Miasmatic prescribing (clinical maism guide book) - Dr. Subrata K. Banerjea

Miasmatic prescribing (clinical maism guide book) Authored by Dr. Subrata K. Banerjea

Miasmatic Prescribing–  Second Extended Edition

Its philosophy, diagnostic classifications, clinical tips, miasmatic repertory, miasmatic weightage of medicines and case illustrations- Second Extended Edition

Miasmatic Prescribing: (Second Extended Edition) by Dr. Subrata K. Banerjea is an advanced guide on the practical application of miasmatic theory in homeopathic practice. This edition expands on the original concepts of miasms—chronic disease predispositions—in homeopathy, offering an in-depth understanding of their influence on patient health.

The inclusion of miasm in a homeopathic prescription is becoming more and more impotant in this modern world of suppression. The book focuses on how to identify and classify miasms (Psora, Sycosis, Syphilis, and Tubercular), providing practical insights into diagnosing and prescribing based on miasmatic layers. It includes numerous illustrative cases that help homeopaths grasp how miasmatic knowledge can be used to select the most appropriate remedies..

Author has revised and added many new chapters to the Miasmatic Diagnosis book from his further experience of more than 26 years of clinical practice and brought out this new version by the name of Miasmatic Prescribing. This book is written over a period of fifteen years and supported by clinical experience. 

The book contains 9 parts

Part I – Philosophy and Utility of Miasm– discussion of the philosophical background of miasm and views regarding suppression and the need for miasmatic prescriptions in the modern world. Key words are presented to reflect the miasmatic tendencies.

 Part II – Miasmatic Diagnostic Classifications– Starting with the mental symptoms, this is a head to foot schematic classification of the four miasms, including tips for rapid miasmatic diagnosis.

Part III – Miasmatic Diagnosis of Clinical Classifications – In this section, all the possible clinical nosological names under their respective miasmatic headings with a view to enable fast diagnosis of the corresponding miasm are given.

Part IV – Miasmatic Ancestral Tips – All the tips of Dr. Banerjea’s four generations of miasmatic prescribers are mentioned.

 Part V – Miasmatic Repertory– This is a totally new concept and once again aimed for quick miasmatic diagnosis.

Part VI – Miasmatic Weightage of Medicines – A comprehensive guide to the weight, value or gradation of the medicines and listings of the leading anti-miasmatics are displayed.

Part VII – Modern Classical Prescribing – Guidance to the practical Approach to the cases.

Part VIII – Miasmatic Interpretation in Prescribing – A record of case Illustrations 

Part IX – Look and Diagnose the Miasm- This section helps homeopaths to identify the miasm just by looking at the patient. 

Key features of this extended edition include:

  • A systematic approach to miasmatic classification.
  • Comprehensive guidelines on miasmatic interpretation in chronic cases.
  • Practical tips for the homoeopath to implement miasmatic theory in everyday practice.
  • Case studies that highlight the successful use of miasmatic prescribing for long-term treatment.
  • Dr. Banerjea’s ancestral and clinical tips on miasmatic prescribing add a distinctive depth to the book, making it an invaluable resource for homeopaths seeking practical and time-tested insights.
  • The graphical presentation of all miasms in this book makes it an excellent learning tool for students, helping them to easily grasp and understand the complexities of miasmatic theory.

The book is intended for experienced homeopaths, students, and practitioners who seek to deepen their understanding of miasmatic theory and improve the efficacy of their treatment approaches through this method.



Title:             Miasmatic Prescribing (With Online Link)

Author:        Subrata K. Banerjea

ISBN:             9788131909430

Imprint:         B. Jain Regular

Pages:             312

Format:          Paperback

Language:       English

Searching Tags: Book on Miasmatic Prescribing, Miasmatic Prescribing books, Book by Dr. Subrata K. Banerjea, Miasmatic Prescribing Book second extended edition, Books on Homeopathic Miasms, Homeopathy Miasm Book

Dr Subrata Banerjea, BHMS FFHom FHMA is an internationally respected teacher and clinical homoeopathic practitioner who has lectured around the world since 1985. For five generations, the ‘Banerjea family’ has been recognised as authorities on miasmatic prescribing and Dr. Banerjea continues this tradition.

Dr Subrata K. Banerjea has written a number of books including “Clinical and Comparative Materia Medica”; “Classical Homoeopathy for an Impatient World” and the widely acclaimed “Miasmatic Prescribing”. Dr. Subrata K. Banerjea is currently the Principal of Allen College of Homoeopathy in Essex, England, established in 1998, alongside running a busy practice and playing an active role in the running of the Calcutta Mobile Clinic Charity.

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