by Filip Degroote

This is the second totally revised edition in which Dr. Filip Degroote shows how he uses classical and bowel nosodes in the treatment of homeopathic cases and how he determines the right remedies by means of energy points and muscle tests.
ISBN: 9788131910702
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About Book
Dr Filip Degroote’s effort is again a step separated from the league, as he brings clinically applicable concepts of miasm, heredity and nosodes. In this book he has discussed about the presentation, common disease conditions and different stages of all the miasms. Cases have been presented which give a practical insight into the usage of anti-miasmatic remedies. In addition, Dr Filip Degroote has discussed in detail about the Bowel nosodes, importance of heredity and energy points.
This book is intended for practical use, including the working procedure, and has illustrated many clinical cases. While the use of nosodal remedies in homeopathic treatments is generally approved, there are no clear rules for their use till date. In this book, Filip Degroote acknowledges, based on his own experience, that “psoric” patients respond most easily to a fixed simillimum. But once a disease rests on a more complex miasm, it takes several remedies to cure it. The role and relationship between heredity and nosodes are studied.
In his review of the book Michel Van Wassenhoven, MD, said “Why does homeopathy fail for some patients? To solve this problem, the author is considering the energetic miasmatic point of view and a holistic approach. In this book you can find the description of the muscle tests needed for nososde selection. It is not a book for a pleasant reading on holiday but a book containing many pages with tables of relationships. This book is aimed to stay at hand on your desk to help you on difficult cases.”
About Author:
Filip Degroote received his degree in medicine in 1978. He has had a classic full-time homeopathic practice for 28 years.
Dr. Degroote’s early work was influenced by Doctor A. Pladys, under whose direction he developed the ground-breaking work on clinical and energetic research in homeopathy, published in 1992 as “Physical Research and Observations in Homeopathy”.
He is the founder of energetic research, an approach based on applied and clinical kinesiology and developed for homeopaths. He has a particular interest in the use of dreams and the prevention of degenerative diseases through the use of classical and bowel nosodes.
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