The best way to describe the Materia Medica of a rare remedy is through cases. Today I will share my experience with rare Indian Homeopathic drugs.
I remember in early 80’s in the city of Bombay, there was an acute water shortage during the summer. I used to have patients who presented to me with recurrent boils which were painful, burning and accompanied by diarrhea.
The diarrhea was characterized by watery yellowish stool, lot of mucus flakes and severe pain in the stomach with nausea accompanied by vomiting.
There was dryness of mouth with extreme thirst accompanied by pain in the abdomen. The remedy which helped me was Achyranthes aspera.
Achyranthes aspera is a plant which is found all over India. It belongs to the family Amaranthaceae. It is one of the best remedies in homeopathy which was used by Dr Mahendra Lal Sarkar in cases of diarrhea and also in the cases of cholera epidemic.
I usually use this medicine in 3x potency. I prescribe 3 pills, six hourly in very acute conditions and in semi acute conditions, I prescribe three times a day.
Another case which I would like to describe is again of diarrhea, where the patient complaint of severe bloody stool. In such type of case, you get severe infl ammation of the colon along with the bloody stools. You also have complaint of summer diarrhea in such cases but here the stools were more bloody; the patient was extremely weak, tired and there was profuse salivation.
Well, I am talking about a very important Indian homeopathic drug –Cynodon dactylon.
Cynodon dactylon is made from grass which we commonly call in Indian language as Durba. Another very important symptom that I have observed in the cases of Cynodon dactylon, is that the patient feels extremely giddy and faint after losing lot of blood from the stools. Many patients also declare that they have a history of recurrent epistaxis.
Another rare remedy in homeopathy for diarrhea which I have used a lot in my practice is Atista indica. The patients present with severe heartburn, acidity and indigestion especially to the fatty food and they complain of severe rumbling and gurgling and cutting pain in and around the umbilicus that is usually worse after eating and better by passing flatus.
Achyranthes aspera

The stools are yellowish, watery, non-offensive, but the most important thing that I see in such patients is the huge amount of borborygmi and passage of large quantity of flatus.
Many times, the diarrhea is accompanied by fever and with the fever, the legs become extremely heavy and the mouth is usually dry with unquenchable thirst.
I again use this medicine in 2X potency,3 pills – 6 hourly in an acute condition and in semi-acute circumstances I use it 3 times a day.
Another rare and acute Indian homeopathic drug, which I use in my practice, is for the cases that usually have severe bleeding or hemorrhage from the rectum, with or without diarrhea or dysentery. Now here the hemorrhage color is usually dark red and clotted; the hemorrhage is usually a painless hemorrhage. The name of the remedy is Blumea odorate.
Blumea odorate belongs to the Compositeae family and in India, we call this herb as Kuksima.
Another remedy which I use in my practice from the Indian Homeopathic drugs is in the cases where the diarrhea is associated with acute nausea and the nausea is so prominent that the case may resemble as if we are treating a case of Ipecac. The diarrhea,of course, is deep yellow and frothy and there is excessive salivation along with the nausea. The salivation is so severe that it may also resemble Tabacum. Now in such cases usually when you examine the stool you may get worms or you may get Entamoeba histolytica, the drug that I am talking about is Clerodendron infortunatum.
This drug belongs to the Leguminaceae family. I use this remedy in 6X potency or 30C potency and if the case is acute, I use it every 6 hourly.
Well, these are some of the rare remedies especially from the Indian Homeopathic Drugs. They are extremely useful especially at times when there are many patients in OPD and not much time is there to take the detailed history for a constitutional remedy.
At such times, I make use of such rare Indian homeopathic remedies