nasal wart on face or inside nose symptoms, cause, picture and homeopathy treatment

A Case Report Of Big Nasal Wart And Multiple Small Warts On Face or Inside Nose In Male or Female

A case report of big nasal wart and multiple small warts on face.
Dr.Sonia Tuteja PhD(M.M),P.G Coordinator S.K.H.M.C,Jaipur

KeywordsNasal warts , causticum, homoeopathy

Abstract – A female of age 35 came with a large wart on nose along with multiple small warts on face and she was successfully treated with causticum prescribed on the basis of symptom similarity justifying the effectiveness of homoeopathy in case of warts.

Introduction – A wart is a small growth which can appear anywhere in body .It looks like a solid blister or small cauliflower .warts are caused by virus in human papilloma virus family . The appearance of warts depends upon its location and thickness of skin. Type of warts are common warts, mosaic warts, plantar warts, filiform warts, flatwarts.etc. most of warts disappear within 1 to 5 years.
Conventional treatment – wart paint , cryotherapy, electrocautery etc.but wart can reappear again if virus is present.

Case profile – A female of age 35 consulted for a a big wart hanging from ale of nose. And multiple small warts on face . She told that 2 years back there was one wart on chin and cryotherapy was done. But after one year multiple warts appeared on face.she also informed that she took Thuja 1m once a month for 4 to 5 months with no repose. During case taking she told that her husband died 4 years back and now she takes care of her two kids. if anyone misbehaves with her kids or if partiality is done for her ,she cannot bear that , she added injustice is unbearable for her and can take strong stand for injustice .

Analysis of case
Mentals Physical generals Particular
Protective for kids
Cannot bear injustice
Aversion to sweets Warts big, smooth , on face , on nose


Date Medicine prescribed Justification
23/02/2020 Causticum 1m stat placebofor 15 days Injustice cannot bear was very marked and confirmed by repertorization .
13/03/2020 Placebo for one month Dryness of warts was observed
15/04/2020 Causticum 1m stat
Placebo for one month No change

20/05/2020 Placebo for one month Small warts fallen off wart on nose was dry but still present
24/06/2020 Causticum 1m stat
Placebo for one month No change
23/07/2020 Causticum 10m stat placebo for one month No change
25/08/2020 Placebo for one month Wart on nose fallen

CONCLUSION – sometimes Nasal warts may take 5 to 6 months to fall and Thuja is not only the medicine for warts. Patience of patient as well as physician are equally important while handing such case and physician must not underestimate other medicines for warts.

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About the author

dr.sonia Tuteja