………………  apis mellifica
  • Rheumatism that comes about from exposure to damp and cold with simultaneous muscle strain …………………………..arnica
  • Affected parts feel sore and bruised ………………….arnica
  • Cutting lightening like pains run along joints………..belladonna
  • Joints are red , shiny and swollen and pain radiates through them,,,,………………………………………………….belladonna
  • For rheumatism, that is often brought on by getting head and neck wet , or sitting with them exposed to a drought ……………..belladonna
  • Rheumatism in the smaller joints which develop nodular swellings……………………………………………benzoic acid
  • Acute rheumatism , with hot  shiny dark or pale red joints….bryonia alba
  • For pain that is greatly aggravated by movement , but that is relieved by external heat ………………………………………..bryonia alba
  • Rheumatism that comes on from working  in water or damp surroundings ………………………………………………………….calcarea carbonica
  • Upper back and shoulders are the most affected areas …calcarea carb
  • Affected joints feel stuff and tight and lying on them makes them feel sore ……………………………………………………………….causticum
  • Pain is worse from cold and is relieved by warmth ……..causticum
  • Restlessness at night with drawing pains in muscles ……causticum
  • Ankles are weak……………………………………………causticum
  • Severe almost intolerable by pain , with compulsion to get up and walk about ………………………………………………………………chamomilla
  • Symptoms are mainly in muscles ………………………cimicifuga
  • Pain is worse in the evenings …………………………colchicum
  • Affected parts are swollen and dark red…………… ..colchicum
  • Disease moves from joint to joint and typically occurs in debilitated and weak persons …………………………………………………colchicum
  • Rheumatism is worse in changeable weather especially in damp cold conditions …………………………………………………….dulcamara
  • For chronic cases with distorted and knobby joints ……….guaiacum
  • Joints are worse from  movement and the tendons around them feel tight …………………………………………………………………guaiacum
  •  Pain travels upwards is worse in a warm bed and affect the smaller joints ………………………………………………………………….ledum pal
  • any swelling is slight …………………………………………..ledum pal
  • for conditions where nodules form …………………………..ledum pal
  • relief from slow and gentle movement ………………………lycopodium
  • rheumatism is in the right shoulder …………………magnesia carbonica
  • rheumatism is worse in bed or after walking ,and better from warth
  • pain constantly move from joint to joint ……………………….pulsatilla
  • worse in the evening and from warmth but relieved by pain….pulsatilla
  • severe pain that leads to compulsion to move about to try to relieve it…………………………………………………………………..pulsatilla
  • indigestion is also present ……………………………………….pulsatilla
  • rheumatism is worse when there is weather or temperature change ,,………………………………………………………….,ranaculusbulbosus 
  • rheumatism in the chest wall , which feels bruised  , although the pain is sharp……………………………………………………………”……..”…
  • susceptibility to weather change , particularly cold , winter weather …………………………………………………………….rhododendron
  • chronic rheumatism affect the smaller joints which are worse during rest ………………………………………………………………rhododendron  
  • the parts involved feel weak……………………………………..”..”..”….
  • muscle stiffness and soreness ……………………………rhus tox codendron
  • prominent body projections are tender ……………………….”…”..’…….
  • pain is worse on first starting to move from worse from sitting and rising from a sitting position …………………………………….rhus tox 
  • relief from continued warmth and movement …………..rhus tox
  • damp weather and damp dwellings aggravate the condition ….rhus tox
  • soreness and that is similar to a tendon sprain to a tendon sprain ………………………………………………………………ruta graveolens  
  • rheumatism of wrists and ankles is present …………….…….”…”………
  • acute muscular with shifting , sharp stitching pains and soreness and stiffness in muscles , especially back and neck and right shoulder ………………………………………………………………  sanguinaria
  • chronic often familial rheumatism ……………………….   silica
  • pain is worse at night and from uncovering and is better from warmth …………………………………………………………………silica 
  •  ankles are also weak ………………………………………..silica
  • acute and chronic rheumatism  ……………………………sulphur
  • inflammation starts in feet then extends up the body …….sulphur
  •  pain is worse in bed and at night ………………………….sulphur
  •  jerking of the limbs while asleep…………………………..sulphur

Dosage :     use the 6c potency , take twice a day and stop when an improvement is maintained , there after provided it is still yhe indicated medicine , take if there is a deterioration .   

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