Abstract :
The human mind is a complex and dynamic system, comprising conscious, unconscious, and preconscious components. This intricate interplay shapes our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, influencing every aspect of our lives. This article delves into the roles of conscious, unconscious, and preconscious processes, exploring their relationships with cognition, emotion, and action. This comprehensive exploration aims to illuminate the intricate mechanisms governing our minds, shedding light on the mysterious and fascinating world of human consciousness.
Key Words: Conscious, Unconscious, And Preconscious Components
Mind is a complex and dynamic system that enables us to think, feel and behave.
Mind is Complex System : The Mind consists of many interconnected parts such as thoughts, emotions, memories and perception which interact and influence one another. A small changes in one part can have significant and disproportionate effects on the other parts.
Example : You’re walking and you smell freshly baked cookies.
∙ Thoughts : You think cookies! My Favorite!
∙ Emotions : You feel happy and nostalgic.
∙ Memories: You remember baking cookies with your family as a child.
∙ Perception : Smell seems delicious.
So, here the small trigger (smell of cookies) affected your thoughts, emotions, memories and perception.
Mind is Dynamic System : The Mind is dynamic that constantly adapts and responds to new information, Experiences and Emotions.
Example : You are preparing for a job interview.
∙ Initial state : You are prepared and confident.
∙ Just before interview, you received an unexpected message from your Boss, informing you regarding the cancellation of interview.
∙ New state : You start feeling Anxious about the future.
Your mind was in a state of Confidence and Preparedness.
The unexpected call triggered.
Your Mind adapts quickly and shifts to a new state of anxiety.
This shows how your Mental state has changed in response to the new information. Thus Mind constantly adapts and responds to new Information, Experience and Emotions.
The psychological organization of the mind is a complex and dynamic system that encompasses various aspects, including cognition (thought), affect (feelings), and conation (behavior). This system also involves the interplay between conscious and unconscious elements.
Consciousness refers to the state of being aware of one’s surroundings, thoughts, and feelings. It involves the ability to perceive, process, and respond to information from the environment.
Relation to thought, feelings, and behavior:
∙ Thoughts : Consciousness enables us to think, reason, and make decisions.
∙ Feelings : Consciousness allows us to experience and express emotions.
∙ Behavior : Consciousness influences our voluntary actions and behaviors.
❖ Consciousness and Thoughts
Consciousness enables us to think, reason, and make decisions. Here are a few examples:
- Problem-solving: You’re conscious of a math problem in front of you, and you use your conscious mind to think through the solution.
- Decision-making: You’re aware of your options for dinner (e.g., going out or cooking at home), and you consciously weigh the pros and cons to make a decision.
- Critical thinking: You’re conscious of the information presented in a news article, and you use your critical thinking skills to evaluate the credibility of the source.
❖ Consciousness and Feelings
Consciousness allows us to experience and express emotions. Here are a few examples:
- Emotional awareness: You’re conscious of feeling anxious before a big presentation, and you take steps to calm yourself down.
- Empathy: You’re aware of a friend’s emotional state (e.g., they’re upset), and you consciously try to understand and support them.
- Self-reflection: You’re conscious of your emotions and thoughts, and you use this awareness to reflect on your experiences and personal growth.
❖ Consciousness and Behavior
Consciousness influences our voluntary actions and behaviors. Here are a few examples:
- Intentional actions: You’re conscious of your goal to start exercising regularly, and you intentionally create a workout schedule to achieve it.
- Self-control: You’re aware of your temptation to check your phone during a meeting, and you consciously resist the urge to stay focused.
- Learning new skills: You’re conscious of your desire to learn a new language, and you intentionally practice speaking and listening to improve your skills.
Unconsciousness refers to the state of being unaware of one’s surroundings, thoughts, feelings, or behaviors. The concept of unconsciousness is closely related to the idea of the unconscious mind, which was first introduced by Sigmund Freud.
