No Smoking Day is observed every year on the second Wednesday of March, to encourage people to quit smoking. This year, No Smoking Day, will be celebrated on March 9, 2022, aiming to help family and friends suffering from nicotine addiction.
Smoking or chewing tobacco is one of the worst habits one can adopt. The health risks are known to all but still thousands of people do smoking each day. Some people start it out of curiosity and others might just want to look like grown-ups. Research has shown the number of people around the world who still smoke cigarettes — and are not actively trying to quit — is severely dwindling. The stigma surrounding smoking and the dangers of first-hand and second-hand smoke tend to get more severe as time goes on.
National No Smoking Day originated in the Republic of Ireland in 1984 on Ash Wednesday, when the ruling clergy determined that cigarettes would be a good thing for people to give up for Lent. Between then and now, the day of the holiday has been shifted to a more predictable second Wednesday of March. Now, the National No Smoking campaign is organized by the British Heart Foundation.
The World Health Organization states tobacco kills up to half of its users, with more than 8 million people dying each year. More than 7 million of those deaths are the result of direct tobacco use, while around 1.2 million deaths are the result of exposure to second-hand smoke. Despite the statistics, government warnings, labels, age and location restrictions helped create a positive effect on the decline of smoking.
No matter what your age is or how long you’ve been smoking, your health will improve as soon as you quit.
Promise yourself today and opt for a “No Smoking Society.”