B.Jain Pharmaceuticals, New Delhi
B. Jain Publishers, Noida
Center of Advance Study in Homoeopathy (CASH), New Delhi
Department of Homoeopathy K.E.M. Hospital
Department of Homoeopathy Bombay Hospital
Department of Homoeopathy Bai Jerbai Wadia Hospital Department of Homoeopathy Nowrosjee Wadia Hospital
Department of Homoeopathy Kamalnayan Bajaj Cancer Centre, Ruby Hall Pune
International Foundation of Clinical Research in Homoeopathy and Charities
Hompath Technologies
Zeus Soft Limited
A Seminar on Management of Renal Pathology with Case Discussions
The S. P. Jain Auditorium, Bombay Hospital, Marine Lines, Mumbai – 400020
9th April, 2017
08:30 am to 05:00 pm
Dr. Farokh J Master
Dr. Tushar Shah
Management of Renal Pathology with case discussions.
Fees for the course:
Rs. 100 must be paid to register yourself for the seminar.
Prior registration is a must.
Registration will only be done when the entire sum of Rs. 100/- is paid.
You can register with any of these doctors.
1. Dr. Sneha Parikh – 9819604470
2. Dr. Ardeshir Jagose – 9820291108
3. Dr. Abhishek Joshi – 9702167789
4. Dr. Darshan Shah – 9969570136
5. Dr. Surabhi Chitre – 9619566523
Payment Methods:
1. Cash must be deposited at the clinic address or given to the above-mentioned doctors personally.
Clinic Address – Homoeopathic Health Center, Ratan Abad, Ground Floor, Tukaram Javji Road, Mumbai – 400007
2. The cheque/DD is to be made out to “Farokh Master”, payable at Mumbai.
You can post it to –
Homoeopathic Health Center, Ratan Abad, Ground Floor, Tukaram Javji Road, Mumbai – 400007
3. Pay online via – https://www.payumoney.com/
Books: B. Jain Publishers, New Delhi will display books and also there is a rare opportunity to buy Radar Homoeopathic program and database.
For enquiries and demonstration regarding Radar Opus Software kindly contact
Dr. Abhishek Joshi – 9702167789
Email – abhishek@doctor.com