According to Freud, the unconscious mind is a part of the mind that contains thoughts, feelings, and memories that are not currently in our conscious awareness. These unconscious thoughts, feelings, and memories can still influence our behavior and emotions, even if we are not aware of them.
It is something that is known to you, but you are unaware about it and will also guide in your life. It comprises of instinct, desire and impulse.
Example :
- A person may have an irrational fear of spider(Arachnophobia), without consciously knowing why. 2. Someone make impulsive purchases or decisions without fully thinking. Their Unconscious mind may be driving these decisions based on emotional desire or past experience.
Relation to thought, feelings, and behavior
Unconscious Relation to Thought :
Thoughts : The unconscious mind influences our thoughts through automatic processes such as Habits and Implicit biases.
- Someone may unconsciously assume a person’s personality or behavior based on their appearance. 2. A person automatically checks their phone for notification without consciously thinking about it; due to an unconscious habit.
Unconscious Relation to Feelings:
Feelings: The unconscious mind shapes your Emotions/Feelings.
- A person may feel anxious about public speaking without realizing that their unconscious mind is driven by a fear of failure.
- A person may feel a strong desire to succeed in their career without realizing that their unconscious mind is driven by a need to prove themselves to their parents.
- Someone may feel irrationally angry when they hear a particular song without realizing that it triggers memories of a past conflict.
Unconscious Relation to Behavior:
Behavior: The Unconscious mind affects our behaviour through Unconscious habits, impulses and defence mechanisms.
- Unconscious Habit: A person may have a habit of procrastination or over eating it without realizing it.
- Unconscious Impulses: Accepting a job offer on an impulse without even researching about the job in detail.
Preconscious refers to the state of being aware of information, but not actively thinking about it.
The Preconscious mind contains information that is not currently in conscious awareness but can be easily accessed.
Example : What you had breakfast in the morning. this is not currently in your conscious awareness but when you give little focus, the information can be easily accessed.
Relation to thought, feelings, and behavior
The preconscious mind influences:
∙ Thoughts: Accessible memories, subliminal messages
∙ Feelings: Emotional resonance, mood regulation
∙ Behavior: Habits, impulsive actions
Preconscious mind with Thought :
Example :
- You’re not actively thinking about your childhood, but when someone mentions a specific event, the memory suddenly comes to the minf.
- You’re not consciously thinking about how to ride a bike, but when you gets on a bike, your preconscious mind guides your action.
- You’re not actively thinking about a topic, but when someone asks you about it, the information is easily accessible.
Preconscious mind with feelings:
Example :
- You are not actively thinking about why you’re in a good mood but your preconscious mind is influencing your emotions based on something such as pleasant weather or a pleasant conversation. 2. You smell a certain scent and suddenly feel nostalgic or sentimental without consciously thinking about the memory associated with that smell.
Preconscious mind with behaviour :
Example :
- Habit : You are not actively thinking about brushing your teeth; but your preconscious mind guides you to do the action of brushing the teeth.
- Routine : You are not aware actively about daily routine but your preconscious mind guides you. 3. Automatic Response : You are not actively thinking about how to respond to a greeting, but your preconscious mind guides your response through automatic response.
The conscious, preconscious, and unconscious mind interact to shape our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. They influence:
∙ Perceptions and interpretations
∙ Emotional responses
∙ Decision-making and behavior
∙ Relationships and interactions
Understanding their interplay provides insight into human complexity.
∙ American Psychological Association (APA) website
∙ “Psychology” by David G. Myers (2015)
∙ Cognitive Psychology: A Student’s Handbook” by Michael W. Eysenck and Mark T. Keane (2015) ∙ Hilgard, E. R. (1977). Divided Consciousness: Multiple Controls in Human Thought and Action.
About the Author:
Dr. Reshmi K Pillai
Assistant Professor
Department of Organon of Medicine & Homoeopathic Philosophy & Fundamentals of Psychology. Noble Star Homoeopathic College & Research Institute, Makhiyala- Junagadh