Pneumonia: Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, Treatment by homeopathy

Pneumonia Cured By Homoeopathy: A Mystery Killer

An unidentified form of killer pneumonia , originally suspected to be a variant of influenza , is reported from various parts of the world . The world health organization is gearing up to face the  challenge over the past decade , a number of viral disease , both vector –borne and zoonotic , have emerged in south east Asia and the western pacific region . while vector borne diseases primarily infect human beings although they are transmitted by other organizations zoonotic diseases occur primarily in the lower animals but some times infect human beings too . The locus of the current out break of killer pneumonia , an atypical or un usual form of the disease that progresses rapidly to cause severe respiratory distress and consequent death , also , seems to lie in this region .

The disease has spread across continents in a matter of days , and evidence seems to suggest that the infection was transmitted world wide chiefly from the Hong Kong , special administrative region of China . It reached there possibly from southern main land China and was transmitted to various parts of the world , through international  air trvel via Hong Kong , a major traffic hub . however , unlike the earlier epidemic out breaks in the region . this particular disease is virulent and the spread of infection is rapid . the aetiology or the cause has not been identified definitely yet a diagnostic test and determining a treatment regimen . preliminary investigations seem to indicate that the pathogen may be a new virus .

The first case of the disease , which has been called severe Acute respiratory syndrome (sars) by the world health organization (WHO) was reported in Hanoi , Vietnam on febraury and with in a month hundreds of people have been infected . As of march 386 , people across  13 countries were suspected to have been infected and 11 of them had died .

While the affected areas include the Canadian city of Toronto , China’s Guang dong province , the Hong Kong special administrative region , Taiwan , Singapore and Hanoi , Hong kong accounts for the largest number of cases (222) , cases have been reported in Ireland italy , slovenia, spain , switcherland , the united kingdom and the united states , but they have been reported in Australia – in Newsouth Wales and Western Australia – too but the who figures do not reflect these . this syndrome SARS said Gro Harlen brundt , Director – general of the WHOis now a world wide health threat . the rapidity with which infection is spreading 

The chief symptoms of SARS include the rapid onset of flu-like high fever above 38 degrees {100.4 degrees F} coupled with one or more symptoons of respiratory illness , including cough , shortnss of breath ,difficulty in breathing or hypoxia or chest x-ray

CXR is at present , the key tool to distinguish suspected and probable cases . the incubation period is short , estimated to range from two to seven days with a period of three to five days being more common . the person should have either had close contact with a person suspected of suffering from SARS or should have traveled to an area reporting cases of SARS with in 10 days of the onset of symptoms . some patients respond to treatment but other remain critically ill . broad-spectrum antibiotics have not proved to be effective in halting    the progression of the disease but the intravenous administration of antiviral drugs such as riberirian seem to have some effect

The first reported case was of a person who fell ill shortly after arriving in Hanoi from sanghai and Hong –Kong . After he was admitted , several members of the hospital staff developed similar symptoms . the person died on march 13 , after being transferred to Hong-Kong . almost all the cases reported to date in Vietnam have had to do with direct contact with the hospital where the first case

H. influenza is part of the normal orpharyngeal flora . pili facilitate adherence it the respiratory mucosal surface organisms pass between epithelial cells to cause disease

The capsular polysaccharide is an anciphagocytic barrier while endotoxin [lps] can damage mucosal cells and cause CNS inflammation and the sepsis syndrome .

HTHI strains cause disease by damaging the respitary epithelial cell surface .

Haemophilus influenzae causes community acquired pneumonia , especially in elderly causes community acquired pneumotic , especially in elderly adults with chronic lung disease or prolonged tobacco use and patients with HIV infection over 80% or isolates are non-typable.

H.Influenzae is a declining cause of meningitis in children and a rare cause in adults .

Obstetrical infections with NTHI are severe with maternal transmission of the organism . premature birth and high infant mortality . Epiglottis in adults may feature fever , sore throat , respiratory distress and hoarseness or drooling

DIAGNOSIS – It is isolated from 80-90% of culture of blood in pneumonia and epiglottis . Counter immuno celectrophoresis detects antigen in CHF blood and urine Treatment

Epidemiology – M.catarrhalis colonizes the upper airway of 50% of healthy school children and 7%of adults infections peak in late winter/early spring

SYMPTOMS/SIGNS – It causes otitis media , tracheobronchitis , pneumonia and rarely empyemia , bacteraemia , septic arthritis , meningitis and endocarditis , respiratory infection occur in patients over 50 years of age with chronic pulmonary disease .

DIAGNOSIS – Gram staining of sputum reveals , gram-negative , diplococci

TREATMENT – She was put on Senega 200 -3 times a day , cough better – expectorated lots mucopurulent , sputum , fever 99 degree Fahrenheit

Senega 200 tds for 7 days  , recovered completely

Choice of remedy – at the moment when this patient was seen there were symptoms of respiratory distress and a need of hospitalization

This was a clear clinical stage where a prompt relief was to be provided to check irreversible physiological changes . A patient of 80 years , age with few symptoms , clinical signs , the prescription was to be made only on them ( not on her constitutional or previous life information) to save her life

Senega ;- a medicine for catarrhal symptoms of respitary tract with rattling and soreness in chest , difficult raising of tough profuse mucus in the aged .

I have clinically verified this remedy many a times , a drug of chice for bronchitis

Pneumonia and ARDS

Winter comes – comes viral infections . children and old people are the most victims , rapid onset and weak immune system often leads to respiratory distress and necesssiating hospitalization . If recoocgnized and treated with indicated clinical remedies , often prevents hospitalization

Viral pneumonia

Homoeopathic medicines ;- aconite , ferom phos , lycopodium , brom, phos , sanguinaria , senega , vertt-v

Infants;- ant-ars , ipecac

Case -1 Baby J. 11 months presented with high fever , cough vomiting , wheezing , insuction of ribs , hurried respiration , alae –nasi , restreless , febrile , flushed , o/e chest – bilateral basal crepitus and mild rhonchi

Treatment ;- child was put on antim –ars3x -4 times a day from 3-4-2006 for 4 days on 7-4-2006 , no fever , cough better chest – few rhonchi – able to drink , passed stool

Treatment ;- ant-ars 3x q,I,d for another 3 days – child is normal now

Choice of remedy ;- A clinical remedy perfectly described to be used for catarrhal pneumonia associated with influenza

{ Boericke.M.M } excessive , cough and mucous secretion < eating and lying down and other remedy cuts short the total illness and relieve completely

About the author

Dr B.S Suvarna

Dr. (mrs) B.S.SUVARNA, B.A, D.I.HOM (LOND), M.I.H, Ph.D.(ITALY) (gold medalist)
HOMOEO PHYSICIAN. PGDPC (USA) psychotherapy&counselling
(Associate Editor-homoeopathic horizon, e-journal)
PHONE: +91-8262-221062 (CLINIC)
+91-8262-221316 (RESID )