What is Motor Neuron Disease ?
Motor neurone disease, also known as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), Lou Gehrig’s Disease occurs when specialist nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord called motor neurones stop working properly, characterized by their steadily progressive deterioration , leading to muscle weakness and wasting resulting in loss or diminishment of voluntary muscle control.
Five Types:

  • Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) – This is the most common and classical form. A mixed upper and lower motor neuron deficit is found in the limbs. Symptoms tend to start in the hands and feet with muscular stiffness as well as weakness at first
  • Progressive bulbar palsy (PBP) – Bulbar involvement predominates owing to disease processes affecting primarily the motor nuclei of the cranial nerves. The bulbar muscles are affected first causing difficulties in talking, chewing and swallowing.
  • Pseudobulbar Palsy (PsBP) – Bulbar involvement predominates in this variety also, but it is due to bilateral corticobulbar disease and thus mirrors upper motor neuron dysfunction
  • Progressive bulbar palsy (PBP) –Mixed bulbar palsy and pseudo-bulbar palsy are forms that involve the muscles of speech and swallowing. The nerves that control these functions are located in the bulb (the lower part of the brain), hence the term bulbar palsy (paralysis).
  • Primary lateral sclerosis- in which upper motor neuron damage results in stiffness and spastic paralysis of the limbs. This a very rare form of the disease.

Symptoms: –

  • No sensory loss or sphincter disturbance.
  • Progressive course. No identifiable underlying cause other than genetic basis in familial cases.

In Particulars:

  • Cramping
  • Muscle weakness (fasciculation)
  • Problems with coordination
  • Stiff muscles, loss of muscle
  • Muscle quiver
  • Muscle spasms
  • Overactive reflexes
  • Stumbling due to weakness of the leg muscles
  • Difficulty holding objects due to weakness of the hand muscles

Whole body:
Fatigue or feeling faint
shortness of breath or shortness of breath on lying down

  • Vocal cord spasm or impaired voice,
  • Slurring of speech
  • Swallowing difficulties due to weakness of tongue and throat muscles

Other Symptoms:

  • Severe constipation
  • Severe unintentional weight loss
  • Tremor
  • Jerking of an arm or leg whilst you rest.

In 75-80% of patients, symptoms begin with limb involvement, while 20-25% of patients present with bulbar symptoms.
Drooling affects some patients and results from a combination of excessive salivation, poor swallowing, and poor lip control.
Why Homoeopathy ?
Its very effective we have found great beneficial in dealing with such cases there quality of life has been improved ,muscle spasticity has been restored in patients after which they are able to move and walk after treatment.
Homeopathic medicine works differently. It stimulates the person’s innate ability to restore natural balance.It boost up the immunity levels .Every individual is not the same thus their remedies wont be same. Currently there is no cure for this disease i.e MND /ALS .Homoeopathic medicines also helps in delay the progress of the disease .Homoeopathy acts on mind symptoms more and MND disease affects brain.
Few Homoeopathic Remedies which can be given :
Alumina :
Vertigo also that comes on when closing the eyes, as is found in spinal affections, in sclerosis of posterior lateral columns. Alum. has produced affections analogous to locomotor ataxia. It produces numbness of the soles of the feet, the fulgurating pains, the vertigo when closing the eyes, and produces staggering and disturbances of co-ordination.
Argentum Nitricum :
has been used with marked benefit in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.Boericke especially mentioned in this there is spinal cord degeneration i.e Lateral Sclerosis .
Crotalus Horridus :
Painless paralysis of extremities, with numbness and great coldness of affected limb.Multiple sclerosis, lateral sclerosis, locomotor ataxia progressive muscular atrophy, tetanus ,Phatak says it has great effect in Sclerosis multiple, lateral. Progressive muscular atrophy.
Homeopathically it is therefore mainly indicated in cases of paralysis or progressive paresis such as multiple sclerosis, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, etc. Tired pain up and down spine. ARMS WEAK, HEAVY. Cannot lift the fingers. Weakness of hands and fingers in pianists. Legs tremble; give way in walking. Debility; paralysis. Catalepsy. Favors development of corns. Reflexes lessened or abolished.
Pain in nape of neck. PRESSURE OVER SACRUM. Spinal concussion. Coccyx injury from fall, with pain radiating up spine and down limbs.MOST IMPORTANT REMEDY FOR SPINAL INJURIES .Spinal Degeneration Lateral sclerosis Feeling of weakness and trembling of all the limbs.Sensation of lameness of the left arm and right foot. Cannot walk, from affection of the spine.
Lathyrus sativus :
pictures lateral sclerosis and spastic paraplegic conditions with excessively exaggerated reflexes. No pain, but motor paralysis of the lower extremities, absence of atrophy. Excessive rigidity of legs, spastic gait. Tremulous, tottering gait. Knees knock together when walking. Knee jerks exaggerated. Cannot extend or cross legs when sitting. Sits bent forward, straightens up with difficulty. Stiffness and lameness of the ankles and knees. Heels do not touch the ground when walking. Feet are dragged or put down suddenly and forcibly while walking. While lying down legs can be moved from side to side but cannot be lifted. Legs blue, swollen, if hanging down. Cramps in legs, worse cold and cold feet. Legs are cold during day, become hot and burn at night better uncovering. Gluteal muscles and muscles of lower limbs are emaciated.
Plumbum Met :
lead can cause a syndrome clinically indistinguishable from motor neuron disease, particularly one of its subtypes, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). Lead in potency could probably increase the elimination of lead from the body and therefore might be useful in conditions where decalcification of bone leads to freeing of lead into the circulation. It might therefore be, at least, protective in these circumstances. It seems that the action of lead on the nervous system is complex, partly involving the myelin sheath of the nerves and partly interfering in synaptic transmission. Traditionally, in classical homoeopathic literature, its use was recommended in epilepsy and motor paralyses of the “wrist drop” type.
Cuprum Met :
It is useful in AMYOTROPHIC, LATERAL, SPINAL SCLEROSIS and PARALYSIS of the brain when there is vomiting and spasms with general coldness and blueness of the lips, dependent upon the retrocession of an acute eruption.
Amyotrophic lateral spinal sclerosis; paralysis after chorea apoplexy or typhoid and typhus; paralysis of lower extremities after abscess of psoas muscles; motory paralysis with atrophy and contractions or choreic automatic movements, sensibility normal; congestion in chest, palpitation of heart, pulse slow, weak and small; eyes closed, when opening them, eyeballs move about, eyelids twitch; icy coldness of feet or burning in soles of feet; paralysis ascending from periphery to centre.
Nux Vomica:
Amyotropic lateral sclerosis .Spinal irritation with sudden loss of power in legs. Lateral spinal sclerosis. Spinal anemia. Myelitis and early stages of locomotor ataxia.
Note : 
Like all Neurological disorders requires good case study and continuous monitoring by a competent homeopath. One should not try any form of self-medication. In qualified and experienced hands homeopathy offers good prognosis in this condition.

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