“Homeopathic professionals have been asking me for a long time to write my own Materia Medica in order that the information imparted through my teachings and courses over the years should reach a wider audience. To date, this information has only been available to a limited number of homeopathic physicians. I have postponed this Herculean task until now in order to do justice to such a tremendous task, namely, to communicate my entire life’s experience, knowledge and understanding of our existing Materia Medica.” Professor George Vithoulkas Purchase your copy direct from the International Academy of Classical Homeopathy: https://www.vithoulkas.com/learning-tools/books-gv/materia-medica-volume-13 Follow this link to find all the Books of Prof. George Vithoulkas: https://www.vithoulkas.com/learning-tools/books-gv |
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