Samuel Hahnemann, Organon of Medicine, Dr Krutik Shah

Organon – Access To Success: 5 By Samuel Hahnemann Academy For Homeopathy – SHAH And Homeopathy 360 Starting From October 6

Samuel Hahnemann Academy for Homeopathy – *SHAH* &Homeopathy 360 Presents *ORGANON – ACCESS TO SUCCESS: 5* _Aphorism lectures from Dr. Hahnemann’s Organon of Medicine for 11 Days…. 

️ *DAYS:* Tuesday to Friday every week for 11 days.
? *DATES:* Oct. 6, 7, 8, 9, 13, 14, 15, 16, 20, 21, 22

 *TIME:*8.30 to 10 pm IST | 4 to 5.30 pm BST | 

 *Speaker:*Dr. KRUTIK SHAH; Proud Child of Dr. Samuel Hahnemann

 *For Course Details:*
 ♻️ *Fees:*  – Practitioners: 500 Rs | 20 USD – Students: 250 | 10 USD (ID must)
_Recordings of the Lectures will be available for four Days, if you have missed or for re-study._

 *Registration Link:*

️ *Live* on Zoom | Limited Seats
✅ *WhatsApp@:* +91 7567756443? Email @: [email protected]

Jay Hahnemann. Jay Homeopathy.

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