National Voluntary Blood Donation Day is getting celebrated in India at 1st of October every year to share the need and importance of the blood in the life of an individual. It was first started celebrating on 1st of October in the year 1975 through the Indian Society of Blood Transfusion and Immunohaematology.
Establishment – Indian Society of Blood Transfusion and Immunohaematology were first established at 22nd of October in the year 1971 under the leadership of Mrs. K. Swaroop Krishen and Dr. J.G. Jolly.
Why is the Day important to celebrate?
Blood is vital component of the human life as it provides the crucial nourishment to the body tissues and organs. National Voluntary Blood Donation Day is celebrated to bring the great changes in the society in order to follow the life-saving measures and prevent the serious illness caused by the violence and injury, child birth related complications, road traffic accidents and many more conditions.
Safe blood donation saves many lives of all ages and from all walks of life every year. The states like Tripura, Tamil Nadu, West Bengal and Maharashtra are considered as the national level voluntary blood donors. Tripura, a North Eastern State of the country, is considered as the highest level of voluntary blood donor (93%) in India whereas Manipur is considered as lowest in the country.
Objectives –
To make aware the people all over the country about the importance of the voluntary blood donation.
- To successfully achieve the target of Voluntary Blood Donation to fulfill the urgent need of the needy patients.
- To store the blood in stock in blood banks for any urgent and serious requirement.
- To promote and emphasize the self esteem of blood donors through a lot of thanks.
- To motivate and encourage people who are not interested in donating blood even being a healthy person.
- To stimulate people to donate blood voluntarily who are interested in donating blood only to their relatives or friends.
It is necessary to celebrate this day at a great level to remove the ignorance, fear and misconceptions of the general public towards the voluntary blood donation campaign. Voluntary organizations of the country are paying their valuable time and using their resources in order to encourage the students/youths, colleges, institutions, clubs/NGOs and etc.
Courtesy: asbtc.assam.gov.in