This article was taken from reine arzneimittellehre, part 4 of 2nd edition– 1825.
In a preface to the fourth volume of the second edition of the “materia medica pura,” 1825, was published an article: “reine erinnerung,” to which Dungeon gives the title: “contrast of the old and new systems of medicine”
Later on it was published in “the lesser writings of Samuel Hahnemann”– R.E Dudgeon.
The article emphasis on-
- Concepts of old school of medicine
- Pathology & nosological names of diseases
- Knowledge of disease, medicine, cure
- Need of homoeopathic system of medicine
In this article Hahnemann speaks of the fallacy of prescribing according to a nosological and capricious name for disease, and the ease of prescribing from a prescription pocket-book.
Old School of Medicine:
Accurate observation, unwearied research and careful comparison has failed to demonstrate the original types of diseases, which produces endless variety and very dissimilar types of diseases. Every single morbid phenomenon must be homoeopathically treated according to array of symptoms that shew themselves in every case
Old school of medicine drew a list of types of diseases– which would represent & include within them all the cases of disease that were met with at the sick-bed. For old school it is impossible to efficiently treat every case according to individuality. Special names were given to every disease and these names made the remedy selection same for every case
According to old school the science of therapeutics was a combination of pathology, special modes of treatment & imaginary morbid picture of disease which they considered in treating a case.
The Evil Rise:
There is perversion of nature & they did violence to nature – after years it will be considered as a symbolical, unimprovable work.
In footnote we can see how old school gave importance to different names & dissimilar descriptions of disease.
Why not consider the Nosological Names of Disease?
Physicians take into granted the nosological names of the disease. He only considers the symptoms that the pathological works describe belong to this form of disease, whereas in actual fact these are absent in the patient.
What do we Care?
Hahnemann questions that, ‘do we care about the presence of many other diverse symptoms that are observable in case of disease or absence of those that are warning?’
He says that the physician should pay no attention to such empirical trifled, his practical knowledge & the penetration glance of his mental eye should help him penetrate through the flesh and bone into the hidden essential nature of the things that the creator of mankind alone understands
For finding the hidden nature of malady, physician has to determine:
- The hidden nature of malady
- Determine what is the matter with him
- What name he has to be given
- Apply therapeutic knowledge
- Proper prescription
Lege Artis:
Here Hahnemann explains why not to consider only the pathology of the disease?
Pathology gives a deceptive picture of disease.
It is implemented to the patient falsely.
It becomes easy for the physician to recollect from memory and prescribe without hesitation with the help of a prescription pocket book.
How did the Prescriptions for the Names of the Diseases Originate?
Were they communicated by some divine revelation?
These were the formulas prescribed by some celebrated practitioners by the facts that were known to him, by the name that came into his head and were put by him into an elegant form and made it an important aid of art of prescription (Ars formulas concinnandi recteque cooncipiendi) and later on some publisher who knows how capitally a prescription manual sells fabricated it all to create the easiest ways of prescription. This easy way of the physician can never help a patient to attain cure.
Expressions of Vitality
- Work in a more learned & sagacious manner to investigate in depth.
- Determine- sensibility, irritability, reproductive functions, see whether these are too high or too low.
- Nitrogen, hydrogen, carbon constitute souls of medicines, they regulate & crew up/ screw down.
- These expressions of vitality help in curing all diseases.
How does Nature Help?
- Nature creates a simple & wonderful arrangement which gives a clear & accurate description of a patient’s morbid condition through signs & symptoms.
- Patient suffering alone can tell his disease.
But this concept does not fit the practical tact of the old school physicians, as they think all these are scarcely worth listening to and are of no importance as it does not coincide with their pathological books.
What are the Ultimate Weapons of the Old School Physicians?
Administration of large doses of medicine which are injurious, drawn in haphazard form without correct knowledge and without knowledge of true peculiar effects of those medicines and the result of these is unnatural & false mode of treatment which ultimately end up in visible aggravation of the existing condition.
Knowledge of disease-this is a metaphysical problem not the product of fantastic speculations.
As we cannot inspect the internal state of disease / healthy state, pure experience of senses, unprejudiced person, and careful observation alone came to find every individual case of disease to possess constant unvarying characters. Hence we need to individualise every case in order to attain cure.
What is Disease?
- Disease is alteration of the healthy state which can be due to accidents or perceptible divergence from the healthy state.
What does the Physician have to do?
- Investigate the peculiar character of disease
- Observe the patient minutely with all senses
- Carefully note down – without adding or deleting
- Form a faithful genuine picture of disease
- Apply accurate knowledge
Cure & Medicines:
- Cure can be nothing than transformation of irregular state of health into regular & healthy state
- Medicines are the agents for curing disease
- They must possess power of effecting an alteration in state of health
What do we Need for Cure?
- Knowledge of medicine
- Properties & actions of medicines
- Knowledge of peculiar alterations of health
- Knowledge of peculiar characters of medicine
Most suitable health altering medicine is most suitable for effecting cure.
Only by action of medicines on healthy individuals can we purely, certainly & completely know about a medicine.
Animal Proving and Chemical Reagents-
- These only reveal the chemical properties of a medicine
- There is no clue to their power over living organism
- Alterations they produce when given to animals, only teach what they can do to them according to their nature but not what effect on man.
What has to be given Importance?
- Administer medicines on healthy individuals
- Attentive to notice changes medicine produce
- Notes peculiar, morbid & altered character
- Make careful record of complaints, symptoms & alteration of corporeal & mental states
How to Attain Homoeopathic Cure?
- Priori- experiment, observation & experience helps in solving the problem in a rapid, gentle & permanent way.
- Artificial stronger medicinal disease occupies the vitality & along with the minuteness of dose on can achieve homoeopathic cure
Dudgeon r e, contrast of old and new schools of medicine, the lesser writings of Samuel Hahnemann, b Jain publishers, 2001, pg-712.
Bradford Thomas Lindsey, literary work, life and letters of Hahnemann, b Jain publishers, 1992, pg-148.